Eleven rules for debating leftists.

Hello Top,

Because some people come here to debate politics. Others just want to have flame wars.

The flame wars are a nuisance to those who wish to actually conduct a rational conversation.

Even if you have somebody on Ignore you still have to scroll past all the entries that say: "This message is hidden because [Ignored poster name] is on your ignore list."

Since there are so many flamers, all the scrolling becomes a chore.

It is a more refined experience through strategic use of the thread ban feature.
Can you point out a "more refined" thread here where people are "just" debating politics or conversing about them rationally?
That being asked, it's not that hard to just scroll on by....if you have that many on ignore, the problem is yours....you aren't one of those who remind every poster you have on ignore that they are on ignore, each and every time they post... along with a special nickname? Are you?
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Memorize this. Practice it until it's second nature, and you will never lose a debate against a leftist.

You cannot debate leftists. In order to have a real debate, leftists would first have to be honest; they aren't. In order to have a real debate, leftists would have to listen and understand your arguments; they don't care. In order to have a real debate, leftists would have to have facts to support their claims; they never do and instead engage in insults; rhetoric and lies.

It happens every day on this forum. It is a fact that when you argue with a liberal, you will end up in a never ending circle of stupidity.
The only winning is in peoples mind. Never have I seen anyone win on these forums, so stop shitting yourself. Next time you argue with someone, and they have a revelation and say you were right. We'll call that a win. The rest is just delusion because you can't win anything unless you have true facts. I haven't seen many rightists going outside the bubble of catered news, and even the left often use questionable sources many a time. The only other winning here, is in outside politics games.

Case #3; Engage in a lunatic rant.
Nice going Jade. I love watching you bitch slap Legina into submission. And taking Grugore down at the same time is ... well, just icing on the cake. Well done! :thumbsup:

Case #4; While avoiding the topic, high five like thinking members who attack a forum member.

Case #7; when all else fails, avoid the topic and post an insulting gif.
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Does it matter whether its 5 or 50? Why even start a thread if you're going to ban people?
Just have an "ignore list" and actually ignore the ones you are afraid of....;)

Stupid; because if you don't ban outright lunatics and idiots like Evince, they will litter the thread with outright stupidity and lunacy.
Thread bans has a much different function than Ignore. Allow me to explain

I will use Deshtard (evince) as my example. She is a fucking retard incapable of rational discussion

She crap floods threads
She doesn’t use the quote feature
She constantly derails threads with Supreme Court consent decrees whether it is remotely relevant or not

The irony is that thread banning was created at the behest of liberals who were always crying about me. They didn’t request the feature per se, but their incessant whining and demands for me to be banned led to Damo to create it.

The irony is that I have still never been banned AND I use thread bans to drive liberals crazy.

Life is a bitch

Stupid; because if you don't ban outright lunatics and idiots like Evince, they will litter the thread with outright stupidity and lunacy.
There are special cases like evince....I don't think anyone is as "special" a she, though...considering the number of threads she starts....and the language...
We're retired HS teachers and thought we had heard it all until we saw her contributions here...lol
Hello Top,

Because some people come here to debate politics. Others just want to have flame wars.

The flame wars are a nuisance to those who wish to actually conduct a rational conversation.

Even if you have somebody on Ignore you still have to scroll past all the entries that say: "This message is hidden because [Ignored poster name] is on your ignore list."

Since there are so many flamers, all the scrolling becomes a chore.

It is a more refined experience through strategic use of the thread ban feature.

I haven't seen a thread started by you that wasn't an effort to flame and didn't attempt to ban every conservative on the forum.

There are special cases like evince....I don't think anyone is as "special" a she, though...considering the number of threads she starts....and the language...
We're retired HS teachers and thought we had heard it all until we saw her contributions here...lol

So you would agree ignore is not the answer. I would add Domer and Nomad to that list of leftist bloviators who never come to debate but merely flame and insult.
So you would agree ignore is not the answer. I would add Domer and Nomad to that list of leftist bloviators who never come to debate but merely flame and insult.
No one is ever really on a "ignore", so, no, that is not the answer... It's easy enough to just scroll by Domer and Nomad...and a few others. But I have no problem doing that...I wouldn't thread ban them, though.
In a forum with basically no rules, you just have to learn to deal with the special ones....find another place to post. I've always enjoyed forums that are "entertaining", and this one certainly is...
Read a couple of the posters here, and you'll feel better about the neighbors who still have Hillary signs in their yard and sit and sob, with their backs toward the airport in "protest" when the President or VP come to town. It's hilarious...