Eric Trump and Kimberly Guilfoyle's phone records subpoenaed by January 6 committee

Even between some of the crafters there is mild disagreement.

The project looks to illustrate the first shipment of slaves to the U.S in 1619 as the nation's founding. I believe that aspect was removed.

Notice Lil' Hitler ignored the piece that predates the project?

There were already Spanish farmers with no slaves in the US by 1619. FAIL!

Pilgrims did not have slaves. FAIL!
Even between some of the crafters there is mild disagreement.

The project looks to illustrate the first shipment of slaves to the U.S in 1619 as the nation's founding. I believe that aspect was removed.

Notice Lil' Hitler ignored the piece that predates the project?

Doesn't everyone know that the fucking Euros started the slave trade in the New World? The Spanish enslaved the indigenous peoples of Central and South America. The northern Euros killed off the natives and brought over slaves to tend their sugarcane crops.

The US didn't invent slavery. Native Americans enslaved each other. Africans enslaved each other...and were the source of slaves for the Euros. The Greeks and Romans enslaved each other and the rules for slavery are in the Bible. Slavery still exists in Third World Shitholes (TWS).

Doesn't everyone know this? What's the fucking problem?

1) What is being omitted?

2) Why is it divisive and racist?

3) Since you can't explain #1 and #2, how can I agree with you on its place in education?

ProgShitstain ROE

1. Demand a link or an explanation of the truth they are objecting to.

2. Promptly reject all explanations as right wing lies. Smoke spin deflect.

3. Ignore any facts presented.

3a. Play dumb and keep others wasting their time trying to enlighten you.

4. Ridicule spelling and typos, punctuation.

5. Attack the person as being juvenile, ie: "are you 12 years old", question their education, intelligence, Age.

6. Employ misdirection.

6a. smear people.

6b. attack religion.

6c. attack your rationality.

7. Lie, make false assumptions.

8. Play race/gender card/misogynist card.

9. Play gay/lesbian card.

10. Play the Nazi/Fascist/bigot card.

11. Make up stuff/So you got nothing?

12. Deny constantly.

13. Reword and repeat.

14. Pretending not to understand, playing ignorant/what did I lie about.

15. When losing, resort to personal attacks.

16. Russia.

17. Fox News/Alex Jones/Brietbart/infowars/Stormfront/Gateway/hannity/OAN.

18. You can’t read.

19. Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump.

20. What about...
That's because Matt Dillon is a racist, dictator-supporting liar and a welcher.
Was it his sig that tipped you off?

He, like Texas textbooks, would prefer to refer to 'slaves' as 'workers'.

I'll bet he, like some of the Nazis in Washington and around the country, would argue that slavery was beneficial to black humans.

Jon Hubbard is a Republican member of the Arkansas House of Representatives and not running for national office, and would therefore usually fly below our radar. However, the contents of the book he’s just published, Letters to the Editor: Confessions of a Frustrated Conservative, are unfortunately too gross to ignore. For example, in one excerpt, he states that slavery “may actually have been a blessing in disguise” for black people.

The institution of slavery that the black race has long believed to be an abomination upon its people may actually have been a blessing in disguise. The blacks who could endure those conditions and circumstances would someday be rewarded with citizenship in the greatest nation ever established upon the face of theEarth.
Was it his sig that tipped you off?

He, like Texas textbooks, would prefer to refer to 'slaves' as 'workers'.

I'll bet he, like some of the Nazis in Washington and around the country, would argue that slavery was beneficial to black humans.

His posts and reneging on a bet are what taught me all in need to know about Matt Dillon/Wolverine.
Doesn't everyone know that the fucking Euros started the slave trade in the New World? The Spanish enslaved the indigenous peoples of Central and South America. The northern Euros killed off the natives and brought over slaves to tend their sugarcane crops.

The US didn't invent slavery. Native Americans enslaved each other. Africans enslaved each other...and were the source of slaves for the Euros. The Greeks and Romans enslaved each other and the rules for slavery are in the Bible. Slavery still exists in Third World Shitholes (TWS).

Doesn't everyone know this? What's the fucking problem?

When you put it that way...
ProgShitstain ROE...

I knew you couldn't do it. Just like yesterday when you asked the construction question. I answered the question. You lied and then couldn't answer that question either. It's one reason why I think you are both "off" and not-to-bright.

Me too. I was 14 working part-time for my cousin in housing construction and then, a couple years later, concrete construction making steps and walkways.

I wish you hadn't said that. Now I have to ask you the same same question I asked Legion:

How many inches is 5' 9 11/16"?
You're an idiot for assuming she worked nailing boards together and not in concrete bunker construction or at NASA in Houston.

If you were smarter, you'd just ask instead of being a fucking asshole about it, Matt.

69 11/16"
If you were smarter, you'd STFU at times, but you don't. :dunno:

I also see you're incapable of answering the question, you feeble retard!

Don't you ever, and I mean fucking ever, try to talk intelligence with me, you fucking front-of-the-bus rocking retard!
When you put it that way...

Why not teach people that slavery is wrong and then point out the nations that still allow it?
Modern slavery is a multibillion-dollar industry with just the forced labor aspect generating US$150 billion each year.

The Global Slavery Index (2018) estimated that roughly 40.3 million individuals are currently caught in modern slavery, with 71% of those being female, and 1 in 4 being children.[118][119] As of 2018, the countries with the most slaves were:

India (8 million)
China (3.86 million)
Pakistan (3.19 million)
North Korea (2.64 million)
Nigeria (1.39 million)
Indonesia (1.22 million)
Democratic Republic of the Congo (1 million)
Russia (794,000)
the Philippines (784,000).

Notice there are not countries in the Americas on that list; they're all fucking Euros, Africans and Asia. The "Old World", not the New World.
Why not teach people that slavery is wrong and then point out the nations that still allow it?
Modern slavery is a multibillion-dollar industry with just the forced labor aspect generating US$150 billion each year.

The Global Slavery Index (2018) estimated that roughly 40.3 million individuals are currently caught in modern slavery, with 71% of those being female, and 1 in 4 being children.[118][119] As of 2018, the countries with the most slaves were:

India (8 million)
China (3.86 million)
Pakistan (3.19 million)
North Korea (2.64 million)
Nigeria (1.39 million)
Indonesia (1.22 million)
Democratic Republic of the Congo (1 million)
Russia (794,000)
the Philippines (784,000).

Notice there are not countries in the Americas on that list; they're all fucking Euros, Africans and Asia. The "Old World", not the New World.
Because that might start children down the slippery slope of actually thinking for themselves.
No. They make the claim that 1619 should technically be the date of the nation's founding due to the introduction of African slaves.

Then they are teaching bullshit.

How can anyone have an honest conversation about bigotry and prejudice if one or both sides are lying?
Why do you ask?

The Pilgrims were in Massachusetts, not Virginia. It's a lie to claim the Pilgrims brought slaves with them.

With modern roads, it's still 58 hours by bicycle** from Jamestown to Plymouth. 664 miles. In the 1600s, that'd be a route strewn with hostile natives and rogues over paths and very few roads.

The great distances and barriers kept early settlers far apart from each other.!2m2!1d-70.6672621!2d41.9584457!3e1

**bicycle because they didn't have "horse".