Drunk Rodney King Shot! BAC get yo ass over to LA and teach those Korean Store Owners


This is the type of post which makes me suspect that you are a bit of a racist. I understand irony rather well, but this shit really isn't humorous.
Hey magpie, it's been awhile. I know what I am and what I am not. I don't hate any race and I completely and utterly fail to see how I can be racist in wondering why black nationalists like BAC can justify the LA riots and looting Korean stores based on perceived racism from cops where the entire video was never shown, including the part where PCP King got up and charged at the cops.

But you know what it's not worth it, nobody is listening to facts here, this is nothing more than a witchhunt and we all know it. No wonder Dixie said fuck it and others too, count me out and the Liberal mob can find the next target to demonize and slander...who knows someday it may be you they go after.
I'd also like to thank the dumb as a motherfucker thing called Dano for demonstrating why I like this board so much.

The comments of the posters here demonstrate that overt racism is no longer acceptable to the vast majority of Americans. I come away with an even better understanding that even though some posters here and I have different political perspectives, they are still good people at the core and I'd have no problem sharing a foxhole with any of you.

I am undeniably guilty of being overly passionate about my perspectives, but I must keep in mind that I am talking to good people, even when I'm debating Ron Paul. :)

I also have a better understanding of this boards philosphy of allowing the racists and dummies to identify themselves instead of trying to supress it through over-moderation.

Racism still exists in America, but without question, things are getting better. My habit/propensity to call everyone brother/sister is genuine and natural .. and it is science.

Thanks dummy.

The comments of the posters here demonstrate that overt racism is no longer acceptable to the vast majority of Americans. I come away with an even better understanding that even though some posters here and I have different political perspectives, they are still good people at the core and I'd have no problem sharing a foxhole with any of you.

No worries, man. I think its always important to call out racisst attitudes, sexism, or ethnic bias, rather than stand by silently. That's what my Mama taught me anyway. Bless her. :)
For clarity ..

There were only 6 Black Panthers and I've never claimed to be one of them.

I chose my avatar because it looks black as coal.

I undoubtedly, without shame, remorse, or regret, speak from a black perspective .. but shouldn't that be welcomed on a board of varying perspectives? Shouldn't all points of view be discussed to obtain a better understanding of who we are?

I fully understood that identifying myself as black would bring out the knuckleheads like roaches in the dark .. but it would also bring honest conversation about a dementia that has plauged this nation for far too long.

I can always step on a roach .. but I'm grateful for the honest conversation from the humans.

I have not found anything of substance in BAC's posts thus far, and make me disdain statist liberalism more each day. However, I think perhaps you're dealing with a generational thing here (I don't know your age). I was in high school in the early-mid '90's and the Rodney King beating was a very serious event to those of us who were trying to expand our minds and learn to not be racist (amongst many, many white racists at our school).

When you say "get yo ass over to LA" to BAC, that kinda hints at (mild) racism to me. The only opinion which is important here is yours, but you might re-evaluate what someone else might perceive when reading your post, even if in your mind there was no intended malice. It's just a suggestion, take it for what you will.
The comments of the posters here demonstrate that overt racism is no longer acceptable to the vast majority of Americans. I come away with an even better understanding that even though some posters here and I have different political perspectives, they are still good people at the core and I'd have no problem sharing a foxhole with any of you.

No worries, man. I think its always important to call out racisst attitudes, sexism, or ethnic bias, rather than stand by silently. That's what my Mama taught me anyway. Bless her. :)

Bless your mother .. and thanks for reminding me that I was remiss in not mentioning that I also stand firmly against any notion of sexism, ethinic bias of any culture, or homophobia.
Both of my parents suffered from racist ideas. I like to think the better notion just won me over. it is illogical to be racist in my opinion. You can never burden one person with anothers actions and call yourself logical. I desided that one on my own even with bad examples at my upbringing. If 100 blondes you meet are stupid how in the fuck can that determine what is in the brain case of the 101st blonde you meet? Its is stupidity to be racist ,sexist or to employ any other type of prejudging mindset.
there's about 5 racist comments from D on this one.
guess those war protester at Berkley deserved to get shot in the vietnam era too.
Overt racism? Who am I being racist too by saying it made no sense to loot Korean stores over some punk like King?

Why don't you show some balls for once and answer the points? Justify that, try it.

Frankly I don't find much value or point in talking to you. Your racism is obvious sir, and your comments are unlearned and uneducated.

However, I'll play and offer my perspective on the LA Riots, although I'm not going to spend much time talking to a racist, which you undoubtedly are.

Your suggestion that police brutality in LA was not a problem before King was stupid to the nth degree. LA had gained an infamous reputation for police brutality, a brutality that quite often took the lives of innocent people, even children. Seemingly, nothing worked to abate this terrorism that innocent people had to live with everyday. I lived in LA for a while so I know exactly what I'm talking about.

The LA Riots was the inevitable consequence of racism in American society, no differently than was the Detroit Riots, or the unrest of the 60's. That is something you do not have the capacity to internalize or understand, racism has consequences. Everyone in LA, including the Korean shop owner were victims of the consequences of having a racist police force, a truth that has been validated by various independent panels and oversight.

Unfortunately, people who are not themselves victims of oppression don't act to stop it until the oppressed rise up in anger. Although Dr. King is attributed with much of the success of the Civil Rights era, in truth, Malcolm X, Angela Davis, Black Panthers, and many others who took a militant and aggressive stand against racism equally played a significant role in that success. America awakened to the consequence of racism.

I don't expect you to understand any of this because you don't have th capacity to do so .. but there is a truth that I learned long ago .. racism is a mechanism for those who themselves feel inferior, like you for instance. It is only needed to keep other people down because the racist doesn't feel they can compete in an open society.

Let me give you the sports analogy, something you might have the capacity to interpret. Racism kept blacks out of sports, not because whites were superior, but because racists didn't feel they could compete with them. They told fools like you of their glorious god-given superiority, but a guy named Jesse Owens had a different story to tell and he told it to Hitler and all the idiots who believed that there was such a thing as racial superiority.

Do you know what THE most important sporting event in American history was? .. It was the 1966 NCAA Mens Basketball Championship between an all-white Kentucky team coached by Adolph Rupp and a little known all-black Texas-Westen team. Kentucky was favored by a huge margin .. but then the reality set in and Texas Western ran all over Kentucky handing them an embarrassing defeat. At the time, there was an unwriiten rule that major colleges shoudn't have more than one or possibly two black players on the floor at any time. After the humilating defeat of Kentucky, schools like Nevada-Las Vegas, Louisville, Detroit, and many other schools started to not only recruit black athletes, but put black or nearly all-black players on the floor and it made their coaches famous and brought the schools titles and championships. That dynamic soon trickled over into all sports .. with the exception of the holy position of quarterback.

I'd explain that dynamic, quarterback, and how it relates to Vick, but I don't want to spend anymore time than necessary talking to you.

Suffice it to say that I understand your FEAR and dementia, even if you don't. As in sports, it wasn't that blacks weren't equally capable athletes, it was the fear that they might be better than racist people like you that kept them out of the game. Once the door was KICKED open we've excelled at every facet of sports .. which is also true of the greater society.

You don't like me because I kick your ass intellectually. It's hard to maintain your false belief that there is anything special about you while I put the cyber-boot up your uneducated ass.

Don't get it twisted, there ain't nothing special about me either. I'm just people, comfortable around other people who can interact with other people who are not concerned about any inferiority among any of us.

You sir, do not have that capacity, but then again, that understanding requires intelligence and spirituality .. qualities that you have yet to demonstrate.

Rights are determined by what you can demand .. if you cannot demand them, they are not your rights. Such is life.

Hope that clears it up ... my brother.
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The amount of people crying over his racism and basking the glow of mutual hatred is as disgusting as the racism itself. Treating someone as less than human because of racism doesn't make you any better of a person-- in fact, it makes you about the same as they are.
Racism is most easily overcome by knowledge and the only way to gain that is if we talk to each other. Dismissing a person because of such thought only perpetuates the problem.
The amount of people crying over his racism and basking the glow of mutual hatred is as disgusting as the racism itself. Treating someone as less than human because of racism doesn't make you any better of a person-- in fact, it makes you about the same as they are.

Oh here is the stupidest person on the board checking in with more BS.

Don't tell black people how to feel about racists and don't tell women how to feel about sexists.

It's stupid.

And don't think you're fooling everybody. I know this is about your deep resentment of overt racism because when it becomes overt, people might want to do something about it. You like it kept nice and quiet. So you try and shame people who speak up about racism, into shutting up, by telling them speaking up about racism is as disgusting as being a racist.

Oh here is the stupidest person on the board checking in with more BS.
There are far more stupid people on this board than myself, and I would guess you can't name exactly why I am stupid.

Don't tell black people how to feel about racists and don't tell women how to feel about sexists.
Lol. Yes, because blacks are the only people ever to suffer from racism and women are the only people to ever suffer from sexism. Sounds like you are the racist and sexist to me.

It's stupid.
Brilliant argument.

And don't think you're fooling everybody.
I'm not trying to.
I know this is about your deep resentment of overt racism because when it becomes overt, people might want to do something about it.
No, this is about my deep resentment of hypocrisy.
You like it kept nice and quiet. So you try and shame people who speak up about racism, into shutting up, by telling them speaking up about racism is as disgusting as being a racist.
No, I try to attempt to stop people from crying racist at every opportunity and using it as a reason to slide out of social discussion...you write off a person a racist in order to invalidate any of their other opinions and excuse you from having to actually debate.

Racism itself has no appeal for me.
“There are far more stupid people on this board than myself, and I would guess you can't name exactly why I am stupid.” Well, it’s debatable…some say nature, but I say nurture.

“Lol. Yes, because blacks are the only people ever to suffer from racism and women are the only people to ever suffer from sexism. Sounds like you are the racist and sexist to me.” Of course I am! Anyone who understands that ONLY women are subject to sexism, is a sexist! And anyone who understands that white men have are not subject to either racism or sexism, is racist and sexist! Who believes this? Idiots.

“No, this is about my deep resentment of hypocrisy.” You better look up hypocrisy, it appears to be among the no doubt thousands of words you don’t know the meaning of. It is not “hypocrisy” to point out racism or sexism.

“No, I try to attempt to stop people from crying racist at every opportunity” Pointing out that Dano’s statements on this thread is not “crying racist at every opportunity”. You know who would think it was? A closet racist.

“ and using it as a reason to slide out of social discussion...you write off a person a racist in order to invalidate any of their other opinions and excuse you from having to actually debate.” Stop lying. Everyone on this thread debated Dano on what he said, and nobody tried to “slide out of a social discussion”.
“There are far more stupid people on this board than myself, and I would guess you can't name exactly why I am stupid.” Well, it’s debatable…some say nature, but I say nurture.
Like I said, you have nothing.

“Lol. Yes, because blacks are the only people ever to suffer from racism and women are the only people to ever suffer from sexism. Sounds like you are the racist and sexist to me.” Of course I am! Anyone who understands that ONLY women are subject to sexism, is a sexist! And anyone who understands that white men have are not subject to either racism or sexism, is racist and sexist! Who believes this? Idiots.
Only women aren't subjected to sexism, and it is sexist of you to say that. Just because the men that are sexually harrassed or discriminated against don't get Lifetime movies doesn't mean that it isn't present. For proof of girls behaving badly, check out that rape thread in the General Politics section.

Let me also point out how utterly ignorant it is of you to say that only blacks have ever experienced racism.

“No, this is about my deep resentment of hypocrisy.” You better look up hypocrisy, it appears to be among the no doubt thousands of words you don’t know the meaning of. It is not “hypocrisy” to point out racism or sexism.
No, but it is hypocrisy to talk about how intolerant and horrible racists are and then treat them exactly the same as they treat other races.

No, I try to attempt to stop people from crying racist at every opportunity” Pointing out that Dano’s statements on this thread is not “crying racist at every opportunity”. You know who would think it was? A closet racist.
Wow, what a predictable response! "I think you guys might be using racist too much" "What are you, a racist?"

I didn't realise that this was Neo-Salem. I better hide my familiar spirit. Am I a communist as well, Mr. McCarthy?

“ and using it as a reason to slide out of social discussion...you write off a person a racist in order to invalidate any of their other opinions and excuse you from having to actually debate.” Stop lying. Everyone on this thread debated Dano on what he said, and nobody tried to “slide out of a social discussion”.
Yeah, ok. You "debated" in between all the hugs you were giving each other for not being racists. If you need other people to tell you how anti-racist you are in order to be comfortable, chances are you might be a racist.
Every post you make proves your stupidity Gonzo, and this last one is no exception.

Men are victims of sexism, that is one for the books.

Pathetic. Another poor white male, with a chip on his shoulder. It's kind of funny too, I will give you a couple of amusement points, but that's all.
Every post you make proves your stupidity Gonzo, and this last one is no exception.

Men are victims of sexism, that is one for the books.

Pathetic. Another poor white male, with a chip on his shoulder. It's kind of funny too, I will give you a couple of amusement points, but that's all.

Again, you have no actual proof of my intelligence. You can say I'm stupid as much as you want, but you can't back it up with any sort of argument.

Men are victims of sexism...to say that it never happens makes you about as ignorant as any other bigot.

By the way, you are a racist for assuming I'm white...you have no idea what ethnicity I am.
No that is not what Im talking about Gonzo. Im talking about your obvious hostility towards any woman who posts on any site I have been on with you. Maybe you are not aware of it but ask anyone whos been arround awhile with us and I think you may see a pattern. You very obviously have problems with chicks.