Economy Surges Ahead Despite Housing

those not mentally capable of getting a degree can become a vo-:clink: tech guy like usc and change computer parts for $75hr

as i was saying I know of some with degrees and no common sense whatsoever.

Now how would I do that over the net ?
The hard truth, and one that goes against the myth created in this country, is not eveyone is capable of achieving an education. There are some people in this world that try as they might will NEVER leave the service sector of our economy. American's don't value that sector of the populace and so they will always be on the outside looking in on the American dream
The hard truth, and one that goes against the myth created in this country, is not eveyone is capable of achieving an education. There are some people in this world that try as they might will NEVER leave the service sector of our economy. American's don't value that sector of the populace and so they will always be on the outside looking in on the American dream

I know a few and most are good people too.
The hard truth, and one that goes against the myth created in this country, is not eveyone is capable of achieving an education. There are some people in this world that try as they might will NEVER leave the service sector of our economy. American's don't value that sector of the populace and so they will always be on the outside looking in on the American dream
Hmmm... I know a few too, but they are not all lookin 'in at' the American Dream. I have a friend who saved like a freako, getting cheap apartments and buying almost nothing until he saved enough to put down on a purchase of a pizza franchise. He will never get beyond "service sector" but he surely makes more money than I currently do.

He sacrficed for a long time, and it paid off huge for him.
Hmmm... I know a few too, but they are not all lookin 'in at' the American Dream. I have a friend who saved like a freako, getting cheap apartments and buying almost nothing until he saved enough to put down on a purchase of a pizza franchise. He will never get beyond "service sector" but he surely makes more money than I currently do.

He sacrficed for a long time, and it paid off huge for him.

Determination can ovecome other hurdles. Often it is the only thing that will.
I have another friend who comes to town, works for about two years, lives as cheaply as I have ever seen anybody live for those two years, and then takes trips like mad, spending on life rather than things. She never finished HS even, but she sure does LIVE.
I have another friend who comes to town, works for about two years, lives as cheaply as I have ever seen anybody live for those two years, and then takes trips like mad, spending on life rather than things. She never finished HS even, but she sure does LIVE.

Yeah all kinds, I knew a guy like that except he would take off and spend it all gambling. Living on peanut butter to support his gambling habit.
those not mentally capable of getting a degree can become a vo-:clink: tech guy like usc and change computer parts for $75hr

The problem top is that being capable of getting a degree does not equate to being able to apply that degree in the real world. Being able to take a test and pass does not mean you necessarily understand the material.

In my profession you can get a CFP (certified financial planner). It is a series of tests. I know individuals who have taken it that are fairly brilliant and others that are complete morons when it comes to understanding how to APPLY the knowledge.

Does a degree help? Yes.

Does it build a better foundation of knowledge? without question.

But you place far too high a value on that degree alone. In my not so humble opinion. :)
Degrees aren't worth the paper they are written on until one gets out and proves they can perform in the real world.

I loved the britts headline:
How coud 51 million americans be so stupid ?

I have met some college degreed folks with zero common sense.
Take topper for instance....
Please take topper.

and how do we really know topper has a degree.../pass!;)
Well put uscitizen. The attitude that "I have a degree therefore am smarter than you" has been proven false many times over. I do agree with topper that people need to be better educated but to blanketly say that if someone doesn't get a degree they don't deserve a decent living is an elitist attitude. Many people who have no degrees make much more money than I do and I say more power to them. The drive to work and succeed, now that's another story.
These numbers only give one a general idea of economic health. They are no test for the cancers of malinvestment. In fact they count those cancers as growth.
I never said any such thing about not having a degree.
All I'm saying is in general each one brings with it significantly more earnings potential.
The anti-get rich crowd always points to medain wages stagnating yet dances around the 20 illegals working in their neighborhoods. It's a totally weak argument.
Umm I am anti illegal immigration....
And since I got fairly rich I must not be against myself....

But damo has me confused as to whether I am an elitist prick or not.....