Drunk Rodney King Shot! BAC get yo ass over to LA and teach those Korean Store Owners

You're an idiot. It doesn't matter if King is drunk or has an IQ of 20 or if he is a closet Nazi. Police in America do not have the right to continue to beat a man with nightsticks while he is lying prone & unconscious on the ground.

THAT was the point, idiot. Not "he was a hero." It doesn't matter who he was; it was the actions of the police, IDIOT.

He was not unconcious, he was still resisting arrest, that is was I remember and there is no mention of that in Wikipedia for King.
He was not unconcious, he was still resisting arrest, that is was I remember and there is no mention of that in Wikipedia for King.

Oh, sorry - yeah, you're right on, DeMano. When a guy is on the ground & clearly not fighting back, it's okay to continue to beat him senseless.

Glad you cleared that up. Someone should get that out there; I'm sure it will set everyone at ease on this topic....
He was not unconcious, he was still resisting arrest, that is was I remember and there is no mention of that in Wikipedia for King.

Merely resisting arrest (ie, struggeling to prevent them from palcing handcuffs on) does not give the police permission to beat you the way RC was beaten.

There are plenty of ways to foce complyance that do not involve repetiedly beating someone in the back with a baton and kicking them in the ribs.
Dano...... dude.....seriously.....

The only point you're making right now is that you hate Rodney King and think BAC is a violent person willing to get involved in riots. He was drunk and got shoot by someone and that makes him a nutcase and a punk? You're prejudging them both.... and it looks very bad.
I suppose this isn't as bad as some of his earlier shit, like when he was drunk speeding bad and drove his SUV into a house:

The point is he is just some drunk druggie, not a genuine hero of civil rights like Martin Luther King or genuine victim of bad racism like Rosa Parks.
I suppose this isn't as bad as some of his earlier shit, like when he was drunk speeding bad and drove his SUV into a house:

The point is he is just some drunk druggie, not a genuine hero of civil rights like Martin Luther King or genuine victim of bad racism like Rosa Parks.

I agree with that, but it does not make what the police did to him any less terrable.
"The point is he is just some drunk druggie, not a genuine hero of civil rights like Martin Luther King or genuine victim of bad racism like Rosa Parks."

And no one I ever heard said he was. As usual, you miss the point of that whole incident. It flew at a VERY comfortable altitude above your head.

The guy WAS getting arrested when he was beaten senseless. I don't think anyone thought he was a saint. But police don't have a right to beat anyone like that - punks & drunks included.

"The point is he is just some drunk druggie, not a genuine hero of civil rights like Martin Luther King or genuine victim of bad racism like Rosa Parks."

And no one I ever heard said he was. As usual, you miss the point of that whole incident. It flew at a VERY comfortable altitude above your head.

The guy WAS getting arrested when he was beaten senseless. I don't think anyone thought he was a saint. But police don't have a right to beat anyone like that - punks & drunks included.

Have you seen the whole video? The reason those cops got acquitted was because even after King was down he got back up and went after the officers:
"The acquittal was partly based on a segment of the video showing King getting up and charging at Powell. That 13-second segment was excluded from news broadcasts. "

Have you seen the whole video? The reason those cops got acquitted was because even after King was down he got back up and went after the officers:
"The acquittal was partly based on a segment of the video showing King getting up and charging at Powell. That 13-second segment was excluded from news broadcasts. "


I saw that part, ON THE NEWS, but I still dont belive what they did to him was justified, it was a beating delivered out of anger, not an attempt at forcing compliance.
Have you seen the whole video? The reason those cops got acquitted was because even after King was down he got back up and went after the officers:
"The acquittal was partly based on a segment of the video showing King getting up and charging at Powell. That 13-second segment was excluded from news broadcasts. "


After the riots, federal charges of civil rights violations were brought against the officers. Officer Laurence Powell and Sergeant Stacey Koon, were found guilty and sentenced to 30 months of prison, and the other two were acquitted.

Has any lefty claimed the L.A. Riots were a good thing?
Unsure, but I certainly remember many of them saying it was justified. A lot of them (like Lorax) having only viewed the choice element of the video that the Liberal media decided to show.
I suppose this isn't as bad as some of his earlier shit, like when he was drunk speeding bad and drove his SUV into a house:

The point is he is just some drunk druggie, not a genuine hero of civil rights like Martin Luther King or genuine victim of bad racism like Rosa Parks.

“Genuine victim of bad racism like Rosa Parks”.

That is a jaw-dropping statement right there. Now, in order for there to be bad racism, there would have to be good racism. We don’t say “a genuine victim of bad murder”, because we know there is no such thing as a good murder.

However, what this statement brings to my mind immediately, and this is probably because I am a woman, is the idea that there are such things as “genuine victims” of rape, and of course, fake victims of rape. There is the idealized woman who can be raped, preferably a virgin, or next best a young mother known to be a virgin when she married. The Madonna.

And there is the whore – all other women. She cannot be a genuine victim. She is spoiled.

That is what we see here. Either a black person is pure, or they have gotten drunk or been ticked for speeding and unlike white people, once that happens, the black person is now impure, and cannot be a genuine victim of racism or of violence.

This is just so disturbing on so many levels.

You idiot, that was AFTER the riots where they were under pressure to convict them no matter what.

BEFORE the riots they most certainly were acquitted. I mean how stupid can you get - that acquital was what touched off the riots to begin with.
Unsure, but I certainly remember many of them saying it was justified. A lot of them (like Lorax) having only viewed the choice element of the video that the Liberal media decided to show.

1) Justified is different than "a good thing".

2) I dont belive Lorax said it was justified, and if he did he is wrong.

3) Lorax, clearly does not speak for the Liberal in general.
1) Justified is different than "a good thing".

2) I dont belive Lorax said it was justified, and if he did he is wrong.

3) Lorax, clearly does not speak for the Liberal in general.

No worries; I never said the riots were justified, and I know of no liberal that has said that.

Must be all of those conversations Dano has with the elderly, who also tell him how great things were in the '20's before liberalism (and when the black man knew his place in society)....
“Genuine victim of bad racism like Rosa Parks”.

That is a jaw-dropping statement right there. Now, in order for there to be bad racism, there would have to be good racism. We don’t say “a genuine victim of bad murder”, because we know there is no such thing as a good murder.

However, what this statement brings to my mind immediately, and this is probably because I am a woman, is the idea that there are such things as “genuine victims” of rape, and of course, fake victims of rape. There is the idealized woman who can be raped, preferably a virgin, or next best a young mother known to be a virgin when she married. The Madonna.

And there is the whore – all other women. She cannot be a genuine victim. She is spoiled.

That is what we see here. Either a black person is pure, or they have gotten drunk or been ticked for speeding and unlike white people, once that happens, the black person is now impure, and cannot be a genuine victim of racism or of violence.

This is just so disturbing on so many levels.

King has been arrested ELEVEN times including spousal ASSAULT. You do have a problem with guys that hit girls don't you?
This incident is just another in a long line of incidents for this clown, it was ludicrous for the left to make him out to be such an iconic victimlike figure to begin with.