Economy Surges Ahead Despite Housing

Chapdogs high-level resume:
12yo: landscaping helper
13years old: wake up every sat and sun morning at 4am. ride bike up big hill to farm and shovel out feed bins for cows.. then clean up shit all morning for $4.25 an hour.
14years old: get job at tobacco farm cutting down tobacco plants with bugs crawling all over me for 8hours a day for $5.50per hour.
15yo: bagger at grocery store. Min wage
15.5yo: buy first car with savings from age 13 before I have a license.
16yo: stock boy at kmart. Min plus $1
17yo-18yo: house painting and landscaping.
19yo: flat tar roofing 16.50 per hour
19yo: start window washing business with friend and run in summers thru college while I get Finance degree.. pays half my school tuition, all spending money and rest of college i finance in loans.

Out of college: 28K starting salary at Fidelity where I stay for 8years get my masters and triple my salary… move since to 4 other companies making more and more money. Continue to constantly improve my skills to make my life easier.
millions of dublicate stories, no offense chappy but the turbo-libs want a picture painted that makes that all but impossible.
I have no sympathy for able bodies and minded people who cant get somewhere in life.. AND.. i have the right to feel that way.

I have sympathy for handicapped and mentally under averaged people only.
I have no sympathy for able bodies and minded people who cant get somewhere in life.. AND.. i have the right to feel that way.

I have sympathy for handicapped and mentally under averaged people only.

Chap - I respect your hard work and you certainly have earned your success. But, you need to recognize that there simply can't be 300 million Chapdogs in a capitalist economy. It's impossible.
Chap - I respect your hard work and you certainly have earned your success. But, you need to recognize that there simply can't be 300 million Chapdogs in a capitalist economy. It's impossible.

Oh i do understand that.. Some people are just not disciplined enough, or physically/mentally unable.

I get that there are people like that. But that doesn't change the fact that if your and able bodied person who chooses the easy path in life.. then fuck you as far as im concerned. You dont deserve handouts. Not you personally :clink:
the other point is that not all are capable of getting a college degree brecause of lower intelligence. Do we just kill those ?
Wo would vote for Neocons if we did ?
the other point is that not all are capable of getting a college degree brecause of lower intelligence. Do we just kill those ?
Wo would vote for Neocons if we did ?

LMAO.. nope.. but unless they are retarded there are plenty of blue collar jobs they can train for with average or even slightly below average jobs that pay over this national medium.
The rich man in this country need not be of bright intelligence.. merely need to show up and want to work.
LMAO.. nope.. but unless they are retarded there are plenty of blue collar jobs they can train for with average or even slightly below average jobs that pay over this national medium.

Not in my neck of the woods. I know of 3 persons with 4 year degrees that are working at wally world. and a few more that work at a call center.

No decent jobs. In my county my $75/hr rate puts me in the top 5%.
And I work over the net.
First off, when the people at the top make money they invest in other businesses that employ people. So the Top 10% making money is a good thing and not a bad thing.

As for using brain power and not back power, the bulk of this countriy's work is done with muscles and not brains. Lots of people will NEVER be able to work in a job where they use their brains, because they lack the intellectual capacity to do that sort of work. What you laud so loudly Top eventually will spark a backlash against otherwise sound economic growth policiy IF the rest of America is not seeing some benefit. I mean even todays news about the 4% growth was tempered by the commerce department saying that The Commerce Department said second-quarter gross domestic product rose business investment, not consumer spending, was the main driver of growth. While business is the main driver of economic growth, consumer spending is the grease that keeps the wheels running smoothly. A continuing decline in consumer spending ( and I am not saying that I KNOW that it will continue) will ultimately hurt everyone.
or invest it overseas....Or just invest it in the market which only creates a few trader jobs.
Well unless you actually buy stock from the issuing company.
Not in my neck of the woods. I know of 3 persons with 4 year degrees that are working at wally world. and a few more that work at a call center.

No decent jobs. In my county my $75/hr rate puts me in the top 5%.
And I work over the net.

lol wally world.

where do u live? there are like tens of thousands of jobs in my area open. I guess this must be a regional thing? and what kind of degrees did they get? I know my son will not be funded by me if he chooses to do anything that is useless in school. YES im the asshole dad that WONT tell his kid u can get whatever degree u want in life.
Umm how could 1% elect bush ?

Excellent question. I asked that myself when people were crying over the tax cuts and claiming Bush was doing it to give back to all his voters. If the median income was brought down by Bush voters as you claim it reasons tax cuts 'for the rich' were not a benefit to Bush voters.

Go read the Wall St Journal report in 2000 of Bush and Gore voters.

The majority of voters without a high school degree: Gore
The majority of voters with a high school degree (only): Bush
The majority of voters with a college degree: Bush
The majority of voters with an advanced degree: Gore

If you want to label the 'retards' as you say bringing down the medium income it looks like the Democratic voters might win out.
I loved the britts headline:
How coud 51 million americans be so stupid ?

I have met some college degreed folks with zero common sense.
Take topper for instance....
Please take topper.
those not mentally capable of getting a degree can become a vo-:clink: tech guy like usc and change computer parts for $75hr