Elton John is right, marijuana legalization was a ‘great mistake’

In fact the FIRST time I ever did pot was when I was in IN MY mid-50's and moved to a state where it was legal. I actually quite enjoy the experience. Nothing nicer than to pop a gummy, throw on the headphones and sit in the recliner cranking tunes.
Isn't that what kids say about fentanyl? Should fentanyl be legal?

I find this worry by Elton to be somewhat troublesome.
Elton John isn't worried. He said that legalization was a mistake for the reasons he listed. What do you think about the reasons he listed?

... the concept of the "gateway drug" needs to be expanded to include alcohol.
Explain. Alcoholics usually stick with alcohol.

Suddenly no one talks about gateway drugs anymore. And the true irony is that alcohol is a much more murderous and horrible drug that destroys lives every single day.
Explain. I'm drinking some alcohol right now. How murderous and horrible should I expect it to be? Roughly when will it destroy my life? Every single day, as you specify? You could stand to offer a wee bit more clarification.

So, if we want to make legislation RESTRICTING drugs that can lead to harm...start with one of the most deadly drugs we currently accept in our society.
How about we start with the COVID "vaccine"?
Isn't that what kids say about fentanyl? Should fentanyl be legal?

Elton John isn't worried. He said that legalization was a mistake for the reasons he listed. What do you think about the reasons he listed?

Explain. Alcoholics usually stick with alcohol.

Explain. I'm drinking some alcohol right now. How murderous and horrible should I expect it to be? Roughly when will it destroy my life? Every single day, as you specify? You could stand to offer a wee bit more clarification.

How about we start with the COVID "vaccine"?

Yippee! IBDaMann has weighed in on this important conversation!
Yippee! IBDaMann has weighed in on this important conversation!
Thank you for jogging my memory. You are only here to troll, not to be value-added in any conversation that would require you to have remained in school beyond the eighth grade.
There is a ton of chatter on my grapevine against weed, from the likes of Jordan Peterson and Peter Hitchens.....I think the same about this as I do the current high level of chatter condemning porn.....

I do not agree....weed and porn have greatly improved my life.
Isn't that what kids say about fentanyl? Should fentanyl be legal?

Elton John isn't worried. He said that legalization was a mistake for the reasons he listed. What do you think about the reasons he listed?

Explain. Alcoholics usually stick with alcohol.

Explain. I'm drinking some alcohol right now. How murderous and horrible should I expect it to be? Roughly when will it destroy my life? Every single day, as you specify? You could stand to offer a wee bit more clarification.

How about we start with the COVID "vaccine"?

Isn't that what kids say about fentanyl? Should fentanyl be legal?

Elton John isn't worried. He said that legalization was a mistake for the reasons he listed. What do you think about the reasons he listed?

Explain. Alcoholics usually stick with alcohol.

Explain. I'm drinking some alcohol right now. How murderous and horrible should I expect it to be? Roughly when will it destroy my life? Every single day, as you specify? You could stand to offer a wee bit more clarification.

How about we start with the COVID "vaccine"?
All very stupid.
No, I don't do drugs anymore, either. But I'll tell you something about drugs. I used to do drugs, but I'll tell you something honestly about drugs, honestly, and I know it's not a very popular idea, you don't hear it very often anymore, but it is the truth: I had a great time doing drugs. Sorry. Never murdered anyone, never robbed anyone, never raped anyone, never beat anyone, never lost a job, a car, a house, a wife or kids, laughed my ass off, and went about my day.
Bill Hicks
There is a ton of chatter on my grapevine against weed, from the likes of Jordan Peterson and Peter Hitchens.....I think the same about this as I do the current high level of chatter condemning porn.....
Weed and porn are what they are. You are reading propaganda that is only touting the negative without touting the positive.

I do not agree....weed and porn have greatly improved my life.
While I would question the value and productivity of your previous life before weed and porn greatly improved it, the negative aspects do not somehow vanish.

Have you ever considered that some of the really stupid things you say about governments might be resulting from pot negatively affecting your cerebral activity? Jussayn.
Weed and porn are what they are. You are reading propaganda that is only touting the negative without touting the positive.

While I would question the value and productivity of your previous life before weed and porn greatly improved it, the negative aspects do not somehow vanish.

Have you ever considered that some of the really stupid things you say about governments might be resulting from pot negatively affecting your cerebral activity? Jussayn.
I am right a high percentage of the time, and the Weed might have something to do with how this happens, why I am resistant to the various brainwashings.
My thoughts on pot remain the same as they always have been. I cant stand the stuff. I think it reeks terribly. I can smell it all over a pot smoker and it stinks like hell. IMO it is bad for society,..." YES booze is too" . I think people that smoke pot are so used to the smell that they don't even know that they are walking around in public stinking and its offensive smelling.

Having said all that,.....if people wanna smoke dope,....have at it, its your life. No skin off my ass. Just make sure you spray yourself down good with Lysol before coming within 10 feet of me or I'll probably bring it up and embarrass you. You wanna walk around smelling like you just dropped a load in your pants go ahead,..just keep away from me... :)
Why is it smart to send all jobs away?

I always ask this question because it makes people think about their unquestioned "knowledge".

What does this thread have to do with jobs mental case?

Weed undoes brainwashing.
That's why propagandists and liars hate it...

Weed ensures that you eventually will not have much of a brain and become a drag on society.