Evangelicals Suck

Yes, they did. How does the Spanish Inquisition disprove Stalin did the same or that you want the same?

Like jacksonsprat22, I think you must be a Twentysomething, single white male atheist. You don't seem to know very much history and your attitude guarantees you won't learn any more.

The point is these things happen due to ideology. Stalin didn't murder because he was an atheist. He did what he did despite his atheism.
You have no love for America Mikey. You have never given back. You just take. And want more. STFU. I can see right through your sorry, cowardly, need free shit ass. Worthless as tits on a nun.

It appears he's just another arrogant youngster who thinks he knows everything.

The School of Hard Knocks will eventually straighten his ass out, one way or another.
Translation: Truth hurts. Time to whimper.

I can't talk global warming policy with you because you bury your head in the sand and deny it. Ditto with COVID-19. I can't talk economics with you because all you have is "socialism evil" talking points. I can't discuss geopolitical happenings with you because you don't give a fuck about anything outside of America.

Maybe it's time to ignore you permanently.
I can't talk global warming policy with you because you bury your head in the sand and deny it. Ditto with COVID-19. I can't talk economics with you because all you have is "socialism evil" talking points. I can't discuss geopolitical happenings with you because you don't give a fuck about anything outside of America.

Maybe it's time to ignore you permanently.

Mikey, you have a short memory. We have discussed some of those items. And you lost. Because you are ignorant. As far as your last sentence, son, there is nothing you are going to tell me about geopolitics nor the globe. Unlike you I know much about both from being there. Not like you through some fucking tweets.
I can't talk global warming policy with you because you bury your head in the sand and deny it. Ditto with COVID-19. I can't talk economics with you because all you have is "socialism evil" talking points. I can't discuss geopolitical happenings with you because you don't give a fuck about anything outside of America.

Maybe it's time to ignore you permanently.

Michael Panetta: accuses others of burying their head in the sand then threatens to bury his head in the sand.
False. I've listened to his spiel and have found him wanting. It's like listening to Rush Limbaugh if he's on meth.

A sure sign you lost again Mikey. Lamely trying to make yourself sound like an intellectual. When everything you say proves the opposite. You can learn something from Dutch. Pay attention lad.
Oddly enough~or not, he doesn't seem very afraid of you.. :laugh:

Perhaps you should show him again how tuff you are & how mean & vulgar you can be! Go head represent, do yourself proud!!!

Oddly enough-or not? Well, Which is it?


Sure, I'll show him....and you too

You don't; that's his point. When the Republicans say Democrats are pushing to stamp out religion like your heroes Stalin and Mao tried to do, then as Sailor said, anyone can use this thread as proof the Republicans are telling the truth.

you low IQ opioid addicts just keep embarrassing yourself
more from the low IQ opioid addict

You're also low IQ and addicted to opioids? I figured the former but you should find treatment for the latter. It's probably what's causing you to post so much inane shit on forums and to make false accusations because it's making you paranoid.

Are opioids the only drugs you take? Molly? Heroin? Meth? All are bad for you. A little bit of pot and some light drinking are okay.
Are you really so naive as to believe I don't know what it's like to be hated? To be maligned? To be cursed at and verbally abused? If so then that'd explain why you don't know as much as you believe you do.

Get a grip, Niblick. There's a lot more going on around you than you seem to know.

I was talking, as you were originally, about hating, not being hated. I doubt that you've the constitution to hate as fiercely as I hate Trumpanzees and hypocritical Jesus freaks..