Drudge has the hots for Brittany

Cypress Castro is so liberal or leftard he thinks a haircut makes somebody a con.
You have my sympathies on the separation and your mother though Cypress.

I got divorced at 40 and thought I was too old.
I yr with a tennis hottie and 4 after the heartbreaker proved me wrong.

Cypress Castro is so liberal or leftard he thinks a haircut makes somebody a con.
You have my sympathies on the separation and your mother though Cypress.

I got divorced at 40 and thought I was too old.
I yr with a tennis hottie and 4 after the heartbreaker proved me wrong.


Ok Top, please, once and for all...what does LOFL mean?

Laughing on the floor laughing? Lolling on the floor laughing? Laughing on the f'ing...I'm stuck. What?
Ugh. I couldn't be in a relationship with a Bush voter. You have to respect your partner & I have little to no respect for Bush supporters.
Well, I guess I might have to weigh the negatives against the positives but I think overall, I'd think he was stupid for voting for Bush.

No offense SF.

To me it's not even that, it's what I laid out about the war. And look, you even see Cawacko saying, even though he has always claimed that he doesn't care about politics when it comes to women, that he wouldn't be happy with a "politically active" liberal. So it would be ok if you had thoughts, but if you acted on them, then that's a problem. So I find that interesting, but not at all surprising.

I just doubt it's workable. And why go looking for pain and problems when they so often will find you anyway?
Well, I guess I might have to weigh the negatives against the positives but I think overall, I'd think he was stupid for voting for Bush.

No offense SF.

No offense taken. I think a person would be a tool to vote for the likes of Boar or Munster... apparently there are a lot of tools out there. Although being a guy it would not be a litmus test I would use against women. I have far more superficial and shallow means of eliminating candidates for dating.
Funny all the single people have bou cou litmus tests.
Maybe I'm am lucky I was over 40
My only litmus test was extremely hot, nice, and smart.
Bottom Line...........

applies to most if not all in here...Would I bed a liberal if she were hot...probably...would I marry her...Nope!...This applies on both sides of the fence...if one would be honest!
you might be right, most of ya'll are hard core right or left.
I'd have switch parties left or right in a nano second for the last two woman I've been with.