evince disappeared

The right does this to female posters everywhere I have posted

Sexual and implied violence

There was one site I used to post on that I spent half my time defending the female posters from it

I honed that skill and can throw down with anyone’s attempt at that bullshit

They seek fear

I give them

I will blow a hole in your fucking forehead if you placed your person near me to do harm

These idiots often don’t realize their posted words would be court material

Like the idiots who stormed the capital these idiots think society won’t punish because it’s the internets

Oh yeah

It’s public commentary

They think it’s all secret because they are stupid
Agreed on the idiots. They posted the evidence of their crimes on Social Media...over and over again. WTF were they thinking? What will their defense be? "Trump told me to do it!"? I doubt a jury will be out very long on those cases. They're better off taking a plea deal, rolling over on their idiot friends and taking their lumps.

A slight disagreement on the "RW hatred" comments. Yes, there are RW assholes that demean women, but there are also strong, intelligent RW women such as Liz Cheney, Nikki Haley and Condoleezza Rice. There are strong RW women on this forum....although not as intelligent. ;)

Yes, there is a strong element of condescension toward women backed by the religious authoritarians to keep women "barefoot and pregnant". Yes, that's still a thing. However, it's broad brushing to blame all or even most Right of Center American men for seeking to subjugate women.

That said, the polling data speaks for itself. For intelligent people such as yourself, facts always trump opinion. <--see what I did there? ;)


About four-in-ten Republican men think women’s gains have come at the expense of men. Most Americans (76%) say the gains women have made in society have not come at the expense of men, but 22% think these gains have come at the expense of men. That view is more common among men (28%) than women (17%). Republican and Democratic men are more likely than their female counterparts to say the gains women have made in society have come at the expense of men. About four-in-ten Republican men (38%) say women’s gains have come at the expense of men, compared with 25% of Republican women, 19% of Democratic men and 12% of Democratic women.

Hello Controlled Opposition,

LOL, thanks.

Um, false call on the pretending. I've already stated if I were conservative I would have evince on Permanent Ignore from the first insult. I routinely got on her case for being nasty. The only reason I did not have her on Ignore is because she was respectful to me.

It was funny. She would write these long missives about why it was logical to be nasty. I would find the weak point in her argument each time, which she would blow off and basically re-create the entire bit about how this board is so important and all these people read it who don't participate, and she was killing lies so the nastiness was justified. I guess she really thought she was changing the nation by insulting conservatives an accusing them of being Russian computer programs.

I pointed out that if all these people were really computer programs it didn't really matter much what was said, that few were really reading it. She didn't like that.

How do you hurt the feelings of a computer program with insults? Whatever...

Here is what you fail to understand about internets posting

Lots of people read but don’t post

Back in the day citizens would hang arround down town and discuss politics

Many only listened at those town halls

The internets are the new town hall

Carlin used dirty words and creative insults to make his political points

He was Very successful at affecting the political discussion in the nation

This site is merely one of the many chat sites on the internets

But like them all there are people who read and don’t post

in the past have called them the gentle reader

Hello gentle reader


I often post with you in mind

Glad your reading

If Carlin can become a multimillionaire by using funny invective

I think it proves my attempts at a posting style are spot on


Think BIGGER than your own self

I can reach far more human ears on the internets

I want facts honored

I talk like real people talk

They love it and it makes them laugh

In so doing the facts get viewed by more eyes

It works
Even on p.com she was the same as she is here. I don't know what you mean by "very civil" but she's always been Desh, even when I called her Lady Shrubs...

You just don’t remember

Back in the day I used only facts and no insults

Immanuel kept saying I should stop insulting people

I would tell him “go get one insult if mine”

He would look for awhile and have to come back and admitt he couldn’t find an insult from me


It was one of the ways I figured out the right

They equated having facts crush their failed ideas was the same as insulting them

I left the site we were all at and posted elsewhere for awhile

When gabby giffords got shot and in the head I did a thread (elsewhere) called the civility experiment

I vowed for a year not to insult anyone

I did that year

That thread was bumped everyday by the whole site

I would answer any question to me civilly with facts

Righties would insult me non stop in an attempt to goad me

I would merely crush their false ideas with facts

When the year was over I started a thread called something like all insults all the time

I did the same thing in that thread but I would leave an insult at the end

I would often have to apologize for forgetting the insult and had to go back and give them one

I became a master at insult

Then I came back here

One of the first threads I saw was one titled something about my cilt


I had been gone for YEARS and right wing men where making threads about my sex parts
You just don’t remember

Back in the day I used only facts and no insults

Immanuel kept saying I should stop insulting people

I would tell him “go get one insult if mine”

He would look for awhile and have to come back and admitt he couldn’t find an insult from me


It was one of the ways I figured out the right

They equated having facts crush their failed ideas was the same as insulting them

I left the site we were all at and posted elsewhere for awhile

When gabby giffords got shot and n the head I did a thread (elsewhere) called the civility experiment

I vowed for a year not to insult anyone

I did that year

That tread was bumped everyday by the whole site

I would answer any question to me civilly with facts

Righties would insult me non stop in an attempt to goad me

I could merely crush their false ideas with facts

When the year was over I started a thread called something like all insults all the time

I did the same thing in that thread but I would leave an insult at the end

I would often have to apologize for forgetting the insult and had to go back and give them one

I became a master at insult

Then I came back here

One of the first threads I saw was one titled something about my cult


I had been gone for YEARS and right wing men where making threads about my sex parts

I corroborate that years ago your posts were more measured. Your restraint often was rewarded by insults and misogyny.

Despite the claims (aka, lies) from some Deplorables that you are widely despised, I guarantee you that a lot of posters appreciate your presence here.

I say any lefty who has read Solzhenitsyn is okay by me!
Agreed on the idiots. They posted the evidence of their crimes on Social Media...over and over again. WTF were they thinking? What will their defense be? "Trump told me to do it!"? I doubt a jury will be out very long on those cases. They're better off taking a plea deal, rolling over on their idiot friends and taking their lumps.

A slight disagreement on the "RW hatred" comments. Yes, there are RW assholes that demean women, but there are also strong, intelligent RW women such as Liz Cheney, Nikki Haley and Condoleezza Rice. There are strong RW women on this forum....although not as intelligent. ;)

Yes, there is a strong element of condescension toward women backed by the religious authoritarians to keep women "barefoot and pregnant". Yes, that's still a thing. However, it's broad brushing to blame all or even most Right of Center American men for seeking to subjugate women.

That said, the polling data speaks for itself. For intelligent people such as yourself, facts always trump opinion. <--see what I did there? ;)


About four-in-ten Republican men think women’s gains have come at the expense of men. Most Americans (76%) say the gains women have made in society have not come at the expense of men, but 22% think these gains have come at the expense of men. That view is more common among men (28%) than women (17%). Republican and Democratic men are more likely than their female counterparts to say the gains women have made in society have come at the expense of men. About four-in-ten Republican men (38%) say women’s gains have come at the expense of men, compared with 25% of Republican women, 19% of Democratic men and 12% of Democratic women.


Remember rush and his feminazi talk

Right wing men treat women like shit

Roth’s wing women agree with them or they would leave that utterly failed party
I corroborate that years ago your posts were more measured. Your restraint often was rewarded by insults and misogyny.

Despite the claims (aka, lies) from some Deplorables that you are widely despised, I guarantee you that a lot of posters appreciate your presence here.

I say any lefty who has read Solzhenitsyn is okay by me!


I was introduced by a high school drama teacher

I was cast as Ivan Denisovich

The cast sat in chairs and acted the parts dressed in regular clothes

A radio play in person

I fell in love with the lead character
Remember rush and his feminazi talk

Right wing men treat women like shit

Roth’s wing women agree with them or they would leave that utterly failed party

Rush is dead and that's a good thing because he profited off of hate.

Disagreed as the evidence shown proves.

Some people think it's smarter to work from the inside to achieve change rather than just stand outside and throw rocks.
Go get the post you claim exists.


Here's some links:

LEGION licking self https://i.imgflip.com/4v46gj.gif

Asshat Legion Nazis Kiss https://i.imgflip.com/4v59mb.gif

Lucia Legion https://i.imgflip.com/4fdl3w.jpg
Legion Hitler youth https://i.imgflip.com/3uh15z.jpg
Herr Legion https://i.imgflip.com/3w6vpa.jpghttps://i.imgflip.com/4v59mb.gif
Victor Mature https://i.imgflip.com/3xtkm3.jpg
Gay Nazis book https://i.imgflip.com/4ge6r8.jpg
Legion Legina pussy https://i.imgflip.com/3zt5fo.jpg
Gay Nazis https://i.imgflip.com/4gi3co.jpg
Attention Whore https://i.imgflip.com/4hpv7q.jpg
Toilet https://i.imgflip.com/4iywut.jpg
Ass Lesion - Burn it off https://i.imgflip.com/4kpoqb.jpg
Teflon Don and Legion gay https://i.imgflip.com/4odznv.jpg

Please enjoy! I share them all in the Public Domain. God Bless America! NSFW picture of American women. https://i.imgflip.com/4x7422.jpg
Anyone in the Republican Party structure knows the party has cheated in elections for decades

No cover for any of them
It had already been written by some script writer

She was first year

She actually was not real good at her job

She was basically a child herself

I left drama that year because she sucked

She did introduce me to the writer though

And I thank her for that
I did it for a year

The teacher was just not good at her job

She had no idea how to deal with anyone who was not just like her

Very entitled

She picked the student who was very much like her and pandered to her

Everyone else was just secondary

She was just too young and short sited

Hopefully she got better
Hello evince,

Lots of people read but don’t post

Take a wild guess why.

Yeah, of course people don't sign up and participate.

The nasty personal vitriol is such a turn-off they poke in once and leave forever.

The caliber of the board could be so much better, have so much more participation; but the trash talk limits it.