Earth, and everyone on it, is utterly and completely insginficant

Evolution is completely a theory, especially cross-species evolution and abiogenesis.


Abiogenesis has nothing to do with evolution. Evolution explains the origin of the species, not the origin of life as a whole.

As usual, you demonstrate your complete lack of understanding of the subject. Please explain what you mean by "cross-species evolution."

Heliocentricity used to be one of two theories about the modeling of our solar system, but it is now considered a fact, and geocentrisity was disproved.

All of the above requires some degree of faith to believe as "facts."

Again, no faith is required because there is PHYSICAL EVIDENCE to support them.
I seem to recall something about Dixie argueing that 1/3 did not exist....

Nope... another MYTH.

I did state that one can't be divided by three without producing a remainder. You are welcome to add your post to the record-shattering 5000+ posts on the topic, but that was essentially ALL that I ever stated.

Abiogenesis has nothing to do with evolution. Evolution explains the origin of the species, not the origin of life as a whole.

As usual, you demonstrate your complete lack of understanding of the subject. Please explain what you mean by "cross-species evolution."

Again, no faith is required because there is PHYSICAL EVIDENCE to support them.

Faith IS required, to believe the evidence is evidence.
That's bullshit.

Will you explain what you meant by "cross-species evolution"?

That's not bullshit, it's a fact. You require FAITH to believe anything is evidence of anything.

Cross-species evolution... sound the words out slowly, they aren't hard to comprehend. You have no proof of it. You conclude this, based on your fossil records, but that doesn't prove cross-species evolution ever occurred. There are no valid scientific examples, and we can't simulate such a thing in a lab, so we can't test or verify the theory.
Nope... another MYTH.

I did state that one can't be divided by three without producing a remainder. You are welcome to add your post to the record-shattering 5000+ posts on the topic, but that was essentially ALL that I ever stated.
History teachers usually have trouble with math.
Gravity is not a theory, it's a law and property of physics. One that we still don't fully understand, by the way.

Gravitation is a phenomena. The current theory that is widely accepted as a description of gravitation is Einstein's general theory of relativity. This superseded "Newton's law of universal gravitation", which had actually largely been a correct theory of gravity besides some edge cases involving extremely massive objects which general relativity is able to take into account (at the cost of being much more complex). Science has shied away from calling its theories "laws" in recent times. The two terms had essentially become synonymous, but its rather embarrassing when such "laws" are proven to be incorrect models. Or, as in the case of Newton's "laws" (which you were apparently referring to when you called gravity a "law of physics") are proven to be not entirely incorrect but simply an incomplete way of looking at things.

Evolution is completely a theory, especially cross-species evolution and abiogenesis.

Heliocentricity used to be one of two theories about the modeling of our solar system, but it is now considered a fact, and geocentrisity was disproved.

In a scientific sense, the word "theory" merely means a model. There is no implicit negative connotation that the evidence that the theory is a correct model is somehow questionable, or up for debate, as you are attempting to imply. There are good and bad theories, good and bad models, utterly stupid theories and theories you would have to be utterly stupid not to believe. The word "theory" makes no epistemological claim. It's not something that goes between "fact" and "lie" on the epistemological scale of truth, meaning "inconclusive". It means that something is a model of a phenomena, and that's all it means. Things do not somehow stop being "theories" and become upgraded to "facts". That's stupid. The word "fact" doesn't make clear that you're talking about a model, and can't really be used there. We don't talk about Einstein's General Fact of Relativity, even though that theory is generally considered to be factual.

All of the above requires some degree of faith to believe as "facts."

Correct, and my faith is in proportion to the evidence.
Abiogenesis is a theory for origin which dovetails with theories of evolution. It posits all living things are the result of evolution from an original single organism.

It's a broad term that refers to a number of theories which attempt to explain how life emerged from non-life. It's not a single theory. If the account in Genesis is to be believed, and we were made from dust, it'd actually sort of be correct anyway, wouldn't it?

Logically, the only alternative would be that life had always been there to create new life. If we are to count God as alive, then theories that posit the existence of a God who created life fall into this category. If God's too cool to be alive, then such theories are theories of abiogensis.
Abiogenesis is a theory for origin which dovetails with theories of evolution. It posits all living things are the result of evolution from an original single organism.

1. Abiogenesis is not a theory. It's a field of study. There are theories within the field of study that are theories of abiogenesis. This is like describing gravity as "a theory". Which one? Newton's? Einstein's? One of the various failed theories that were posited in between those two? One of the new fangled quantum gravity or string theories which attempt to unify it with quantum mechanics? Gravity and abiogenesis are the things the theories attempt to model, not the models themselves.

2. It is only natural to conclude that evolution occurred after this to the current point in time. But that's not part of the theory itself. For all the theory cares, abiogenesis could've occurred 4 billion years ago, was wiped out by a commit, and then God came down and made all species in their present form 7000 years ago.
That's not bullshit, it's a fact. You require FAITH to believe anything is evidence of anything.

If you were married for fifty years and had never found any evidence to suspect your wife was cheating on you, you would have good grounds to have faith in the proposition "My wife has never cheated on me". If, on the other hand, you find several pictures of her having her brains screwed out by some fat dude, you would not have good grounds to have faith that proposition.

To make an accurate comparison to how Christians are with God, well, geez, I dunno. It'd be like if she had a brat 4 months after you first banged her. And for those 50 years, you had come home several nights a week to the sound of her moaning. And you had walked in on them more times than you could count. And several times, they decided to just keep going anyway. But you had so much faith in her, you just came into the room and sat on the bed next to them while they did it, utterly oblivious, as he drained his load into her right next to you, called you an idiot, and incredulously snapped his fingers in front of your face. But you had already snoozed off by that point, having dreams of how lucky you were to have such good reason to have faith in your wife, more reason than any other husband in the world, and how great and awesome it was that you had this faith, and how stupid the guy next door was to merely rely on evidence to back his faith in his wife while you simply had pure faith.

Cross-species evolution... sound the words out slowly, they aren't hard to comprehend. You have no proof of it. You conclude this, based on your fossil records, but that doesn't prove cross-species evolution ever occurred. There are no valid scientific examples, and we can't simulate such a thing in a lab, so we can't test or verify the theory.

There are many transitional fossils. Obviously, we cannot have an infinite level of resolution, but if you can seriously look at the fossil record and still deny that there's any pattern, you're an idiot. How much resolution would be good for you? Do you need a fossil of the animal in ten second increments for the million or two years it's going to have to take? Really, it seems that when science discovers a missing link, creationists discover two more gaps. And really, Dixie. This is not a controversial proposition. Even most religious people believe this is how God did it. The only alternative is literal creationism, and only crazy people believe that. It has no support in science. Essentially no one who dedicates their life to finding out how life works on this Earth supports the proposition that all species were created in their present form some thousands of years ago, and that "cross-species" evolution is impossible.

What do you even mean by "cross-species"? Species is a taxanomic definition. Do you think that when things diverged far enough that there outside of the definition humans had put them in, they sort of hit a brick will and can't go any further in that direction? I mean, how the fuck are going to explain such a pattern, and the many patterns that are like it, otherwise? Oh, species just randomly appear for no reason, getting closer and closer in appearance to modern specimens, by total chance? For the past few millions of years, various species of hominids have popped up that just appear to be more and more closely related to modern humans, but there's no chance that they could've evolved like that.

Science doesn't have to specifically recreate everything in a fucking lab to make any truth claims about the subject. That's stupid, again, another invention on your part. Why aren't you drawing similar criticism to the field of astronomy? I mean, obviously, they're never going to be able to create a star, or observe one through it's entire lifespan. They're in a way worse boat than biology is, aren't they? Unfortunately for you, they have common fucking sense. Their job is to find shit out, not obey the limits on their ability to claim they've found something out that some dumbass redneck from Alabama places on them.
Yes, it takes 'awesomeness' to respond that much and still not present any valid proof of cross-species evolution or abiogenesis.

LOL. Did you read any of what Watermark wrote?

I should also thank Waterdork for proving my point, it is a matter of our faith and what we believe.

I'm pleased that Watermark took the time to respond to you, because I lacked the patience to do so. Too bad it won't do any good - at the end of the day, you're simply too stubborn to admit that you were wrong.

As I stated earlier, you are unteachable.
If you were married for fifty years and had never found any evidence to suspect your wife was cheating on you, you would have good grounds to have faith in the proposition "My wife has never cheated on me". If, on the other hand, you find several pictures of her having her brains screwed out by some fat dude, you would not have good grounds to have faith that proposition.

To make an accurate comparison to how Christians are with God, well, geez, I dunno. It'd be like if she had a brat 4 months after you first banged her. And for those 50 years, you had come home several nights a week to the sound of her moaning. And you had walked in on them more times than you could count. And several times, they decided to just keep going anyway. But you had so much faith in her, you just came into the room and sat on the bed next to them while they did it, utterly oblivious, as he drained his load into her right next to you, called you an idiot, and incredulously snapped his fingers in front of your face. But you had already snoozed off by that point, having dreams of how lucky you were to have such good reason to have faith in your wife, more reason than any other husband in the world, and how great and awesome it was that you had this faith, and how stupid the guy next door was to merely rely on evidence to back his faith in his wife while you simply had pure faith.

There are many transitional fossils. Obviously, we cannot have an infinite level of resolution, but if you can seriously look at the fossil record and still deny that there's any pattern, you're an idiot. How much resolution would be good for you? Do you need a fossil of the animal in ten second increments for the million or two years it's going to have to take? Really, it seems that when science discovers a missing link, creationists discover two more gaps. And really, Dixie. This is not a controversial proposition. Even most religious people believe this is how God did it. The only alternative is literal creationism, and only crazy people believe that. It has no support in science. Essentially no one who dedicates their life to finding out how life works on this Earth supports the proposition that all species were created in their present form some thousands of years ago, and that "cross-species" evolution is impossible.

What do you even mean by "cross-species"? Species is a taxanomic definition. Do you think that when things diverged far enough that there outside of the definition humans had put them in, they sort of hit a brick will and can't go any further in that direction? I mean, how the fuck are going to explain such a pattern, and the many patterns that are like it, otherwise? Oh, species just randomly appear for no reason, getting closer and closer in appearance to modern specimens, by total chance? For the past few millions of years, various species of hominids have popped up that just appear to be more and more closely related to modern humans, but there's no chance that they could've evolved like that.

Science doesn't have to specifically recreate everything in a fucking lab to make any truth claims about the subject. That's stupid, again, another invention on your part. Why aren't you drawing similar criticism to the field of astronomy? I mean, obviously, they're never going to be able to create a star, or observe one through it's entire lifespan. They're in a way worse boat than biology is, aren't they? Unfortunately for you, they have common fucking sense. Their job is to find shit out, not obey the limits on their ability to claim they've found something out that some dumbass redneck from Alabama places on them.

You are the ruler of the Trinity today!