
I was pretty surprised to see your religious posts today. Never would have guessed you claim to be Christian. Maybe you should sign up for lessons?
:rofl2: :rofl2: no offense to USF, but that is funny..........

There is prob a few more that need to know about those lessons.lmao!!!
:rofl2: :rofl2: no offense to USF, but that is funny..........

There is prob a few more that need to know about those lessons.lmao!!!

No kidding. It seems like a large number of Reichwing Xtians have only a passing acquaintance with that holy guy. Mostly they just use their Bibles and fake faith to browbeat others with.
No kidding. It seems like a large number of Reichwing Xtians have only a passing acquaintance with that holy guy. Mostly they just use their Bibles and fake faith to browbeat others with.

Yes, aka thumpers...... They don't read, they thump...

Like their fathers the Pharisees in the Bible they try to put burdens & loads on others they themselves are unwilling & unable to carry......

Their lord is not Jesus, but rather a drumpf, because he is vile & cruel to those they perceive as their enemies, ppl that are beneath them etc, just like their fathers the Pharisees..

They are the weeds & tares talked about in the Bible, those to whom Jesus will say, …22Many will say to Me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your name drive out demons and perform many miracles?’ 23Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you workers of lawlessness!’
If we Christians spoke of you atheists like you do us, you'd be screaming discrimination, hold silly protests and get the ACLU on our asses. Hypocrites...
If we Christians spoke of you atheists like you do us, you'd be screaming discrimination, hold silly protests and get the ACLU on our asses. Hypocrites...

There use to be a Christian forum,on Amazon that daily had vicious war between Catholics,Protestant,and atheist,it was way worse then the Political forum,ever was.
There use to be a Christian forum,on Amazon that daily had vicious war between Catholics,Protestant,and atheist,it was way worse then the Political forum,ever was.

Yep. If RubberButtboy is so sensitive, he better not ever listen in when Catholics are discussing Protestants, or when Protestants are discussing Catholics and Mormons, and when all of the above are discussing his flavor, the fundies. OTOH, since he never appears to go to church, choosing instead to post on a political forum, his butthurts about alleged atheists pointing out the hypocrisy of his ilk is just laughable.
The word "Easter" is derived from the Anglo-Saxon word "Eostre"...the name of the goddess of Spring. That particular word is found to exist only one time in the Holy Scriptures (Acts 2:4)...mistranslated from the Greek word "Pascha".....which literally translates to mean "Passover". This error occurs only in the King James translation where the scriptures were translated from Latin into middle age English....however, every other passage in the same translation were Pascha was found in the original Greek, it is translated correctly even in the King James translation...to mean Passover not Easter.

But...when taken in context, even though the word is mistranslated....once, there is never a record found where there is a command to observe this Pascha once a year in remembrance of the Christ's death, burial and resurrection. There is a documented practice of remembering these events.....ONCE A WEEK until the Christ returns for judgment, that day is the 1st day of every week until such an event takes place.....not once a year at the Spring equinox.

Ever wonder why this holiday moves around from day to day...even month to month, yet the 1st day of the week is a constant? Really...….just where in the New Testament do we find this command? You must observe as a Holiday.....the 1st Sunday following the FULL MOON that comes on or after vernal equinox....observing whatever day this might be ranging from March 22nd thru April 25th?

The Lord's church found in the 1st century did not celebrate EASTER (the spring equinox)….once a year in order to remember the Christ by partaking of His Body and Blood to celebrate His resurrection from the grave. The Lord's church celebrates the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ on the first day of every week (regardless of the stages of moon). Turn to the book of Acts and read just when this event is celebrated, "Now on the 1st day of the week, when the disciples came together to break bread." -- Acts 20:7.

It does not say, the first day of the week, once a year. This practice was commanded by the Christ Himself (1 Cor. 11:23-29).

How do I personally feel about this Holiday? Just like Christmast…...I think its a man made TRADITION, not a command but a tradition made by men. With that being said, its still a tradition that has come to be accepted by Americans as an American event that is important, important to a great many American citizens that should be free to practice this event freely without fear of coming under attack either by their fellow secular citizens or the evil that is terrorist in nature. Why? Because it is a RIGHT of US CITIZENSHIP that is unalienable by anyone......secular citizen, US government, or foreign Terror....its protected by the RULE OF LAW (the 1st amendment). Attack by anyone for any reason.....is a criminal attack.

Happy Easter.....may you find many eggs planted by a Bunny under a full moon. For whatever reason you deem it to be real.....may you remain free to worship how you will. This the United States of America....not the Muslim states of America, not the Secular States of America.....the United (STATES) where every state constitution addresses the God of creation in one form or another.
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Yep. If RubberButtboy is so sensitive, he better not ever listen in when Catholics are discussing Protestants, or when Protestants are discussing Catholics and Mormons, and when all of the above are discussing his flavor, the fundies. OTOH, since he never appears to go to church, choosing instead to post on a political forum, his butthurts about alleged atheists pointing out the hypocrisy of his ilk is just laughable.

Fuck off, you degenerate hypocrite.
Fuck off, you degenerate hypocrite.


Yes, aka thumpers...... They don't read, they thump...

Like their fathers the Pharisees in the Bible they try to put burdens & loads on others they themselves are unwilling & unable to carry......

Their lord is not Jesus, but rather a drumpf, because he is vile & cruel to those they perceive as their enemies, ppl that are beneath them etc, just like their fathers the Pharisees..

They are the weeds & tares talked about in the Bible, those to whom Jesus will say, …22Many will say to Me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your name drive out demons and perform many miracles?’ 23Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you workers of lawlessness!’




Poor Reamed-outButthole, still sore because you can't debate your way out of a paper bag. Go swig some whiskey, take a handful of your oxycodones, and have yourself a nice long nap. <muah>

You brought me up, I didn't bring you up, you worthless degenerate cunt. Mind your own business.
What a shame. Not. RancidBreath's impotent sputters are a perfect example of why the ignore function is a good thing. :laugh:

Today, 02:50 PM
RB 60

This message is hidden because RB 60 is on your ignore list.
What a shame. Not. RancidBreath's impotent sputters are a perfect example of why the ignore function is a good thing. :laugh:

Today, 02:50 PM
RB 60

This message is hidden because RB 60 is on your ignore list.

What's wrong, Fowl? Can't take your shit thrown back at you? You think your "special"?
If we Christians spoke of you atheists like you do us, you'd be screaming discrimination, hold silly protests and get the ACLU on our asses. Hypocrites...

Very hard to believe you are a Christian.. Was that a typo??

I heard you can get lessons, prob an online course, you got nothing to lose... Hell, if you asked your neighbors & family etc they would prob be glad to help pay for it, Lord knows you need it, have a blessed day :)