Drugs can help you understand philosophy

Oh, Hi. This is actually Guille. I had to hide behind this sock I made because everyone here hates my fucking guts. My avatar looks like a dead vagina. The only live vag I've ever seen is through bulletproof glass.

In my spare time I shove live gerbils up my ass in my mom's basement. Holy shit I am one hatful, cowardly bitch.

Yes, we know,Guille! You suck.
And here we go, another moron who doesn't know shit.

One reason you're such a hateful bitch is that you realize, deep down, that most people are smarter than you - which, in itself is a low bar. And speaking of bars - that's where you go to blow male patrons for drinks.

Holy shit you suck - literally.
One reason you're such a hateful bitch is that you realize, deep down, that most people are smarter than you - which, in itself is a low bar. And speaking of bars - that's where you go to blow male patrons for drinks.

Holy shit you suck - literally.

Great a dumb guy got replaced by an even dumber guy. I don't suppose you have the balls to answer the question posed about our dichotomy?

Of course you don't.
The only reason one would ever change their username is to try to fool others into thinking you're someone new when you're someone who's just shamefully unliked.

How can I fool anyone else when the username changes have their own fucking tabs in the profile? Are you really this fucking stupid?
Great a dumb guy got replaced by an even dumber guy. I don't suppose you have the balls to answer the question posed about our dichotomy?

Of course you don't.

Dichotomy: That's your procedure of removing the gerbills' teeth and claws before you stuff them up your ass. Here it is, used in a sentence:

"Hi, I'm guille. I created this sock then I tortured gerbills in my mom's basement by dichotomy before I stuffed them, still alive, up my sorry ass."

Dichotomy. Yep, that just about does it.
Dichotomy: That's your procedure of removing the gerbills' teeth and claws before you stuff them up your ass. Here it is, used in a sentence:

"Hi, I'm guille. I created this sock then I tortured gerbills in my mom's basement by dichotomy before I stuffed them, still alive, up my sorry ass."

Dichotomy. Yep, that just about does it.

So...no, you don't have the balls either. I'm shocked.
How can I fool anyone else when the username changes have their own fucking tabs in the profile? Are you really this fucking stupid?

Hey, this is fun, but I'm going to snooze. I'll let you get back to your gerbil ranching - aka, "being a dichotomist".