Drudge has the hots for Brittany

To me it's not even that, it's what I laid out about the war. And look, you even see Cawacko saying, even though he has always claimed that he doesn't care about politics when it comes to women, that he wouldn't be happy with a "politically active" liberal. So it would be ok if you had thoughts, but if you acted on them, then that's a problem. So I find that interesting, but not at all surprising.

I just doubt it's workable. And why go looking for pain and problems when they so often will find you anyway?

I dated a girl for three years who had liberal leaning political beliefs. We eventually broke up but politics had nothing to do with it.
Cypress Castro is so liberal or leftard he thinks a haircut makes somebody a con.
You have my sympathies on the separation and your mother though Cypress.

I got divorced at 40 and thought I was too old.
I yr with a tennis hottie and 4 after the heartbreaker proved me wrong.


Well, thanks. After I take care of my family responsibilities, I'll probably get a harem.

j/k: I could live a nice comfortable life, by the ocean with a smart, kind-hearted, liberal gal, and be happy ever after. ;)
Ugh. I couldn't be in a relationship with a Bush voter. You have to respect your partner & I have little to no respect for Bush supporters.
Heck I can't even count them as close friends, let alone a life partner.

How could you love someone you have little respect for.
And it is not the fact that they voted for bush but the elements that caused them to vote for bush.
LOL. At least that the line he fed me :):p

Aww, you know what, even if it's not true, it's nice of him to say it, because what are the chances you are going to weigh 500 pounds? (which might be a problem for a lot of us, even me, and looks not first on my list) At least you know that if you put on a little weight, like after you have children, or just from getting older, that he will still think you are beautiful. That's important.
To me it's not even that, it's what I laid out about the war. And look, you even see Cawacko saying, even though he has always claimed that he doesn't care about politics when it comes to women, that he wouldn't be happy with a "politically active" liberal. So it would be ok if you had thoughts, but if you acted on them, then that's a problem. So I find that interesting, but not at all surprising.

I just doubt it's workable. And why go looking for pain and problems when they so often will find you anyway?

And look, you even see Cawacko saying, even though he has always claimed that he doesn't care about politics when it comes to women, that he wouldn't be happy with a "politically active" liberal

That's because Con men don't expect women to have independent lives, with meaningful consequences outside their "duties" to the marriage. ;)
I am hard core for Hillary. I'll be hard core Obama/ Edwards if one of them beats her out.
I was con mainly on a tax issues and pro investor etc. I wasn't very political.
Learning about how the racist pot laws started, dumbass Nancy's just so no, and the cons conning people with this false morality.
I might just become hard core left permanently.
Doesn't hurt that the market does better under dems either
Listen, SF head just exploded

You're treading dangerous waters here. Take my word.
I dated a girl for three years who had liberal leaning political beliefs. We eventually broke up but politics had nothing to do with it.

Cawacko, you are not getting what I'm saying. I am not pointing my finger at you, I was asking you a question, and you see how you answered. I am not just a liberal girl. I am a liberal political activist. that is who I am. I'm not going to change that. And I have wondered about this, and given it thought. And I think that it couldn't work, because a conservative man couldn't be supportive of me, and because I wouldn't be able to reconcile his beliefs on the war with mine, and also because frankly, it comes as no surprise to me that you feel that it would be ok if a woman is liberal, but she should not act on her beliefs, because then it becomes a problem for you.

That's a conservative viewpoint, isn't it?
Heck I can't even count them as close friends, let alone a life partner.

How could you love someone you have little respect for.
And it is not the fact that they voted for bush but the elements that caused them to vote for bush.

Wow, saying you can't be friends with someone because of how they voted must be the definition of hard core partisanship. That just blows my mind.
And look, you even see Cawacko saying, even though he has always claimed that he doesn't care about politics when it comes to women, that he wouldn't be happy with a "politically active" liberal

That's because Con men don't expect women to have independent lives, with meaningful consequences outside their "duties" to the marriage. ;)

That, my friend, is called speaking out of your ass.
That, my friend, is called speaking out of your ass.

If I'm not mistaken, you said you could have a relationship with a woman that had liberal views, but that it would be problematic if she was a liberal political activisit, and used her time to promote causes you violently disagree with, no? ;)
Why did you guys break up?

she was a little crazy?

basically she wanted to get married and I didn't feel she was the one. I really cared for her but ultimately realized it wasn't right. In retrospect I did the right thing.
If I'm not mistaken, you said you could have a relationship with a woman that had liberal views, but that it would be problematic if she was a liberal political activisit, and used her time to promote causes you violently disagree with, no? ;)

Yeah, but I have no problem with a strong smart woman. My preference is for a woman whose passion is in the business world, not being a political activist.
Wow, saying you can't be friends with someone because of how they voted must be the definition of hard core partisanship. That just blows my mind.

You just did not understand . Read it again in a mirror while standing on your head for 2 hours.

LadyT underlinded the real important part.
Yeah, but I have no problem with a strong smart woman. My preference is for a woman whose passion is in the business world, not being a political activist.

Would you mind describing why? Is it because you would prefer a high-earner? Which is fine, I certainly know that many women score that high on their own list, I'm just wondering.
Cawacko, you are not getting what I'm saying. I am not pointing my finger at you, I was asking you a question, and you see how you answered. I am not just a liberal girl. I am a liberal political activist. that is who I am. I'm not going to change that. And I have wondered about this, and given it thought. And I think that it couldn't work, because a conservative man couldn't be supportive of me, and because I wouldn't be able to reconcile his beliefs on the war with mine, and also because frankly, it comes as no surprise to me that you feel that it would be ok if a woman is liberal, but she should not act on her beliefs, because then it becomes a problem for you.

That's a conservative viewpoint, isn't it?

I don't know if its a conservative viewpoint as much as it is my preference. I'm turned on by smart woman in the business world (trying to generalize). Being with someone who is a political activist isn't really what I'm looking for, even a conservative one.
Yeah, but I have no problem with a strong smart woman. My preference is for a woman whose passion is in the business world, not being a political activist.

Okay, cool. I can't imagine anything more boring than talking much to your partner about stocks, the market, and dividends.

Its more interesting to me to talk about humanity, its problems, its triumphs, and philosophical and policy ways to deal with the human condition. As well has a good dose of liberal books, foreign films, and art galleries. ;)