Erect Carlos Danger for NY Mayor

When the person is underage it's not bad, it's a crime.
Personally I think sexual harassment should more often be a crime. It shouldn't take me pinching your bottom to be a crime (it would be sexual harassment and assault).

If I am stupid enough to send you an unconsenting dick pic, then I should have a price to pay. I hate the idea that the idiot could be testing out his pics on one of my daughters with losing his job the only consequence as he runs for an even better one later.
The right's infatuation with men's penis' amuses me.

Do y'all rub one off to pics of Weiner's big cut Jewish schlocky?
Personally I think sexual harassment should more often be a crime. It shouldn't take me pinching your bottom to be a crime (it would be sexual harassment and assault).

If I am stupid enough to send you an unconsenting dick pic, then I should have a price to pay. I hate the idea that the idiot could be testing out his pics on one of my daughters with losing his job the only consequence as he runs for an even better one later.

Well good luck with that! Wait until Tom gets a load of this one! You fembot manhater!
Well good luck with that! Wait until Tom gets a load of this one! You fembot manhater!

I don't think even Foley's actions were a crime at this time though.

On October 19, anonymous law enforcement sources said that FBI interviews with at least 40 former pages involved in the case had not found evidence of any sex crimes by Mark Foley.[88] The FBI identified a pattern where Foley began courting the pages at age 16 or 17 but waited until they turned 18 to have sex.
I think Foley's biggest problem was the hypocrisy that was so apparent. He passes a law against soliciting sex with a minor then carefully walks the line and waits until they are 18 before actually trying to get in their pants.
That's called grooming, you probably know. I guess he skirted the letter of the law...not the intent though. He's definitely a sexual predator.

Exactly. I wonder if he scripted the law in just that way to protect himself. What a frickin' a$$.
Wow. Unwelcome dick picks to unsuspecting young women is bad, Jarod. Sexting after you are caught and promise never to do it again, still bad. At least Foley didn't try to pretend it was one of his staff who did it in his name.

Again I ask, what did Foley do? You keep saying "it" or "Sexting" but what exactly did he do? Was there ever any evidence he did anything but ask for photos of these young men?
Foley did not send anyone photos of his dick and he did not, as far as I know, do anything after promising not to do it again.

But what did Foley really do? Darla says he was "sexting", but nobody can answer what behavior constituted this Sexting?

Damocles assumes it must have been bad, because the Republicans ran him out and we all know the R's would not have run him out unless he was doing something bad.

Ill tell you what Foley did, he flirted with some 18 year old boys online... and that outed him as Gay so the R's drummed him out.
I'd LOOOOOOOVE to hear more about the theory that Keynesian economics "took down" Detroit (and also the other major US cities). LOL.

It's not so much Keynesian (It is to an extent) as it is the argument in Macro Economics of "BUTTER or GUNS".

Keynesian Theory has provisions for expanded government and controls in time of recession and economic slow down.

Detroit encompasses over Reaching Government with a failure to Balance "BUTTER or GUNS".

The BUTTER OR GUNS ARGUMENT asks which is better to produce? BUTTER or GUNS?

BUTTER representing consumer Goods and Social welfare programs or GUNS representing Industry and Manufacturing.

The Keynesian part of Detroit involved GOVERNMENT feeding an ever self inflating Government. Encompassing Elected Officials and Municipal workers that kept growing even when there was economic downturn. This compounded the problems of the city because as population declined and Government grew to control the economy it was in effect destroying revenue streams by driving out business with higher and higher taxes needed to feed the municipal beast. Eventually those salaries and pensions overburdened the system and we are where we're at today. But the Keynesian Model doesn't apply 100% to Detroit.

They invested in WAY too much Butter.. Spent too much on social programs and never decreased the municipal workforce. In effect they were selling their future to pay for the period between 1960 and 2013. They needed to Cultivate industry in order to provide for the BUTTER needed by the people.

In effect... they lost their ability to Make Guns and all they could do was provide the Butter for the people.

The Butter or Guns model is not particularly effective in a free market Macro-Economic system.

It was doomed to fail from 1960...

I want to that Professor McCloskey for teaching me that back in my Labor Economics Class....

But a fair question on your part
Foley did not send anyone photos of his dick and he did not, as far as I know, do anything after promising not to do it again.

But what did Foley really do? Darla says he was "sexting", but nobody can answer what behavior constituted this Sexting?

Damocles assumes it must have been bad, because the Republicans ran him out and we all know the R's would not have run him out unless he was doing something bad.

Ill tell you what Foley did, he flirted with some 18 year old boys online... and that outed him as Gay so the R's drummed him out.

I am sorry Jarod, I didn't realize I had to explain "sexting" to a grownup!

Or just google "Mark foley text messages" there are a hundred other sources.
Again I ask, what did Foley do? You keep saying "it" or "Sexting" but what exactly did he do? Was there ever any evidence he did anything but ask for photos of these young men?

So, you're saying that you think asking young (16 and 17 year old) congressional pages about their masturbating habits in texts is not as bad as sending a dick pic to unsuspecting and unconsenting women?

Basically, Mark Foley passed a law against soliciting sex from underage children, then carefully walked the line as he groomed them for sex... when they finally became of legal age.

What he did was almost exactly the same thing as Mr. Weiner... Except he didn't go so far as to actually send them dick shots, which would have been against the law he worked to pass. If they were 18, I don't think the republicans would have cared quite as much. Although I think he may have lost the next election when he was outed as being homosexual.
Foley did not send anyone photos of his dick and he did not, as far as I know, do anything after promising not to do it again.

But what did Foley really do? Darla says he was "sexting", but nobody can answer what behavior constituted this Sexting?

Damocles assumes it must have been bad, because the Republicans ran him out and we all know the R's would not have run him out unless he was doing something bad.

Ill tell you what Foley did, he flirted with some 18 year old boys online... and that outed him as Gay so the R's drummed him out.

Damocles assumes nothing at all, he read the text messages when they became public. He sexted with underage young men, carefully walking a line against a law he, himself, had passed that was against soliciting sex with the same.
Okay, I just read that. I had not seen that before so I stand corrected, he would likely have suffered the same consequences if it were a girl.

I stand corrected.

fwiw Jarod, I believe you said you have three kids. I'm sure you'll hear a lot more about sexting than you ever wanted to in the near future. My partner here at work has a son who will be a sophomore in high school this fall and he reads the text messages his son receives and he said these girls do not hold anything back. He said he warns his son about it but just commented that these kids are so aggressive today.

I really look forward to being a parent one day but this is definitely not one of the parts I look forward to.
fwiw Jarod, I believe you said you have three kids. I'm sure you'll hear a lot more about sexting than you ever wanted to in the near future. My partner here at work has a son who will be a sophomore in high school this fall and he reads the text messages his son receives and he said these girls do not hold anything back. He said he warns his son about it but just commented that these kids are so aggressive today.

I really look forward to being a parent one day but this is definitely not one of the parts I look forward to.

My kids are currently 7 and under. Once they are 16 or 17, they should be responsibly exploring there sexuality. Now, I don't want some 40 year old man manipulating them, but in an age appropriate situation where they are mutually exploring sexuality via computer discussion... I don't think I would have a problem with that.