Evangelicals Suck

I was talking, as you were originally, about hating, not being hated. I doubt that you've the constitution to hate as fiercely as I hate Trumpanzees and hypocritical Jesus freaks..

Both groups do contain some good ppl & good followers of Christ..........

I try to not hate, although not always easy, especially in the short term..

The bad part about hating wide swaths of a group is you bunch in the good w/ the bad......

my 2cents
The bad part about hating wide swaths of a group is you bunch in the good w/ the bad......

This is undeniably true, which is why I don't generally hate ethnic and other groups collectively.

How is it possible, though, to be a good Trump supporter?

The cretin is a racist.
He is a xenophobe.
He is a misogynist.
He is a self-absorbed narcissist.
He is a liar and a cheat.
He is a bully and at the same time, like most bullies, a coward.
He is corrupt in his personal dealings.
He is an aspiring fascist autocrat.

And he doesn't hide any of this. It's all in the open for all to see.

So I ask you again, "How is it possible to support Trump while being anything but a sub-human troglodyte yourself?"
And the answer is obvious--to even the most casual observer. You cannot. If you support Trump, you deserve the seething hatred from even minimally decent human beings.
And you can be sure that you're getting it right now.
This is undeniably true, which is why I don't generally hate ethnic and other groups collectively.

How is it possible, though, to be a good Trump supporter?

The cretin is a racist.
He is a xenophobe.
He is a misogynist.
He is a self-absorbed narcissist.
He is a liar and a cheat.
He is a bully and at the same time, like most bullies, a coward.
He is corrupt in his personal dealings.
He is an aspiring fascist autocrat.

And he doesn't hide any of this. It's all in the open for all to see.

So I ask you again, "How is it possible to support Trump while being anything but a sub-human troglodyte yourself?"
And the answer is obvious--to even the most casual observer. You cannot. If you support Trump, you deserve the seething hatred from even minimally decent human beings.
And you can be sure that you're getting it right now.

I have no doubt I have criticized trump more than anyone here....

I am in no way a fan......

Most of the fans here are hyper-boils & trolls. I see the last tide has brought in more that we have not had trolling for a while-tis the season......lol

They are not representative of all ppl in the GOP or all fans.....

There are even some in the GOP that not only will not vote for trump, they are advocating against him, some very adamantly.........

There are even folks here that don't like him, care for him or even despise him, but for practical reasons support him-judges (Obama left many vacancies-Moscow was blocking appointments), he is tougher on CCP than Biden is liable to be........ :blah:
Both groups do contain some good ppl & good followers of Christ..........

I try to not hate, although not always easy, especially in the short term..

The bad part about hating wide swaths of a group is you bunch in the good w/ the bad......

my 2cents
Hating wide swaths of people is exactly what too many people are doing. At some point the divided house collapses. I strongly doubt the US will fold like the Roman or British empires but it certainly has to adapt to a changing world. Change is hard and the people most fearful of losing power from change are those with the most power to stop change.

IMO, the best strategy in a competition with a very powerful foe is through overwhelming numbers. So far neither the Democrats or the Republicans have anything close to a majority of support from American voters. It can be equally said that 70% of Americans are against either party.
Hating wide swaths of people is exactly what too many people are doing. At some point the divided house collapses. I strongly doubt the US will fold like the Roman or British empires but it certainly has to adapt to a changing world. Change is hard and the people most fearful of losing power from change are those with the most power to stop change.

IMO, the best strategy in a competition with a very powerful foe is through overwhelming numbers. So far neither the Democrats or the Republicans have anything close to a majority of support from American voters. It can be equally said that 70% of Americans are against either party.

We are a house divided, prob not this bad since the civil war..

The dream/experiment is not irrecoverable if we can have leadership willing to work towards healing the nation & bringing it together..........

We are a house divided, prob not this bad since the civil war..

The dream/experiment is not irrecoverable if we can have leadership willing to work towards healing the nation & bringing it together..........

...unless we take our collective heads our of our asses.
