Drudge has the hots for Brittany

You know, she doesn't look like she's starving Ornot. She might have had a meal this past week. So that makes her "fat".

Do you know that on Olbermann last night, he had some guy on, some hollywood gossip guy, and they spent time making fun of Spears? Laughing at her, the other guy called her fat and Keith laughed and said "I'm glad you said it", and then they said much worse stuff too. I will say I think the girl is stupid, but she also obviously has some problems, possibly bipolar. But the point is, why is a alleged liberal talk show host, inviting guests on so he and a male friend can publically humiliate and beat the crap out of and degrade a girl less than half their age? I was extremely turned off. I will write an email about this to Countdown later this morning.

Contrary to what Cypress would have you believe liberals are men to and most men behave the same. Now that doesn't mean what Olberman did was ok but men are men regardless of political beliefs.
Contrary to what Cypress would have you believe liberals are men to and most men behave the same. Now that doesn't mean what Olberman did was ok but men are men regardless of political beliefs.

I don't think I need Cypress to teach me about men Cawacko!

I guess I must have known some really good ones then.
Contrary to what Cypress would have you believe liberals are men to and most men behave the same. Now that doesn't mean what Olberman did was ok but men are men regardless of political beliefs.

cawacko, I don't believe I've ever said I speak for all liberal men.

And, I've never found Britany to be sexy. First, she's way to young for me. It would be wierd. Second, she's seems pretty stupid. The minute she opens her mouth, I immediately go into a coma. Third, she may have a nice body, and that's great. But, a woman's body - in and of itself - does not make my "little head" (if you know what I mean), take over control of my big head (my mind)....a great mind, and great chemistry are the most important elements of attraction.
cawacko, I don't believe I've ever said I speak for all liberal men.

And, I've never found Britany to be sexy. First, she's way to young for me. It would be wierd. Second, she's seems pretty stupid. The minute she opens her mouth, I immediately go into a coma. Third, she may have a nice body, and that's great. But, a woman's body - in and of itself - does not make my "little head" (if you know what I mean), take over control of my big head (my mind)

Conservative men, men like Cawacko, don't think there is any such thing as "too young for me"...your better conservative men will stop and ask "is she legal?" and the one who does that is the one conservative women refer to as "a keeper".
Conservative men, men like Cawacko, don't think there is any such thing as "too young for me"...your better conservative men will stop and ask "is she legal?" and the one who does that is the one conservative women refer to as "a keeper".


Depends on the definition of legal. Isn't 16 years old legal in Tennessee? And, it wouldn't suprise me if Fred Thompson dumped his trophy wife in a few years to marry a 16 year old.

Conservative men, men like Cawacko, don't think there is any such thing as "too young for me"...your better conservative men will stop and ask "is she legal?" and the one who does that is the one conservative women refer to as "a keeper".

Yeah, don't try to categorize a group of people based on my behavior. :)
cawacko, I don't believe I've ever said I speak for all liberal men.

And, I've never found Britany to be sexy. First, she's way to young for me. It would be wierd. Second, she's seems pretty stupid. The minute she opens her mouth, I immediately go into a coma. Third, she may have a nice body, and that's great. But, a woman's body - in and of itself - does not make my "little head" (if you know what I mean), take over control of my big head (my mind)....a great mind, and great chemistry are the most important elements of attraction.

I'm sure some of your comments were in jest but on several occassions you have made comments attempting to differentiate liberal and conservative men's behavior.

My point, men are men - political affiliations be damned.

As far as Brittney is anyone surprised that she has two kids and is unmarried at age 25? Probably not.
I'm sure some of your comments were in jest but on several occassions you have made comments attempting to differentiate liberal and conservative men's behavior.

My point, men are men - political affiliations be damned.

As far as Brittney is anyone surprised that she has two kids and is unmarried at age 25? Probably not.

I think - in general - liberal men are more accepting of a female parnter as a total equal, and are not intimidated by strong women. I've gotta be honest: most conservative women I've ran across on message boards generally seem demure and submissive to their conservative male counterparts. And Con males (some of them) seem to attack strong liberal women posters with a vengence, that seems to rise slighltly above normal.

So, yes: generall Liberal men are better in terms of gender equality and true respect for women. Although, there are assholes within all genders and philosphies.

You know i'm right ;)
I think - in general - liberal men are more accepting of a female parnter as a total equal, and are not intimidated by strong women. I've gotta be honest: most conservative women I've ran across on message boards generally seem demure and submissive to their conservative male counterparts. And Con males (some of them) seem to attack strong liberal women posters with a vengence, that seems to rise slighltly above normal.

So, yes: generall Liberal men are better in terms of gender equality and true respect for women. Although, there are assholes within all genders and philosphies.

You know i'm right ;)
I'll be honest, I have never met a submissive conservative woman as you have described here.
I'll be honest, I have never met a submissive conservative woman as you have described here.

Well, some of them are real animals, true enough. But they are those double authoritarians, meanign that at the same time they are giving orders and shredding anyone who doesn't follow them, they are also taking orders from someone...nearly always a male authority figure.
I think - in general - liberal men are more accepting of a female parnter as a total equal, and are not intimidated by strong women. I've gotta be honest: most conservative women I've ran across on message boards generally seem demure and submissive to their conservative male counterparts. And Con males (some of them) seem to attack strong liberal women posters with a vengence, that seems to rise slighltly above normal.

So, yes: generall Liberal men are better in terms of gender equality and true respect for women. Although, there are assholes within all genders and philosphies.

You know i'm right ;)

My observation based on a lot of time on both political and sports message boards is people will act very differently when they are anonymous behind a keyboard than in real life so I'm not making any judgements off a chat board.
My observation based on a lot of time on both political and sports message boards is people will act very differently when they are anonymous behind a keyboard than in real life so I'm not making any judgements off a chat board.

Will they?

I wonder.
My observation based on a lot of time on both political and sports message boards is people will act very differently when they are anonymous behind a keyboard than in real life so I'm not making any judgements off a chat board.


Stepford wives Laura Bush and Barbara Bush, Patricia Nixon.


Michele Obama, Theresa Kerry, Hillary Clintion, Maria Shriver-Kennedy