Drugs can help you understand philosophy

Drugs can help you understand philosophy

No they can't. The problem with drugs is eventually you sober up and when you do you don't have whatever insight you thought you had before. You're not as interesting as you think you are.

The brain is a biochemical electronic organ

It responds to chemical and electric influences

Being anti science you don’t want to understand
I don't believe that poster said it because they thought you cared. I think they said it because they don't think much of that other poster. It's not really complicated. It's just a statement of fact.

Huh? What are you even talking about?
William James’s chemically induced excursions into the introcosm of his own consciousness served as a complement to his serious, sober work as a philosopher and psychologist.

In fact, it was his philosophical peers’ enthusiasm for the writings of Hegel that originally compelled him to inhale nitrous gas. “He was instinctively repelled by Hegelian dogma,” Jay writes, “its pompous insistence on absolute truth, its sterile abstractions, its lofty disdain for the pragmatic and the specific.”

But under the intoxicating influence of various gasses, James found himself experientially closer to that truth. Nitrous oxide, James would write, “made me understand better than ever both the strength and weakness of Hegel’s philosophy.”


Nah, tried that in college, didn’t work
You don't understand the effect N2O has on living beings. Perhaps that's why you post gibberish. I think you meant, O2 (Oxygen). You're welcome.

I had nitrous oxide at the dentist years ago. I had been studying Derrida and under the gas had some fresh insights. Still remember, even though it was several years ago.
I had nitrous oxide at the dentist years ago. I had been studying Derrida and under the gas had some fresh insights. Still remember, even though it was several years ago.

I think that's what was used to put me under when I had my tonsils removed as a kid - that was the only time for me. When I had my hernia repaired 2 years ago I was put all the way out using a general anesthetic.
Ayahuasca: 48 touchdowns, MVP’: Rodgers says psychedelics helped NFL career

The four-time NFL MVP, who joined the New York Jets from the Green Bay Packers this offseason, was speaking at a psychedelics conference in Denver on Wednesday. Colorado, along with Oregon, recently decriminalized the use of psychedelic mushrooms, although they remain illegal at a federal level in the United States.

“Is it not ironic that the things that actually expand your mind are illegal and the things that keep you in the lower chakras and dumb you down have been legal for centuries?” said Rodgers, who has spoken in the past about his use of ayahuasca, a strong hallucinogen.
