Exactly how can you say people are Liberals, just like that?

Jade Dragon

And I'm the one that jaded you.
Liberals don't really wear a calling card, like a MAGA hat for Trump supporters. So go ahead, and just say it. What makes a person a liberal, when you don't know any details? What are your perceptions? Don't say black.
USfreedom seems to be aiming for the record, with the amount of bogus projection stories he's starting.
USfreedom seems to be aiming for the record, with the amount of bogus projection stories he's starting.

He hasn't posted on this thread, has he? Why not start a specific thread about him since you're so obsessed with him?
USfreedom seems to be aiming for the record, with the amount of bogus projection stories he's starting.

I've notice you didn't say SHIT, when JPP liberals would post a news article and then assign it to "Trump supporters"; so blow your faux indignation out your ass.

Actually America was founded on "liberal" principles. So, calling today's leftist liberals is really a misnomer. There's nothing liberal about gun control, taking successful folks money to bribe the vote of lesser successful folks with it, banning god from public schools, and preventing christian displays on public property, food police, federal drug wars preventing, and shouting down free speech on college campuses, inciting the leftist base to interfere in the free movements of conservative folk, massive government regulations, belonging to a global warming religious cult and demanding everybody else live by your insane claims and absurdities, convincing blacks they're victims of whitey, keeping blacks in ghetto plantation servitude to the racist Democrat Party encouraging blacks to abort their children and hating on a republican President. Those are the ideology and actions of authoritarians, fascist, socialist and communist.

"Liberals" are Bill Of Rights constitutionalist, "conservatives" are the conservationist of the Bill Of Rights. True liberals and true conservatives are synonymous!!!!! They're one in the same!!!!!
Liberalism is the normal ideology of capitalism, except when it's in crisis, in which case it calls in fascists. I suppose, therefore, that anyone not consciously a socialist is a liberal unless you have clear symptoms of fascism, as you do with the racist trumpers.
Liberalism is the normal ideology of capitalism, except when it's in crisis, in which case it calls in fascists. I suppose, therefore, that anyone not consciously a socialist is a liberal unless you have clear symptoms of fascism, as you do with the racist trumpers.

Calling everybody else a "racist" is leftism. Leftism is socialism. Socialism is the ideological stupidity of leftist morons!!!!!
Calling everybody else a "racist" is leftism. Leftism is socialism. Socialism is the ideological stupidity of leftist morons!!!!!

I call anyone a racist who believes, incorrectly, that humanity is divided up into 'races' and supports his/her own imagined team as long as it is power. That's just fact, and has nothing to do with politics, except that the bosses always gain by such total bilge.
Liberals don't really wear a calling card, like a MAGA hat for Trump supporters. So go ahead, and just say it. What makes a person a liberal, when you don't know any details? What are your perceptions? Don't say black.

Lefty, liberal, commie, democrat, socialist, communist, and many other political descriptions all mean the same thing in today's political landscape. Those terms once had unique meanings, but now they all describe the same shit bags who hate America. I can often spot lefties without hearing them talk, but all it takes is hearing a few sentenses to identify them.
Liberals don't really wear a calling card, like a MAGA hat for Trump supporters. So go ahead, and just say it. What makes a person a liberal, when you don't know any details? What are your perceptions? Don't say black.

You know what the common denominator for 99% of liberals is that they can't hide? One word Snobbery. Liberals are snobs plain and simple.
You know what the common denominator for 99% of liberals that they can't hide? On word Snobbery. Liberals are snobs plain and simple.

I'd got the notion that all Republicans grovelled to money. What else is there to be snobbish about in the 'States?
Liberals don't really wear a calling card, like a MAGA hat for Trump supporters. So go ahead, and just say it. What makes a person a liberal, when you don't know any details? What are your perceptions? Don't say black.

Actually Liberals do. You're "wearing" one now with you're response. Why are you ashamed of being a Liberal if you think it's such a good thing?
I call anyone a racist who believes, incorrectly, that humanity is divided up into 'races' and supports his/her own imagined team as long as it is power. That's just fact, and has nothing to do with politics, except that the bosses always gain by such total bilge.

A racist is a person that believes races of folks other than the one he/she belongs to are inferior. No true American liberal/conservative believes that only leftist and rightist believe that kind of stuff, because both are mental authoritarians, fascist, socialist & BIG government collectivist.
A racist is a person that believes races of folks other than the one he/she belongs to are inferior. No true American liberal/conservative believes that only leftist and rightist believe that kind of stuff, because both are mental authoritarians, fascist, socialist & BIG government collectivist.

Since there are no such things as 'races' I can't really enter into your racist games, I'm afraid. Capitalist governments are always big, by the way, because of the vast amount of thieving they have to support.
I call anyone a racist who believes, incorrectly, that humanity is divided up into 'races' and supports his/her own imagined team as long as it is power. That's just fact, and has nothing to do with politics, except that the bosses always gain by such total bilge.

When have you called DEMOCRATS "racist?"
A liberal can generally be identified by realizing that they base decisions on emotions rather than logic. Having good intentions is more important to liberals than obtaining the desired results. Demonstrating how virtuous you are is very important to liberals. Never admitting when you are wrong. Defining your political foes as evil monsters, so you can dismiss them with no need to argue about specific policy. And hypocrisy. Lots of hypocrisy. Liberals in a nutshell.