Hello CO,
Agreed on the petty, but I do believe it has an effect, nonetheless.
Spot on.
I am the only one I know of here who actually came out and stated so boldly in a dedicated thread. One the bad things about capitalism is this wild rollercoaster of boom and bust. Recessions come whether we want them to or not. We've had an extraordinarily long period without one, raising the prospects that one looms. And there are signs pointing to that. The debt, the inversion, the trade war. Strongly associated with administration policy. If these things have caused a recession it is only fitting that it occurs on the watch of the one who made bad choices. Let he who erred face the consequences. I have urged all to prepare your personal portfolios accordingly. I successfully did this in 2007, and feel it is time again right now. Time will tell. worst case, Trump gets removed and we still get the result of his foolishness after he is gone. Just like W.
My favorite has no chance. She calls upon the forces of love to overwhelm the scourge of hatred. Williamson.
I will add that I intend to vote for whomever the Dem candidate is if Trump is on the ticket. I would even hold my nose and vote for Biden if it comes down to that., even though my second choice is Warren.
We so seriously need ranked choice voting. It makes all the sense in the world and would end voting for the lessor of two evils.