Entry for the first Annual JPP Cup World Championship

Mott the Hoople

Sweet Jane
It looks like we have a judging panel. Now we need people to sign up for the competition.

I'll be the first.

Sign me up. :)

For those who are shy. The more who sign up for this the better. Who's the better debater? A conservative? I liberal? Let's find out who's the best. I bet when all is said and done, we'll all be surprised!
And I am the judge of the judges.

Seriously though, sign me up. The worst that can happen is I dominate everyone who opposes me (this is the best case for everyone else).
I'm not competing. Spectators are an imporant part of festive occasions, and so I hereby designate myself as Roudy Spectator (other versions include Horny, Hungry, Nonchelant, Thirsty, and Oxygen-Deprived).

You're in for quite a surprise.


i've debated that wet rag pseudo intellect before....he runs when cornered

only you youngins worship his so called intellect and put him up on some magical pedestal of intellectual genius....yet oddly, no one else sees this genius that we are supposed to believe exists, yet, is a hidden gem

your loyalty is duly noted though :clink: