Drudge has the hots for Brittany

Well, I ask right up front. You're not a Republican are you? That is what I ask, and in a tone that I might be suspecting that they are one, just so they don't try and trick me. Not that any of their stupid tricks would last long on me. Men have bags of them you know.

Well, I ask right up front. You're not a Republican are you? That is what I ask



Let me let you in on a secret: The type of haircut, their clothes are usually a give away. And certain, subtle physical features. We talked about that before. lol

As for women: helmet hair, or "big" hair are a dead giveaway for me: Con lady, or Church lady. ;)


That's not the way it works. First, I never just asked random women on a date, without knowing them first. Blind dates are not my gig, man. I used to get to know a woman a little bit, before I go on any formal dates.

I think you have to get to know a person, perhaps even have some sort of friendship, before you go on dates with them. I don't do the blind date thing. So, I kind of know who the women are that I'm going out with, before I even date them.

Don't date much eh'..cippie...maybe you and darla are a match made in Liberal heaven!
Well, I ask right up front. You're not a Republican are you? That is what I ask



Let me let you in on a secret: The type of haircut, their clothes are usually a give away. And certain, subtle physical features. We talked about that before. lol

As for women: helmet hair, or "big" hair are a dead giveaway for me: Con lady, or Church lady. ;)

Now I am really interested in the type of haircut and clothes that supposedly differentiate conservatives and liberals. I want to know based on my friends and people I know and their political affiliations. I make judgements of my own so I wonder if ours are similar?
Cawacko, if I could stick it anywhere and call it a good time, I wouldn't ask either! I think we are in two different situations though. lol

No, I'm looking to meet someone (for real). If I found a woman I really like I wouldn't ask her political questions.
Now I am really interested in the type of haircut and clothes that supposedly differentiate conservatives and liberals. I want to know based on my friends and people I know and their political affiliations. I make judgements of my own so I wonder if ours are similar?

I'm just teasing. There would be my generalizations:

GOP men: conservative business hair cuts, crew cuts.

Dem men: medium hair (mines' below the collar, I hate those bussiness man haircuts), long hair, pony tails, or Michael Jordan-type bald. ;)
No, I'm looking to meet someone (for real). If I found a woman I really like I wouldn't ask her political questions.

And if she spent her weekends at anti-war rallies, which you are going to find out about whether you ask or not at some point, it wouldn't give you pause?
No, I'm looking to meet someone (for real). If I found a woman I really like I wouldn't ask her political questions.

A marriage, or an LTR, is a partnership Cawacko. If you're wife/partner worked on anti-war anti-bush stuff, worked activelly and forcefully on promoting single payer universal healthcare, or universal publically funded day care for kids, worked in affirmative action programs, you wouldn't support her, or praise her. You would argue with her.

Any partner I have, is going to have my full support, praise, and admiration for whatever she does to make the world a better place. I'll be behind her 100%
And if she spent her weekends at anti-war rallies, which you are going to find out about whether you ask or not at some point, it wouldn't give you pause?

Yeah, I wouldn't put that high up on my wish list. I wouldn't mind if a woman was liberal but if she was a politically active one I probably wouldn't view that as a high positive.
Yeah, I wouldn't put that high up on my wish list. I wouldn't mind if a woman was liberal but if she was a politically active one I probably wouldn't view that as a high positive.

So if you scratch deep enough, you're not that different than I am on this issue, I have just come to terms with it. for the very reason that I don't want feelings to have developed before I realize that it's unworkable.
I'm just teasing. There would be my generalizations:

GOP men: conservative business hair cuts, crew cuts.

Dem men: medium hair (mines' below the collar, I hate those bussiness man haircuts), long hair, pony tails, or Michael Jordan-type bald. ;)

Actually, I kind of agree with you. The big exception is there are a lot of suit wearing short haired liberal business men.
You know, she doesn't look like she's starving Ornot. She might have had a meal this past week. So that makes her "fat".

Do you know that on Olbermann last night, he had some guy on, some hollywood gossip guy, and they spent time making fun of Spears? Laughing at her, the other guy called her fat and Keith laughed and said "I'm glad you said it", and then they said much worse stuff too. I will say I think the girl is stupid, but she also obviously has some problems, possibly bipolar. But the point is, why is a alleged liberal talk show host, inviting guests on so he and a male friend can publically humiliate and beat the crap out of and degrade a girl less than half their age? I was extremely turned off. I will write an email about this to Countdown later this morning.

Because Olbermann is a complete hack. He will do whatever he feels is necessary to keep the support of the hollywood leftist elites.
Kinda hard finding many conservative women on the web anyway. What with being busy having kids and staying home to raise them, church, etc....
I'm just teasing. There would be my generalizations:

GOP men: conservative business hair cuts, crew cuts.

Dem men: medium hair (mines' below the collar, I hate those bussiness man haircuts), long hair, pony tails, or Michael Jordan-type bald. ;)
Wow, you'd be far off with me. I spent more than half my life as a long-haired republican.