Ever notice how the word "Democracy" is never used in a right wingers thread?

I have noticed this and there is a very good reason for it. They don't believe in the concept of Democracy and want it gone. "E pluribus Unum" has no meaning for them and the dismantling of the very things that did and do make America great is proof. Even the USPS has been under attack in order to privatize it for the lords.

These are the people that would have been loyalists to the throne and prefer a system of serfs and lords. I find it sadly ironic and amusing that these tools get their collective panties in a twist over someone taking a knee in protest during the anthem as if that hand wringing proves their sorry-ass patriotism. What a bunch of morons!

The right wingers hate Democracy and prefer an authoritarian dictator and a system run by oligarchs. That is the bottom line!

If it were up to them, we'd all be speaking with a Brit accent and singing "God Save the Queen" at our cricket and polo matches.

I think it's hilarious how they seem to worship the Founding Fathers.... yet if they had lived in 1776, they would have been Tories narking out all the true patriots to the reps of the Crown.
There is nothing that occurs under Citizens United that was not happening before. They just have to report it now.

Correct,but if the Supreme Court would have voted it down.
Corporations couldn't have openly bought politicians.
They would have had to bribe them with cash in back alleys
We live in a Corporate Capitalism dictatorship.
Where Politicians of both parties are bought and sold.
That is largely what is wrong with the current two-party system. Both parties are owned by their rich donors and don't serve the country.

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