Economy Surges Ahead Despite Housing

Course you never insult anyone, now do you??
Again, it is an impression of Smeagal, if I was "insulting" anybody it was myself.

However, I have never said I "never" insult people. That seems to only be part of your evangelistic and shameless promotion of my awesomeness. (note: for those who can't tell, that is sarcasm).
I never said any such thing about not having a degree.
All I'm saying is in general each one brings with it significantly more earnings potential.
The anti-get rich crowd always points to medain wages stagnating yet dances around the 20 illegals working in their neighborhoods. It's a totally weak argument.

median wages are stagnating due to the glut of cheap labor which comes from an unenforced border. We deserve a functioning border and the automatic market protections it implies. Why can't you globalists just go develop in mexico? Why do you allow mexico to stymie it's own development with massive corruption, and then fob off it's unemployment problem on us?

You're seriously brain damaged.
Just remember top.... the most successful person on the planet (financially speaking).... only has a high school degree.

It's all about attitude....
"Attitude is more important than the past, than education, than money, than circumstances, than what people do or say. It is more important than appearance, giftedness, or skill."