Economy Surges Ahead Despite Housing


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Economy Surges Ahead at 4 Percent Annual Rate in Spring Despite Housing

WASHINGTON (AP) -- The economy grew at its strongest pace in more than a year during the spring as solid improvements in international trade and business investment helped offset weakness in housing.
The gross domestic product, the broadest measure of economic health, expanded at an annual rate of 4 percent in the April-June quarter, significantly higher than the 3.4 percent rate the government had initially estimated a month ago, the Commerce Department reported Thursday.

Of course; anyone who understands economics knows that the ripple effect from the housing decline will take a few quarters to show up in broader economic growth measurements...
Economy Surges Ahead at 4 Percent Annual Rate in Spring Despite Housing

WASHINGTON (AP) -- The economy grew at its strongest pace in more than a year during the spring as solid improvements in international trade and business investment helped offset weakness in housing.
The gross domestic product, the broadest measure of economic health, expanded at an annual rate of 4 percent in the April-June quarter, significantly higher than the 3.4 percent rate the government had initially estimated a month ago, the Commerce Department reported Thursday.


Top - What you refuse to acknowledge is that the distribution economic growth is largely distributed the top 10% of income earners. The large majority of working stiffs aren't any better off, which is why we end up with consistent growth coupled with consistent dissatisfaction with the economy.

I'm pleased that the economy is growing, but growth in and of doesn't necessarily benefit everyone alike. You shouting "growth" from the rooftops isn't really going to change anyone's views.
Of course; anyone who understands economics knows that the ripple effect from the housing decline will take a few quarters to show up in broader economic growth measurements...

Actually, I wouldn't bill myself as someone who understands economics...and I knew that.

I don't know what that says about Top, but it doesn't seem like it would be anything good.
well it is growth for the wannabes like Topper, that is all that matters.

To him. Which, by the way, I have no problem with.

The problem that I have is with people like top who are reaping the benefits of this economy while complaining about the "pessimism" of the rest of the country that's getting pissed on and told it's raining.
dungshit I'm not only in that top 10% I'm in the top 3% so yeah I'm lovin it.
Lorax, we're growing despite housing which didn't just become a problem this week. Your post sounds like your hoping of bad numbers.
To him. Which, by the way, I have no problem with.

The problem that I have is with people like top who are reaping the benefits of this economy while complaining about the "pessimism" of the rest of the country that's getting pissed on and told it's raining.

That is our topper :)
At least duhla has the brains to watch from the sidelines.
Lorax, please jump in the deepend with the sharks.
the same place they always are when you get you head caved in on economics in the topsin pool baby.
Taking me on is about as viable as Miss States chances tonight.
Of course; anyone who understands economics knows that the ripple effect from the housing decline will take a few quarters to show up in broader economic growth measurements...

Not only that, but this report is on the second quarter. While the slide in housing began last June, the major moves and the panic in the market did not begin until this July. Which obviously will not be reflected in 2 qtr numbers.
Not only that, but this report is on the second quarter. While the slide in housing began last June, the major moves and the panic in the market did not begin until this July. Which obviously will not be reflected in 2 qtr numbers.

A super-shark mega-investor like toppy/H-girl should be able to grasp that one...