Evangelicals Suck

You're an uneducated ignorant snowflake who thinks that God is a magic genie or something. Human beings (and all life) get sick and eventually die from this world.
Prayer "works" and in your current state, you'll never understand how.

So what you're saying is we know God is a f****** we see his f****** in this literally everyday but that's okay
You first made the assertion that “there is no god” Mikey.

Prove it.

I posted that you can neither prove or disprove His existence and you can’t.

The fact that God created an arrogant, unbelieving ingrate like you is proof that he is a forgiving God.

A lessor one would have discarded you.

There's nothing to prove you in bread moron Jesus Christ you low IQ types are ridiculous if you think there's a God you're the one that needs to prove that there's a God other than that there is none in existence
There's nothing to prove you in bread moron Jesus Christ you low IQ types are ridiculous if you think there's a God you're the one that needs to prove that there's a God other than that there is none in existence

No need you will find out some day! Every knee will bow, and every tongue confess Jesus as Lord period, and it doesn't matter if you believe or not!
yours is the dumbest comment ever on the internet. You are the one that needs to prove god exists since you are asserting that god does exist you inbred moron

Sorry, ma'm, but I think you and the TD Twins are competing for that championship.

Clearly you do not understand the meaning and responsibilities of an affirmative statement as Mike posted:
There is no god.

Michael has made an affirmative statement about the existence of "god" and I never have. It's up to Michael, and the sane members who understand what "affirmative statement" means, to decide for themselves.

Good luck with your hate, m'am.
Sorry, ma'm, but I think you and the TD Twins are competing for that championship.

Clearly you do not understand the meaning and responsibilities of an affirmative statement as Mike posted:

Michael has made an affirmative statement about the existence of "god" and I never have. It's up to Michael, and the sane members who understand what "affirmative statement" means, to decide for themselves.

Good luck with your hate, m'am.

you are the one asserting the existence, until you provide proof all you got is ass snot
There is no man-induced climate catastrophe lol.

There isn't if you ignore it, no- but only for you and others subscribing to willful ignorance.
In the case of ' god '- there is no proof to ignore. Apples and oranges.
There isn't if you ignore it, no- but only for you and others subscribing to willful ignorance.
In the case of ' god '- there is no proof to ignore. Apples and oranges.

Creation itself is enough proof! You have an innate knowledge of God all do, which you choose to suppress! It changes nothing in relation to God's existence!
you are the one asserting the existence, until you provide proof all you got is ass snot
Look, it's okay for you to be upset and pissed off because I showed you up regarding "affirmative statement". Now you don't seem to understand "affirmative" and "assertive" are two different words with two different meanings.

Feel free not to answer, just curious, but is English a second language for you? What is your level of education? Did you go to college? GED?