Elton John is right, marijuana legalization was a ‘great mistake’

Marijuana, weight for weight, is three times more carcinogenic than tobacco. Used regularly over a prolonged period, it gives someone a nearly 20% greater chance of developing a bipolar / schizophrenic disorder. Used shortly before or while driving is or can be just as dangerous as drinking and driving.

Both alcohol and marijuana have their issues, and I see both as equally bad in their own way. Just because alcohol is far more widely used is no reason to ignore marijuana's issues.
Bullshit on all this.

Weed undoes brainwashing.

That's why neocon creeps hate it.
I'd say you do as well. At least I'm able to talk to people about a topic. You don't really seem capable. You can post stuff OTHER people wrote and then all you do after that is bitch and insult people.
You need me. Speak to a therapist about inventing imaginary people.
A brilliant movie, hilarious.
High-school principal Dr. Alfred Carroll (Josef Forte) relates to an audience of parents that marijuana can have devastating effects on teens. In his story, a drug supplier entices several restless teens, including sister and brother Mary (Dorothy Short) and Jimmy Lane (Warren McCollum) and Mary's boyfriend, Bill (Kenneth Craig), into frequenting a reefer house. Gradually, Bill and Jimmy are drawn into smoking dope, which affects their family lives and leads to a terrible crime.
High-school principal Dr. Alfred Carroll (Josef Forte) relates to an audience of parents that marijuana can have devastating effects on teens. In his story, a drug supplier entices several restless teens, including sister and brother Mary (Dorothy Short) and Jimmy Lane (Warren McCollum) and Mary's boyfriend, Bill (Kenneth Craig), into frequenting a reefer house. Gradually, Bill and Jimmy are drawn into smoking dope, which affects their family lives and leads to a terrible crime.
Favorite scene. Mom tells son to feed the dog. Son takes frying pan and clobbers mom over the head.
Why is nobody asking for the "undoes brainwash" link.

The illuminati uses horrific abuse on people to control and split their mind.

When people smoke weed they start spontaneously reintegrating and recovering sealed off memories
Why is nobody asking for the "undoes brainwash" link.

Cuz it probably doesn't exist. But I wait with baited breath for it to show up!

The illuminati uses horrific abuse on people to control and split their mind.

Well, if it's the ILLUMINATI I doubt there's much you can do about it. They are VERY POWERFUL and can brainwash you just by pointing their Brainwashing Ray Generator at you from a distance. I bet they are doing it to you RIGHT THIS VERY MINUTE but you don't realize it.

Which means that what you are saying now is actually probably ILLUMINATI MISINFORMATION! YOU ARE DOING THEIR BIDDING EVEN THOUGH YOU DON'T EVEN REALIZE IT!!!!

When people smoke weed they start spontaneously reintegrating and recovering sealed off memories

They primarily just get really, really stupid and short term memory skills evaporate as does the ability to do simple math. Pot is actually magical in that it can make TV shows like "Jersey Shore" into deep and meaningful gnostic revelations.

I find that it really increases my "sampling rate" of things around me, makes me more "empathetic", reduces my ability to follow even the most SIMPLE plot of anything and effectively wipes out my ability to actually do anything useful.

If that bothers the Illuminati then I guess it's good.
Cuz it probably doesn't exist. But I wait with baited breath for it to show up!

Well, if it's the ILLUMINATI I doubt there's much you can do about it. They are VERY POWERFUL and can brainwash you just by pointing their Brainwashing Ray Generator at you from a distance. I bet they are doing it to you RIGHT THIS VERY MINUTE but you don't realize it.

Which means that what you are saying now is actually probably ILLUMINATI MISINFORMATION! YOU ARE DOING THEIR BIDDING EVEN THOUGH YOU DON'T EVEN REALIZE IT!!!!

They primarily just get really, really stupid and short term memory skills evaporate as does the ability to do simple math. Pot is actually magical in that it can make TV shows like "Jersey Shore" into deep and meaningful gnostic revelations.

I find that it really increases my "sampling rate" of things around me, makes me more "empathetic", reduces my ability to follow even the most SIMPLE plot of anything and effectively wipes out my ability to actually do anything useful.

If that bothers the Illuminati then I guess it's good.
They don't use a ray. They use horrific abuse from a young age.

See jay Parker arden cult.