Elon Musk says he'll reveal 'what really happened' with Twitter suppression of Hunter


One really Really big deal- HOLD EVERYTHING!

Hello! Hello! Where did everybody Go?


I got this here burger thing you're going to love!

Somebody PLEASE! Aren't you hungry?


Hey kids- come here!

How about you little doggy?

Ah! Come on!
That is literally the reverse of what is happening here.

And grats for one of the greatest invocations of Godwin's Law.
The Nazi were telling the media what they did and didn't want. Government officials are telling social media what to not allow being said. The Biden White House has also do it.
Yes, because the legitimacy of the laptop has been verified by the FBI. You must not have been paying attention.

As for the comparison between Trump and Hunter, why not investigate both?
It wasn't an investigation at the time. It was an article in a tabloid. Much of which has been proven to be a gross fabrication.

Why didn't Twitter expose trump's myriad rape accusations that October?