Enceladus, Saturn's ocean world

Thanks. I like humor.

Not projection, just an observation, Perry, but I'm content to let others decide for themselves if you are a juvenile poseur or really a highly educated doctor of GeoChem.

Results count, son, and you display little education, maturity and sanity. :)


Wow! I taught you ANOTHER word! You are most welcome! I'm so glad you are able to at least partially learn. If only at the Community College Level.
Wow! I taught you ANOTHER word! You are most welcome! I'm so glad you are able to at least partially learn. If only at the Community College Level.
Your life must be pretty sad for you to feel that way, Perry.

Let's say you're correct; that I'm a college dropout. Why does that make you so happy? What gives you so much joy in seeing others fail?

IMO, you're a loser and a failure so if you can make others feel lesser than yourself, you can rub one off at your computer. Is that true, Perry?
Your life must be pretty sad for you to feel that way, Perry.

At least I'm not busy making stupid juvenile MEMES just because I'm in a snit. You seem OVERLY emotional about this. I know I've touched a nerve about your failure at community college.

Let's say you're correct; that I'm a college dropout. Why does that make you so happy? What gives you so much joy in seeing others fail?

You DEMAND people mock you. You never learned the Golden Rule.

You can dish it out but you can't take it.

At least I'm not busy making stupid juvenile MEMES just because I'm in a snit. You seem OVERLY emotional about this. I know I've touched a nerve about your failure at community college.

You DEMAND people mock you. You never learned the Golden Rule.

You can dish it out but you can't take it.

I find it very interesting that you dodged both questions, Perry.

It's no secret that I doubt your veracity as "PhD of GeoChem". You lack the intelligence, the maturity and the education. Googling isn't education, son.

OTOH, I concede that, like COgoat and Sybil, you may have succumbed to an adult-onset mental illness which impaired you cognitive abilities. Therefore, it's possible that you did, indeed, obtain a PhD before your disability ruined your career.

Regardless if you are just a liar or mentally ill, both would explain your behavior and juvenile joy in pretending to be the intellectual superior on JPP.
I find it very interesting that you dodged both questions, Perry.

It's no secret that I doubt your veracity as "PhD of GeoChem". You lack the intelligence, the maturity and the education. Googling isn't education, son.

OTOH, I concede that, like COgoat and Sybil, you may have succumbed to an adult-onset mental illness which impaired you cognitive abilities. Therefore, it's possible that you did, indeed, obtain a PhD before your disability ruined your career.

Regardless if you are just a liar or mentally ill, both would explain your behavior and juvenile joy in pretending to be the intellectual superior on JPP.

Don't feel bad just because you could barely make it through community college. You should feel bad because you are a pussy who can dish it out but can't take it. That's a flaw.
Don't feel bad just because you could barely make it through community college.

You should feel bad because you are a pussy who can dish it out but can't take it. That's a flaw.
Thanks, Perry, but I have no regrets.

Disagreed, Perry, but if you can post a specific example of where you think I "can't take it", I'd love to discuss it with you.
Thanks, Perry, but I have no regrets.

Disagreed, Perry, but if you can post a specific example of where you think I "can't take it", I'd love to discuss it with you.

Slow down, doc. You hit me up with like 4 new whines. I don't have time to hold your hand.

You are clearly upset. Sorry I made fun of your limited education. Not really...I'm not sorry at all. BECAUSE YOU TOLD ME YOU WANTED ME TO MOCK IT.. The minute you started to obsess on my education and mock me you told EVERYONE to mock yours.

Too bad you don't have much.

Go ahead and tell us about your made up job as a "screener". I'm guessing you're a low-paid, low education TSA agent patting down old people.

Slow down, doc. You hit me up with like 4 new whines. I don't have time to hold your hand.

You are clearly upset. Sorry I made fun of your limited education. Not really...I'm not sorry at all. BECAUSE YOU TOLD ME YOU WANTED ME TO MOCK IT.. The minute you started to obsess on my education and mock me you told EVERYONE to mock yours.

Too bad you don't have much.

Go ahead and tell us about your made up job as a "screener". I'm guessing you're a low-paid, low education TSA agent patting down old people.

So nothing is your fault, it's all mine? Interesting perspective, Perry. I disagree, but it's interesting to see you never take responsibility for your behavior.

Where did I mock your education, Perry? Because I pointed out you are too immature to be the 40 years+ you claim to be?
So nothing is your fault, it's all mine? Interesting perspective, Perry. I disagree, but it's interesting to see you never take responsibility for your behavior.

Where did I mock your education, Perry? Because I pointed out you are too immature to be the 40 years+ you claim to be?

Learn the Golden Rule. Fuck, ask your buddy Cypress. He can tell you all about it.

How did you make it to 67 and be as profoundly ignorant as you are? It has GOT to be sad to be so old and realize you aren't worth anything and all you do is troll an internet forum.

Wow. Just sad. Not much going on.
Learn the Golden Rule. Fuck, ask your buddy Cypress. He can tell you all about it.

How did you make it to 67 and be as profoundly ignorant as you are?

It has GOT to be sad to be so old and realize you aren't worth anything and all you do is troll an internet forum.

Wow. Just sad. Not much going on.
Thanks, but I already know it. Why do you always insist it's always the fault of others and that you are always completely innocent?

Just lucky. Almost died a few times. There were two instances when I woke up surprised to be waking up. LOL

I bow to your expertise in trolling, Perry. How old are you?
Your previous statement indicates otherwise, Perry, as reposted below. Bullshit on your love of your fellow man.

I never said anything about death.

I understand that Sundown Syndrome can be a tough time, especially for those of us who have to see it.\

I'm really sorry but it does appear you have some mental deficiencies and your getting into "florid hallucination" time. I should probably let you be. Maybe tomorrow will be better for you.