Evangelicals Suck

All those prayers and asg still got the RONA, looks like god is on RBG side after all

God, science, nature, whatever, is on the side of not expecting good things when you act selfish and stupid. Pride goes before a fall isn't just some Biblical proverb. We've all experienced the trials of overconfidence.
God, science, nature, whatever, is on the side of not expecting good things when you act selfish and stupid. Pride goes before a fall isn't just some Biblical proverb. We've all experienced the trials of overconfidence.

"Say black lives matter or else we will hurt you!"

Trump is the Jim Jones of the modern American right. He cares nada for his fans but he loves the blind adulation. Driving around in close contact while sick, possibly making others sick is the work of an insecure fool. Personality Cults are hard things for the free thinking person to understand?


'White Supremacist Ideas Have Historical Roots In U.S. Christianity'

Trump is the Jim Jones of the modern American right. He cares nada for his fans but he loves the blind adulation. Driving around in close contact while sick, possibly making others sick is the work of an insecure fool. Personality Cults are hard things for the free thinking person to understand?

You didn't need the question mark after your last sentence. Cults *are* hard to understand. Cult leaders prey on the weak and the damaged and feed their misperceptions that they are downtrodden, persecuted, hopeless and helpless w/o said leader. Example: I bet there isn't a single person on this forum who has suffered any property or personal damage from the protests and riots of the last few months. Yet to hear some of them dutifully repeat what they're told by the cult leader and his media mouthpiece, Fox, the entire country is ablaze with violence.

Those of us still capable of rational thought realize that even if the entire country were ablaze with violence -- who's in charge? If he's so great, why is the pandemic taking a thousand lives per day? Why is there so much violence? Why is the economy circling the drain? Why would anyone sane want four more years of mayhem, chaos, death, and despair?
God works in mysterious ways.

You realize this script can be flipped by the weekend, right? What if Trump recovers quickly and ‘beats the China Virus and Biden’ in the space of a month?

No way, that can happen, right lol?

In this world, anything can happen: what should bother sane people are the consequences. The Mammon-worshippers don't matter to sane people as such: they are just an example of how total brainwashing can be amongst barely-educated peasants.
There is no god.

Prove it.

I'm always interested when a person declares we are all soulless ambulatory meat robots who only respond to biochemical programming and have no more value than the sum of their parts....about $600.

Kill a million people and the value is only 2/3s of a billion bucks. In that perspective, losing over 200K is not much of a loss compared to the billions being lost in production.
Prove it.

I'm always interested when a person declares we are all soulless ambulatory meat robots who only respond to biochemical programming and have no more value than the sum of their parts....about $600.

Kill a million people and the value is only 2/3s of a billion bucks. In that perspective, losing over 200K is not much of a loss compared to the billions being lost in production.

yours is the dumbest comment ever on the internet. You are the one that needs to prove god exists since you are asserting that god does exist you inbred moron
your assertion that evangelicals prayers work is incorrect

You're an uneducated ignorant snowflake who thinks that God is a magic genie or something. Human beings (and all life) get sick and eventually die from this world.
Prayer "works" and in your current state, you'll never understand how.
Since you can neither prove or disprove the existence of God, you are full of it, Mikey.

We can neither prove nor disprove the Force. Or Thor. Or Zeus.

But the one making the assertion that something exists is the one required to provide proof, and claims made without proof may be dismissed without proof.
Evangelicals always suck as a insurgency and demonic culture of hypocrites to which these republican men and women distort biblical law to engage in having incest and engaging in molestation against underage children in particular and then try and justify it.

How did you become such a disgusting human being? Bidenphiles are the ones who love them some youngins
We can neither prove nor disprove the Force. Or Thor. Or Zeus.

But the one making the assertion that something exists is the one required to provide proof, and claims made without proof may be dismissed without proof.

You first made the assertion that “there is no god” Mikey.

Prove it.

I posted that you can neither prove or disprove His existence and you can’t.

The fact that God created an arrogant, unbelieving ingrate like you is proof that he is a forgiving God.

A lessor one would have discarded you.