I'd also like to thank the dumb as a motherfucker thing called Dano for demonstrating why I like this board so much.
The comments of the posters here demonstrate that overt racism is no longer acceptable to the vast majority of Americans. I come away with an even better understanding that even though some posters here and I have different political perspectives, they are still good people at the core and I'd have no problem sharing a foxhole with any of you.
I am undeniably guilty of being overly passionate about my perspectives, but I must keep in mind that I am talking to good people, even when I'm debating Ron Paul.
I also have a better understanding of this boards philosphy of allowing the racists and dummies to identify themselves instead of trying to supress it through over-moderation.
Racism still exists in America, but without question, things are getting better. My habit/propensity to call everyone brother/sister is genuine and natural .. and it is science.
Thanks dummy.