Drudge has the hots for Brittany

Your assuming everyone who votes for a person shares all that candidate's beliefs.

It's a free country and you can choose to like or date whoever you want. If politics are a deal breaker for you then that's your perogative, nothing wrong with that. But I do agree with Damo in that it seems you try to draw this one line down the middle and your either on the right side or the wrong side (kind of like Bush does).

But if you believe with all of your heart that policy effects people, and being on the "wrong side" means the deaths of thousands, and in war time, hundreds of thousands?

Then it becomes a little tougher doesn't it.
It has nothing to do with them being the enemy.

Its a personal preference thing. Entering into a relationship with a partner is a big committment. Some women only like tall men. Some women only like men who are good with children, and want children. I want a woman who is smart, compatible, and shares my progressive values: which go beyond mere partisan political questions. Its a personal thing.
That wasn't what you described. You described a stereotype that you had built up. "I won't date conservative women because they think THIS way."

That is a false wall built on stereotype and enhanced by pointing out certain people you believe reinforce that stereotype.
But if you believe with all of your heart that policy effects people, and being on the "wrong side" means the deaths of thousands, and in war time, hundreds of thousands?

Then it becomes a little tougher doesn't it.
Does every conservative support the war?

While most do, it is for far different reasons than what we assign. What the simple poll questions ask.
That wasn't what you described. You described a stereotype that you had built up. "I won't date conservative women because they think THIS way."

That is a false wall built on stereotype and enhanced by pointing out certain people you believe reinforce that stereotype.

Damo, if they are pro -choice, pro-economic fairness, pro-social justice, pr0-environmnet, and pro-tolerance towards ALL of fellow humanity, the odds are 99% they aren't republicans.

I can't be with someone who doesn't share my values. It would start too many arguments. Life is to be enjoyed. Enjoyed with a compatible parnter. Not one that you'll be arguing with all the time. Thats my two cents, anyway
Damo, if they are pro -choice, pro-economic fairness, pro-social justice, pr0-environmnet, and pro-tolerance towards ALL of fellow humanity, the odds are 99% they aren't republicans.

I can't be with someone who doesn't share my values. It would start too many arguments. Life is to be enjoyed. Enjoyed with a compatible parnter. Not one that you'll be arguing with all the time. Thats my two cents, anyway
Life's too short to end ugly stereotypes.

Does every liberal woman agree with you on every one of those issues? And if they didn't would you go ahead and date them anyway?

Contrary to popular belief Republicans do not want to drink dirty water or live in a polluted world. Most are not of the religious right, and most would simply offer different solutions to the same problems. The idea that their solutions may come from a different source, may have a different idea, and they believe are based more in actual humanity and its reactions shouldn't make you disagree too much. Difference is the spice of life.
Does every conservative support the war?

While most do, it is for far different reasons than what we assign. What the simple poll questions ask.

No, but even today if you look at Republican polls, the vast majority of R's did support it, in fact, nearly all R's supported it, and the vast majority still do support it. So I understand this is a tough issue, and it's one I struggle with myself, but, someone like me Damo, is going to become involved with someone liek that? To what end? How could they ever support my work? Appreciate my writing? Even understand me at all? And how could I come home, after working with victims at times, and do what? Make love with someone who supports what my heart is breaking over?

These are not shallow questions.
Life's too short to end ugly stereotypes.

Can you please point me to a conservative lady on this board, or any other board, that supports the fundamental progressive reforms of the New Deal, of the Great Society, who actively participates in trying to stop this evil Bush war (doesn't just pay lip service to it), belives in a publically funded social safety net and education, believe in tolerance and equality under the law for gays, minorities, people of color; makes tolerance for all humans a daily part of their life, and actively supports progressive causes from global warming to stem cell research.

Don't even bother trying. You won't find one for me. ;) Because those people are all called democrats, greens, liberals, and progresives.
No, but even today if you look at Republican polls, the vast majority of R's did support it, in fact, nearly all R's supported it, and the vast majority still do support it. So I understand this is a tough issue, and it's one I struggle with myself, but, someone like me Damo, is going to become involved with someone liek that? To what end? How could they ever support my work? Appreciate my writing? Even understand me at all? And how could I come home, after working with victims at times, and do what? Make love with someone who supports what my heart is breaking over?

These are not shallow questions.
However, your description includes people that may believe differently. "Most" is not all as in the stereotype presented by Cypress. There was no room for any idea that there might be differences in beliefs of conservatives at all.

If they were a conservative woman they believed THIS way and therefore he couldn't even tolerate them....
No, but even today if you look at Republican polls, the vast majority of R's did support it, in fact, nearly all R's supported it, and the vast majority still do support it. So I understand this is a tough issue, and it's one I struggle with myself, but, someone like me Damo, is going to become involved with someone liek that? To what end? How could they ever support my work? Appreciate my writing? Even understand me at all? And how could I come home, after working with victims at times, and do what? Make love with someone who supports what my heart is breaking over?

These are not shallow questions.

And none of these alleged anti-war repubicans do more than pay lip service to ending the war. They haven't lifted a finger to stop it. I could do more myself, but I haven't seen republicans protesting in the streets, holding vigils, or getting publically active to stop a war they started.
Life's too short to end ugly stereotypes.

Does every liberal woman agree with you on every one of those issues? And if they didn't would you go ahead and date them anyway?

Contrary to popular belief Republicans do not want to drink dirty water or live in a polluted world. Most are not of the religious right, and most would simply offer different solutions to the same problems. The idea that their solutions may come from a different source, may have a different idea, and they believe are based more in actual humanity and its reactions shouldn't make you disagree too much. Difference is the spice of life.

Damo, I agree with Cypress in that sense that everyone has different tastes in women or what they want in a relationship and if in his case its someone he see's eye to eye with politically that's fine.

I agree with you though in his attempt to sell his belief he does stereotype and try to categorize women to justify why he likes a certain kind.
Maybe it comes from watching my mother's second marriage. She married a Democrat, she is Conservative. I watched them interact and largely found that while he has offered different solutions to the problems that I care about on a whole he actually seeks the same outcomes.

We often had lively conversations, but never a "fight", I learned to disagree without disrespect of a person.
I'm not just engaging in conjecture damo.

I've dated tons of women. I even tried dating Con women. It would always end in arguments about a woman's right to choose, whether we should have xenophobic policies in immigration, whether we should bomb someone or use diplomacy, about whether all human beings regardles of sexual orientation or skin color should be treated equally, whether there is any value in affirmative action, about whether poor people are lazy.

And, that ends up being way to many arguments for me. Its too stressful to argue with a partner that you supposedly love, or are at least committed to having a relationship with. Life is too great, to argue. Life is to be enjoyed with a compatible parter. I frankly don't know how Mary Matlin and James Carvile do it. More power to them. But, I want to enjoy life, not argue with a girlfriend or life partner.
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Damo, I agree with Cypress in that sense that everyone has different tastes in women or what they want in a relationship and if in his case its someone he see's eye to eye with politically that's fine.

I agree with you though in his attempt to sell his belief he does stereotype and try to categorize women to justify why he likes a certain kind.

Well, forget about Cypress. You guys are all getting hung up on what Cypress said. What would you say abotu me?

How am I going to become seriously involved with a Republican Cawacko?
No, but even today if you look at Republican polls, the vast majority of R's did support it, in fact, nearly all R's supported it, and the vast majority still do support it. So I understand this is a tough issue, and it's one I struggle with myself, but, someone like me Damo, is going to become involved with someone liek that? To what end? How could they ever support my work? Appreciate my writing? Even understand me at all? And how could I come home, after working with victims at times, and do what? Make love with someone who supports what my heart is breaking over?

These are not shallow questions.

Exactly. Well said. Said better than me, as usual.
Can you please point me to a conservative lady on this board, or any other board, that supports the fundamental progressive reforms of the New Deal, of the Great Society, who actively participates in trying to stop this evil Bush war (doesn't just pay lip service to it), belives in a publically funded social safety net and education, believe in tolerance and equality under the law for gays, minorities, people of color; makes tolerance for all humans a daily part of their life, and actively supports progressive causes from global warming to stem cell research.

Don't even bother trying. You won't find one for me. ;) Because those people are all called democrats, greens, liberals, and progresives.

Damn man, I can only imagine a date with you...

Cypress (to date): I think I may like you. I am now going to have to ask you some questions to confirm a few things.

Date: Ok.

Cypress: (Reads off laundry list of political positions asking Date to state her stance on each one.)

Date: Jesus Christ! Who is this guy?

Date (after realizing she and Cypress agree on everything): Oh my God, my liberal dream guy! (As she rips off clothes and tells Cypress to do her like they're back in Golden Gate Park duing the Summer of Love).
Damn man, I can only imagine a date with you...

Cypress (to date): I think I may like you. I am now going to have to ask you some questions to confirm a few things.

Date: Ok.

Cypress: (Reads off laundry list of political positions asking Date to state her stance on each one.)

Date: Jesus Christ! Who is this guy?

Date (after realizing she and Cypress agree on everything): Oh my God, my liberal dream guy! (As she rips off clothes and tells Cypress to do her like they're back in Golden Gate Park duing the Summer of Love).

Well, I ask right up front. You're not a Republican are you? That is what I ask, and in a tone that I might be suspecting that they are one, just so they don't try and trick me. Not that any of their stupid tricks would last long on me. Men have bags of them you know.
Well, forget about Cypress. You guys are all getting hung up on what Cypress said. What would you say abotu me?

How am I going to become seriously involved with a Republican Cawacko?

How do Mary Matalin and James Carville get and stay married?

I would think most likely you would get involved with a politically active liberal man. However the heart can do crazy things so I would never rule out the chance that you come across your soulmate and he has different political beliefs than you. I think that transcends politics. That being said, I'm not going to Las Vegas to bet that you end up with a Republican.
Damn man, I can only imagine a date with you...

Cypress (to date): I think I may like you. I am now going to have to ask you some questions to confirm a few things.

Date: Ok.

Cypress: (Reads off laundry list of political positions asking Date to state her stance on each one.)

Date: Jesus Christ! Who is this guy?

Date (after realizing she and Cypress agree on everything): Oh my God, my liberal dream guy! (As she rips off clothes and tells Cypress to do her like they're back in Golden Gate Park duing the Summer of Love).


That's not the way it works. First, I never just asked random women on a date, without knowing them first. Blind dates are not my gig, man. I used to get to know a woman a little bit, before I go on any formal dates.

I think you have to get to know a person, perhaps even have some sort of friendship, before you go on dates with them. I don't do the blind date thing. So, I kind of know who the women are that I'm going out with, before I even date them.
Well, I ask right up front. You're not a Republican are you? That is what I ask, and in a tone that I might be suspecting that they are one, just so they don't try and trick me. Not that any of their stupid tricks would last long on me. Men have bags of them you know.

Interesting, to each their own huh? I never talk politics with women when I go out with them.
How do Mary Matalin and James Carville get and stay married?

I would think most likely you would get involved with a politically active liberal man. However the heart can do crazy things so I would never rule out the chance that you come across your soulmate and he has different political beliefs than you. I think that transcends politics. That being said, I'm not going to Las Vegas to bet that you end up with a Republican.

I believe they stay married because one of them doesn't believe what they are being paid to spout.

Before this war, maybe. Now, no I wouldn't put money down on it, you are right. But the men that I meet in my activist work are, well, do you remember what Seinfeld said about most of the people you see at the DMV?

Luckily, I have perfected the art of...ok forget it, I'm not going to say that, I am always turning it into something dirty what is wrong with me?