Eleven rules for debating leftists.

This thread provides some textbook examples of why threadbanning is not only desirable, but mandatory in some cases.

(shaking head) You thread ban 50 Posters on a Politics Forum. Why do you even bother coming here?
Are you Legina's sock? Every time Legina posts, you pop up and say "I agree!".

No I am not Legions sock

Anyone with reading comprehension skills above first grade can discern that we have very different writing/posting styles

I have gone through this many times before but I will humor you.

I have three accounts here

I Love America - commonly known as ILA. This was my first account

Teflon Don - this was inspired by Grind calling me Teflon after numerous failed attempts at getting me banned by board liberals

Butthurt Yurt - this is a throw away that was created when we played Werewolf and used anonymous names. I change this one often but use it rarely

(shaking head) You thread ban 50 Posters on a Politics Forum. Why do you even bother coming here?

Why do you care how many people he thread bans?

How does it materially harm you?

Have you ever thought that his (and my) extensive thread ban lists say more about those being thread banned than the person doing the thread banning?

Is your issue with the mere act of thread banning or the number?

What number of thread bans is acceptable to you?

Some on the left have extensive thread ban lists. Why do you not call them out?
No I am not Legions sock

Anyone with reading comprehension skills above first grade can discern that we have very different writing/posting styles

I have gone through this many times before but I will humor you.

I have three accounts here

I Love America - commonly known as ILA. This was my first account

Teflon Don - this was inspired by Grind calling me Teflon after numerous failed attempts at getting me banned by board liberals

Butthurt Yurt - this is a throw away that was created when we played Werewolf and used anonymous names. I change this one often but use it rarely


Thank you TD. You've told me that previously and it sounded authentic, sincere, and truthful. But, ... really ... are you Legina;'s sock?
(shaking head) You thread ban 50 Posters on a Politics Forum. Why do you even bother coming here?
Does it matter whether its 5 or 50? Why even start a thread if you're going to ban people?
Just have an "ignore list" and actually ignore the ones you are afraid of....;)
Why do you care how many people he thread bans?

How does it materially harm you?

Have you ever thought that his (and my) extensive thread ban lists say more about those being thread banned than the person doing the thread banning?

Is your issue with the mere act of thread banning or the number?

What number of thread bans is acceptable to you?

Some on the left have extensive thread ban lists. Why do you not call them out?

Thank you for your interest, I'll try and answer.

1. "Why do you care how many people he thread bans?"
Jack: Why come to a Forum if you ban half the people?

2. "How does it materially harm you?"
Jack: It harms me in no way.

3. "Have you ever thought that his (and my) extensive thread ban lists say more about those being thread banned than the person doing the thread banning?"
Jack: No. Just the opposite. I find it quite peculiar to thread ban half the Forum. Humorous actually.

4. "Is your issue with the mere act of thread banning or the number?"
Jack: The 'number' is the MOST peculiar.

5. "What number of thread bans is acceptable to you?"
Jack: hahaha ... Zero for me, but I don't have a problem with people 'threadbanning' others.

6. "Some on the left have extensive thread ban lists. Why do you not call them out?"
Jack: I have not seen 50 Posters banned from threads other than YOU and Legina.
Does it matter whether its 5 or 50? Why even start a thread if you're going to ban people?
Just have an "ignore list" and actually ignore the ones you are afraid of....;)

You'll have to direct that to Teflon Don/Legina.
Thank you TD. You've told me that previously and it sounded authentic, sincere, and truthful. But, ... really ... are you Legina;'s sock?

I will only say it one more time. You can believe or not. Or you can verify with a Mod

I am not Legion.
Does it matter whether its 5 or 50? Why even start a thread if you're going to ban people?
Just have an "ignore list" and actually ignore the ones you are afraid of....;)

Thread bans has a much different function than Ignore. Allow me to explain

I will use Deshtard (evince) as my example. She is a fucking retard incapable of rational discussion

She crap floods threads
She doesn’t use the quote feature
She constantly derails threads with Supreme Court consent decrees whether it is remotely relevant or not

The irony is that thread banning was created at the behest of liberals who were always crying about me. They didn’t request the feature per se, but their incessant whining and demands for me to be banned led to Damo to create it.

The irony is that I have still never been banned AND I use thread bans to drive liberals crazy.

Life is a bitch
Thank you for your interest, I'll try and answer.

1. "Why do you care how many people he thread bans?"
Jack: Why come to a Forum if you ban half the people?

2. "How does it materially harm you?"
Jack: It harms me in no way.

3. "Have you ever thought that his (and my) extensive thread ban lists say more about those being thread banned than the person doing the thread banning?"
Jack: No. Just the opposite. I find it quite peculiar to thread ban half the Forum. Humorous actually.

4. "Is your issue with the mere act of thread banning or the number?"
Jack: The 'number' is the MOST peculiar.

5. "What number of thread bans is acceptable to you?"
Jack: hahaha ... Zero for me, but I don't have a problem with people 'threadbanning' others.

6. "Some on the left have extensive thread ban lists. Why do you not call them out?"
Jack: I have not seen 50 Posters banned from threads other than YOU and Legina.

People come to these forums for a number of reasons. I can’t speak for Legion but I will be happy to tell you why I do it

I have been coming to these types of forums for man years. After all that time, I have come to the conclusion that 99.99999% of participants are not really interested in civilized debate.

Additionally, I have determine that after arguing with thousands of libtards about issues ranging from abortion to taxes, they are not going to say anything new or that I haven’t heard before.

Sometimes I start a thread posting news I find interesting, but am not interested in what libtards think about it and really don’t need to discuss it. So I thread ban

The irony is that the overwhelming majority of threads that I start are in APP where I thread ban nobody. What I find interesting is that the same people who whine and bitch about my thread bans don’t participate in the threads I start there.

That is why I don’t take complaints about my thread bans seriously.

I will let Comrade Legion speak for himself
People come to these forums for a number of reasons. I can’t speak for Legion but I will be happy to tell you why I do it

I have been coming to these types of forums for man years. After all that time, I have come to the conclusion that 99.99999% of participants are not really interested in civilized debate.

Additionally, I have determine that after arguing with thousands of libtards about issues ranging from abortion to taxes, they are not going to say anything new or that I haven’t heard before.

Sometimes I start a thread posting news I find interesting, but am not interested in what libtards think about it and really don’t need to discuss it. So I thread ban

The irony is that the overwhelming majority of threads that I start are in APP where I thread ban nobody. What I find interesting is that the same people who whine and bitch about my thread bans don’t participate in the threads I start there.

That is why I don’t take complaints about my thread bans seriously.

I will let Comrade Legion speak for himself

1. "I have been coming to these types of forums for man years. After all that time, I have come to the conclusion that 99.99999% of participants are not really interested in civilized debate."
Jack: I agree, most people have already made up their minds and no matter what is said, will still believe what they originally believed.

2. "Additionally, I have determine that after arguing with thousands of libtards about issues ranging from abortion to taxes, they are not going to say anything new or that I haven’t heard before."
Jack: That's probably true.

3. "Sometimes I start a thread posting news I find interesting, but am not interested in what libtards think about it and really don’t need to discuss it. So I thread ban"
Jack: I can only speak for myself, when I see a 'Legina thread', I ignore it because it's just a 'shout out' that no one can respond to. Why should I bother reading it?

4. "The irony is that the overwhelming majority of threads that I start are in APP where I thread ban nobody."
Jack: I tried to respond to one of your posts there, but was unable to post, so like the 'threadbanning', when I see 'APP', I ignore it because I'm unable to post/respond there.

5. "What I find interesting is that the same people who whine and bitch about my thread bans don’t participate in the threads I start there."
Jack: I don't think 'people are whining about your thread bans'. I think they are mocking people that come to a Politics Forum, only to talk to themselves.

6. "I will let Comrade Legion speak for himself"
Jack: Somehow, I think it will be similar to yours.
Quote Originally Posted by Jack View Post
Thank you for your interest, I'll try and answer.

1. "Why do you care how many people he thread bans?"
Jack: Why come to a Forum if you ban half the people?

2. "How does it materially harm you?"
Jack: It harms me in no way.

3. "Have you ever thought that his (and my) extensive thread ban lists say more about those being thread banned than the person doing the thread banning?"
Jack: No. Just the opposite. I find it quite peculiar to thread ban half the Forum. Humorous actually.

4. "Is your issue with the mere act of thread banning or the number?"
Jack: The 'number' is the MOST peculiar.

5. "What number of thread bans is acceptable to you?"
Jack: hahaha ... Zero for me, but I don't have a problem with people 'threadbanning' others.

6. "Some on the left have extensive thread ban lists. Why do you not call them out?"
Jack: I have not seen 50 Posters banned from threads other than YOU and Legina.

shut up, Mason.....
1. "I have been coming to these types of forums for man years. After all that time, I have come to the conclusion that 99.99999% of participants are not really interested in civilized debate."
Jack: I agree, most people have already made up their minds and no matter what is said, will still believe what they originally believed.

2. "Additionally, I have determine that after arguing with thousands of libtards about issues ranging from abortion to taxes, they are not going to say anything new or that I haven’t heard before."
Jack: That's probably true.

3. "Sometimes I start a thread posting news I find interesting, but am not interested in what libtards think about it and really don’t need to discuss it. So I thread ban"
Jack: I can only speak for myself, when I see a 'Legina thread', I ignore it because it's just a 'shout out' that no one can respond to. Why should I bother reading it?

4. "The irony is that the overwhelming majority of threads that I start are in APP where I thread ban nobody."
Jack: I tried to respond to one of your posts there, but was unable to post, so like the 'threadbanning', when I see 'APP', I ignore it because I'm unable to post/respond there.

5. "What I find interesting is that the same people who whine and bitch about my thread bans don’t participate in the threads I start there."
Jack: I don't think 'people are whining about your thread bans'. I think they are mocking people that come to a Politics Forum, only to talk to themselves.

6. "I will let Comrade Legion speak for himself"
Jack: Somehow, I think it will be similar to yours.

So a couple of things

1) if you would like to post in APP all you have to do is request permission from the Mods. This is an added step they have employed to ensure that people have read APP rules and acknowledge the increased moderation. It is not an onerous task

2) as for whether Legion will agree, he just may well.

3) Clearly you think he and I are the same person so there is nothing I can do about it. It doesn’t hurt me, so carry on

4) Have you considered that Legion is fucking with you guys and trying to make you think that? He does like to troll people.

Either way. I am finished addressing this topic
So a couple of things

1) if you would like to post in APP all you have to do is request permission from the Mods. This is an added step they have employed to ensure that people have read APP rules and acknowledge the increased moderation. It is not an onerous task

2) as for whether Legion will agree, he just may well.

3) Clearly you think he and I are the same person so there is nothing I can do about it. It doesn’t hurt me, so carry on

4) Have you considered that Legion is fucking with you guys and trying to make you think that? He does like to troll people.

Either way. I am finished addressing this topic

1. "1) if you would like to post in APP all you have to do is request permission from the Mods. This is an added step they have employed to ensure that people have read APP rules and acknowledge the increased moderation. It is not an onerous task"
Jack: I'm not used to having to ask for permission to speak, but thanks for the info, maybe I'll check it out one day?

2. "2) as for whether Legion will agree, he just may well."
Jack: Surprise of surprises, he just has.

3. "3) Clearly you think he and I are the same person so there is nothing I can do about it. It doesn’t hurt me, so carry on"
Jack: Thanks.

4. "4) Have you considered that Legion is fucking with you guys and trying to make you think that? He does like to troll people."
Jack: We ALL could be fucking with EACH other? You know, you run out of debating material, what's left?

5. "Either way. I am finished addressing this topic"
Jack: Good. Nice talking to you ... Legina.
Hello Top,

Why even start a thread if you're going to ban people?

Because some people come here to debate politics. Others just want to have flame wars.

The flame wars are a nuisance to those who wish to actually conduct a rational conversation.

Even if you have somebody on Ignore you still have to scroll past all the entries that say: "This message is hidden because [Ignored poster name] is on your ignore list."

Since there are so many flamers, all the scrolling becomes a chore.

It is a more refined experience through strategic use of the thread ban feature.