DOW futures down 360

Just got a letter today from my financial advisor. He claims the midterms and their outcomes often reflect changes in the market and notes that the S&P 500 index has slipped into "correction territory" (defined as a 10% decline from a recent high) three separate occasions this year. Historically, midterm election years are the most volatile of the 4-year presidential cycle because investors are awaiting the outcome.
Sometimes, market participants conclude that the potential for "political gridlock" (a divided congress) is a favorable outcome as that suggests extreme political or economic measures are unlikely.
Either way, since 1950, the U.S. stock market has displayed a sort of "relief rally" after the midterms, so if history repeats itself, we may see a strong performance through the rest of 2018 and into the first half of 2019. He also notes that a infrastructure spending deal and progress on trade could provide further support for the markets, but warns of any debt ceiling debate or a roll back in the tax cuts could create renewed uncertainty, as can increased (if there can be any more) scrutiny of the current administration.

So, since my investments have done quite well over the last 2 years, I must stay aware of any stupid proposals/decisions the Dems make in the house and invest accordingly.
Bottom line is I haven't felt any "pain" in my investments since Obama left office despite the "correction territory" mentioned above.
Of course I could sell a few of my firearms too, since Dems have a history of increasing their value (as does time). All is good :smile:

Your financial adviser knows what you know, essentially nothing. It is guesswork that is covered up with fancy names and pretend expertise. I am sure we all have seen the Jan market picks between a dog picking stocks with their noses and a expert picker. Dogs often win. Advisers are very good for you in a boom market. When trump's crash comes, you will wonder how he became so stupid.
For when we bail out Wall Street and the arisotcracy with socialism again?

My effort was wasted on him but at least it shut him up for a while. He'll be back, frothing at the mouth more than ever.

Interesting comment from you though. Do you think that they could manufacture another crash in which Wall St. would need bailing out? I think they might be too cautious to let it happen because they wouldn't have the confidence in the people to allow another big bailout.

I'm thinking more of a 25-30% adjustment down, the little guys bail in the millions, and then a recovery in which the big money boys make billions. I think that because it's the entire meaning and purpose of the market now. The little guys like RB60 have their confidence built right up there again, as he's demonstrating.
that is what happens when the republicans have power and deregulate shit

You're so right, but unfortunately you're so wrong too because you still have confidence in the Dems. At least you could be recognising that most Americans are being screwed and have been getting screwed by both parties. Have the courage to do a quick study of the happiest countries in the world to see how they've jumped ahead so far from America now.

Oh, o.k., the Dems are going to fix it in 2020 for you! Right?
Your financial adviser knows what you know, essentially nothing. It is guesswork that is covered up with fancy names and pretend expertise. I am sure we all have seen the Jan market picks between a dog picking stocks with their noses and a expert picker. Dogs often win. Advisers are very good for you in a boom market. When trump's crash comes, you will wonder how he became so stupid.

So true, but is he smart enough to compose that letter or did it really come from a financial advisor?

If they weren't playing with loaded dice they would at least stand a 50/50 chance of coming out richer. Rather, they're playing with 60/40 against them, or worse. 9 out of 10 of the little guys will get whacked again.
You're so right, but unfortunately you're so wrong too because you still have confidence in the Dems. At least you could be recognising that most Americans are being screwed and have been getting screwed by both parties. Have the courage to do a quick study of the happiest countries in the world to see how they've jumped ahead so far from America now.

Oh, o.k., the Dems are going to fix it in 2020 for you! Right?

fix what ?


yes they are going to try

you hate the American people

I don't

I believe the people are being represented by the people who populate the Democratic party

who fixed the economy?

who passed extended healthcare fir the people recently?

who is fighting to make sure Americans get their vote?

you see every time the republicans REALLY SCREW THE POOCH

they try to get people to idiotically force the Democratic party to share the blame

we aint allowing you to do it this time

bite it

the republican party is the party of the wealthy

the democratic party is not

Your mushy play dough bullshit argument designed to make Americans give up aint flying this go round

We will repair the damage your shits have done yet again

but this time we will restore the vote
fix what ?


yes they are going to try

you hate the American people

I don't

I believe the people are being represented by the people who populate the Democratic party

who fixed the economy?

who passed extended healthcare fir the people recently?

who is fighting to make sure Americans get their vote?

you see every time the republicans REALLY SCREW THE POOCH

they try to get people to idiotically force the Democratic party to share the blame

we aint allowing you to do it this time

bite it

the republican party is the party of the wealthy

the democratic party is not

Your mushy play dough bullshit argument designed to make Americans give up aint flying this go round

We will repair the damage your shits have done yet again

but this time we will restore the vote

I'm surprised you still think I'm one of the righties!

the republican party is the party of the wealthy

Not true anymore. Both the Dems and the Repubs are the parties of the wealthy. Trump's Repub party is now the party of the duped 99%'ers. You are among the ones who weren't duped and who have confidence in the 'American way' to save your country again. Your Dems will win again but they won't make things any better than they ever have been in the years since America's decline.
I'm surprised you still think I'm one of the righties!

Not true anymore. Both the Dems and the Repubs are the parties of the wealthy. Trump's Repub party is now the party of the duped 99%'ers. You are among the ones who weren't duped and who have confidence in the 'American way' to save your country again. Your Dems will win again but they won't make things any better than they ever have been in the years since America's decline.

then stop doing their lying for them
A prediction: The Dow will hit 18,000 soon but I'm not sure the present fluctuations are the beginning of that crash. I think the fluctuations will continue until mid January and then a rapid decline to at least as low as 18,000, maybe even 17,000.

Who would like to make a prediction too?
then stop doing their lying for them

I like you. You love dogs and so you have to be a good person. I'm not lying for anybody and so what if I was? The Republican party is evil but the Dem party isn't the way out for the American people. That's really all I'm saying.

I'm actually saying that your country doesn't have a left anymore and the right substantiate that if you would listen to them. They tell you that the left is socialism and that's the same as communism. I'm a Canadian and I can explain to you why they don't understand. Actually, why Americans don't understand and the Dem party doesn't either.
why don't you go study the history of recession in the USA

go see how well "just let it happened" worked out in reality

If you did that you would know just how stupid and failed the Austrian school ( the short bus school) ideas are

Yada Yada Yada from the "We's didn't gets ours dis time. Resist!!!!!!" section of the choir.
Just maintain your confidence level and don't panic if the market dives again. Many millions of Americans were financially destroyed the last time. You're playing with crooked dice, as you likely know, and that means you always need to be cautious of not getting in over your head. Depend on another crash coming eventually. The big money boys depend on lots of little guys like you in order to build their wealth. They will decide when to pull the rug out and all you need to do is be able to foresee it before it happens.

I say that assuming that you're telling the truth that you're heavily into it and you were smart enough to not get badly burnt the last time. Even though it's more likely you're just making up a story to impress people.

Oh, and I'm not a Dem, I'm a Canadian, and a pretty wealthy one at that! As to US standars for the ordinary people that is, because I'm only half way through working on my second million in assets.

Your guns? I couldn't care less if you sell some of them. I'm much more interested in when you'll start to use them on the lefties, blacks, Hispanics, immigrants, or whatever minority?

Yes, I am one of the "little guys" and I'm not wealthy, just living comfortably. Make fun of me if you wish.
As for my guns, some are also investments, others are hunting and basically range/target guns.
I won't start using them on anyone unless I, my family or my way of life is threatened. What makes you think "minority" has anything to do with that?
[I won't start using them on anyone unless I, my family or my way of life is threatened./QUOTE]

Yeah, that's what I see happening and the reason why the guns are going to come out. I see one of you rightist racists shooting a black guy dead and that will start the real violence you've all been preparing for with your guns.
[I won't start using them on anyone unless I, my family or my way of life is threatened./QUOTE]

Yeah, that's what I see happening and the reason why the guns are going to come out. I see one of you rightist racists shooting a black guy dead and that will start the real violence you've all been preparing for with your guns.

So, now I'm a racist? Do you have proof of your accusations? Or is it just because I'm a responsible gun owner?
So, now I'm a racist? Do you have proof of your accusations? Or is it just because I'm a responsible gun owner?

You're a racist by association. Just being an American, you give me the odds of being right half the time. Being a Trump supporter gives me the odds of being at least right 9 out of 10 times. That leaves you with a small chance of not being racist to some degree.

Do you have a decent argument to say you're not a racist? Or does the question just enrage you more? I'll hear your argument with an open mind of course.

Or just write it off to experience and let the thread return to the topic.
You're a racist by association. Just being an American, you give me the odds of being right half the time. Being a Trump supporter gives me the odds of being at least right 9 out of 10 times. That leaves you with a small chance of not being racist to some degree.

Do you have a decent argument to say you're not a racist? Or does the question just enrage you more? I'll hear your argument with an open mind of course.

Or just write it off to experience and let the thread return to the topic.

You have no argument proving I'm a racist in any way. Our conversation is done. It was you who changed the topic. Fuck off.
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