Drudge has the hots for Brittany

I actually feel sorry for the girl...

'Meeska Mouskeeteer'...she grew up in a world of fantasy and is having a hard time adjusting...leave the poor kid alone already...we all screwed up while growing up...me included!:eek:

Stepford wives Laura Bush and Barbara Bush, Patricia Nixon.


Michele Obama, Theresa Kerry, Hillary Clintion, Maria Shriver-Kennedy

You are judging 'conservative' women and 'liberal' women based on political wives? What is the difference (besides skin color) between Laura Bush and Michelle Obama?

Yeah, Hillary's a great example. I'm going to ride my man to get me to the top. When he cheats on me I'll play it up to look like a victim to get sympathy but I'm really really strong.
You are judging 'conservative' women and 'liberal' women based on political wives? What is the difference (besides skin color) between Laura Bush and Michelle Obama?

Yeah, Hillary's a great example. I'm going to ride my man to get me to the top. When he cheats on me I'll play it up to look like a victim to get sympathy but I'm really really strong.

What is the difference (besides skin color) between Laura Bush and Michelle Obama?

Uhh, Michele Obama is a highly accomplished lawyer. Who, in some ways that I've seen, is a better public speaker and every bit as accomplished as Barack.

Laura is a retired, part time librarian, who gave up her career, and ran over her boyfriend with her car.

Gee, these smiley things don't seem to work, to imply tongue in cheek humour!

I still like liberal women better ;)
I just like intelligent and successful women, honestly their political ideology isn't really a factor in that for me. Unless it is of an polugly (politically ugly: my own word: definition - at the mere mention of somebody of an opposing ideology they immediately revert to mud fence ugly "angry" face and start saying the most nasty abusive things you could imagine, works with both men and women... see also Bush Derangement Syndrome and/or Ann Coulter) type.
You are judging 'conservative' women and 'liberal' women based on political wives? What is the difference (besides skin color) between Laura Bush and Michelle Obama?

Yeah, Hillary's a great example. I'm going to ride my man to get me to the top. When he cheats on me I'll play it up to look like a victim to get sympathy but I'm really really strong.

Oh man. You know, that is something I was just talking to my friend Sue about, the Hillary marriage. I don't know, I just don't see anyone as knowing what goes on inside any relationship. You know, yeah, he couldn't keep his zipper up, big deal? I really have to wonder, if you are together for 25 years or more, does that mean you don't love the other person or the entire relationship was a lie because you wanted to touch someone else? That's harsh. I don't believe it.

I also figure she knows how he feels about her. She is a brilliant, and as we have seen recently, charming woman with a very infectious laugh. she might very well be his best friend and he hers. He may very well hold her in higher esteem than anyone in the world, and she might very well know it. And so he wanted to touch someone else. Wow. Big deal.

If it were me, I'd be pissed that he publically humiliated me and I would probably throw something at his head in the heat of it. But...if i knew he loved me, if I knew I was his best friend and his true mate, I would not end the marriage and I would tell anyone who dared to inform me why I didn't end the marriage, to go screw themselves. Seriously.
I just like intelligent and successful women, honestly their political ideology isn't really a factor in that for me. Unless it is of an polugly (politically ugly: my own word: definition - at the mere mention of somebody of an opposing ideology they immediately revert to mud fence ugly "angry" face and start saying the most nasty abusive things you could imagine, works with both men and women... se also Bush Derangement Syndrome and/or Ann Coulter) type.

Do you think that I fall into that category?
I just like intelligent and successful women, honestly their political ideology isn't really a factor in that for me. Unless it is of an polugly (politically ugly: my own word: definition - at the mere mention of somebody of an opposing ideology they immediately revert to mud fence ugly "angry" face and start saying the most nasty abusive things you could imagine, works with both men and women... se also Bush Derangement Syndrome and/or Ann Coulter) type.

I just like intelligent and successful women, honestly their political ideology isn't really a factor in that for me.

No way could I marry a conservative woman. It goes beyond mere partisan politics. Its about fundamental values. I couldn't tolerate being with someone who thinks women should be forced to give birth to fetuses , that poor people should pull themselves up by their bootstraps, and that war and a massive military industrial complex is a good way to solve the world's problems.
I just like intelligent and successful women, honestly their political ideology isn't really a factor in that for me.

No way could I marry a conservative woman. It goes beyond mere partisan politics. Its about fundamental values. I couldn't tolerate being with someone who thinks women should be forced to give birth to fetuses , that poor people should pull themselves up by their bootstraps, and that war and a massive military industrial complex is a good way to solve the world's problems.
And here is your problem. Not every Conservative thinks those things.

You have created a charicature stereotype and fleshed it out so much as "the enemy" that actually hearing what people say seems to become impossible.
And here is your problem. Not every Conservative thinks those things.

You have created a charicature stereotype and fleshed it out so much as "the enemy" that actually hearing what people say seems to become impossible.

90%, at least, of republicans and conservative voted for bush, and those values.
Noone said you have too!

I just like intelligent and successful women, honestly their political ideology isn't really a factor in that for me.

No way could I marry a conservative woman. It goes beyond mere partisan politics. Its about fundamental values. I couldn't tolerate being with someone who thinks women should be forced to give birth to fetuses , that poor people should pull themselves up by their bootstraps, and that war and a massive military industrial complex is a good way to solve the world's problems.

For every equal there is a equal...opposites attract equals should marry...whats the problemo...maybe Conservative gals are just hotter!:shock:
Damo, I've been on message boards for years.

And I've never met a Con woman that holds fundamental progressive values, with the least bit of esteem. Sure, there may be some "pro-choice" republican women. But, they are still fundamentally hostile to progressive values at large. And I can tell you, that a lot of them are xenophobes. I had to break it off with con women I tried dating, when the discussion turned to those damned mexicans sneaking across the border.
Damo, I've been on message boards for years.

And I've never met a Con woman that holds fundamental progressive values, with the least bit of esteem. Sure, there may be some "pro-choice" republican women. But, they are still fundamentally hostile to progressive values at large. And I can tell you, that a lot of them are xenophobes. I had to break it off with con women I tried dating, when the discussion turned to those damned mexicans sneaking across the border.

Yeah, I don't know. You know our old board, coming from that, you are really scarred. When I first went to FP I would as soon as spit on a conservative as talk to them. I would have never believed I would ever trust another one of them with any kind of personal information, for one thing.

But...as time has passed, I can more clearly see that those people, and it was really just a very small group of them, who found each other in cyberspace, were like something out of Lord of the flies. And still are in fact. And they are truly very disturbed people. I'm no longer convinced it has anything to do with their political affiliation. But, I'm not convinced it doesn't either. I'm just unsure.
90%, at least, of republicans and conservative voted for bush, and those values.
You think that all of them voted for Bush because of those issues? Or maybe do you think that they thought he would continue to work toward the direction that the Contract began?

I think those issues are created to bring out very few of the party, those you call the "religious right".

It is always easy to stereotype and pretend that the "enemy" you painted exists. But these people exist as rarely as a true "communist" in the other party. Whatever stereotypes we place on people to dehumanize them exist only to make us feel better about whatever nasty thoughts we otherwise have against them that we may have otherwise felt guilty over.
90%, at least, of republicans and conservative voted for bush, and those values.

Your assuming everyone who votes for a person shares all that candidate's beliefs.

It's a free country and you can choose to like or date whoever you want. If politics are a deal breaker for you then that's your perogative, nothing wrong with that. But I do agree with Damo in that it seems you try to draw this one line down the middle and your either on the right side or the wrong side (kind of like Bush does).
You think that all of them voted for Bush because of those issues? Or maybe do you think that they thought he would continue to work toward the direction that the Contract began?

I think those issues are created to bring out very few of the party, those you call the "religious right".

It is always easy to stereotype and pretend that the "enemy" you painted exists. But these people exist as rarely as a true "communist" in the other party. Whatever stereotypes we place on people to dehumanize them exist only to make us feel better about whatever nasty thoughts we otherwise have against them that we may have otherwise felt guilty over.

It has nothing to do with them being the enemy.

Its a personal preference thing. Entering into a relationship with a partner is a big committment. Some women only like tall men. Some women only like men who are good with children, and want children. I want a woman who is smart, compatible, and shares my progressive values: which go beyond mere partisan political questions. Its a personal thing.