Your avatar screams ..... Liberal .
My avatar is a reconstruction of someone who died the triple death sometime during the Roman invasion. I don't suppose he had much time to vote, really!
![Smile :-) :-)](
Your avatar screams ..... Liberal .
Liberalism is the normal ideology of capitalism, except when it's in crisis, in which case it calls in fascists. I suppose, therefore, that anyone not consciously a socialist is a liberal unless you have clear symptoms of fascism, as you do with the racist trumpers.
Exactly how can you say people are Liberals, just like that?
My avatar is a reconstruction of someone who died the triple death sometime during the Roman invasion. I don't suppose he had much time to vote, really!![]()
Since there are no such things as 'races' I can't really enter into your racist games, I'm afraid. Capitalist governments are always big, by the way, because of the vast amount of thieving they have to support.
To bad you can't explain the thievery of capitalism, or the sanity of socialism.
Liberals don't really wear a calling card, like a MAGA hat for Trump supporters. So go ahead, and just say it. What makes a person a liberal, when you don't know any details? What are your perceptions? Don't say black.
That might trigger you, but the overwhelming majority of black people identify with the Democrat Party. Movements are attempting to change this, but as of right now, the overwhelming majority of blacks are liberals.
Now, moving beyond that trigger word, there are multiple other ways of "diagnosing" a liberal. One way is by looking at their vehicles. If the vehicle is a completely bumper-stickered up Prius, it's gonna be a liberal... In fact, a completely bumper-stickered up anything is usually a liberal (as they seem to love loading their cars with bumper stickers all over the place as opposed to conservatives, who might have one or two stickers on their vehicle, if any at all). Another way is by looking at the person themself. If you see an attractive woman with longer (more feminine) hair (especially if she's a tomboy type of girl), that'll likely be a conservative you're looking at. If you see a "woman"?? (I think??) with very short "butch" hair, that's gonna be a liberal. There are other body queues like that, such as symmetry of the face and like-wise, and I can usually tell upon first glace of a person whether they identify more-so with the left or the right politically...
Actually America was founded on "liberal" principles. So, calling today's leftist liberals is really a misnomer. There's nothing liberal about gun control, taking successful folks money to bribe the vote of lesser successful folks with it, banning god from public schools, and preventing christian displays on public property, food police, federal drug wars preventing, and shouting down free speech on college campuses, inciting the leftist base to interfere in the free movements of conservative folk, massive government regulations, belonging to a global warming religious cult and demanding everybody else live by your insane claims and absurdities, convincing blacks they're victims of whitey, keeping blacks in ghetto plantation servitude to the racist Democrat Party encouraging blacks to abort their children and hating on a republican President. Those are the ideology and actions of authoritarians, fascist, socialist and communist.
"Liberals" are Bill Of Rights constitutionalist, "conservatives" are the conservationist of the Bill Of Rights. True liberals and true conservatives are synonymous!!!!! They're one in the same!!!!!
Yup, pretty much... I'd definitely be a supporter of classic liberalism (true liberalism). They supported liberty... Today's "liberals" (Marxist leftists) are anything BUT liberty supporters... They want Big Brother government to control everything and want AI devices like Alexa to do their thinking (and spying) for them...
By God, you are even sillier! Trumpf distributing drugs, I suppose.
Aren't you silly!
Actually America was founded on "liberal" principles. So, calling today's leftist liberals is really a misnomer. There's nothing liberal about gun control, taking successful folks money to bribe the vote of lesser successful folks with it, banning god from public schools, and preventing christian displays on public property, food police, federal drug wars preventing, and shouting down free speech on college campuses, inciting the leftist base to interfere in the free movements of conservative folk, massive government regulations, belonging to a global warming religious cult and demanding everybody else live by your insane claims and absurdities, convincing blacks they're victims of whitey, keeping blacks in ghetto plantation servitude to the racist Democrat Party encouraging blacks to abort their children and hating on a republican President. Those are the ideology and actions of authoritarians, fascist, socialist and communist.
"Liberals" are Bill Of Rights constitutionalist, "conservatives" are the conservationist of the Bill Of Rights. True liberals and true conservatives are synonymous!!!!! They're one in the same!!!!!
Not an argument... dismissed on sight...
It is doubtless extremely distorted. How many elephants are sitting on your head?
When she stops beating me, kid!Have you stopped beating your wife yet?
No one is taking successful peoples' money to bribe votes.
An impotent being cannot be 'banned' from public schools, you pathetic moron.
Banning the gov't from promoting specific faiths promotes liberty.
The WOD drugs is a creation of conservatives, dipshit./
Science isn't a cult.
Do you EVER post when sober, princess?
And taxpayer financed welfare isn’t bribing the votes of them folk getting the welfare, right? They’re all voting for constitutionalist libertarians & Republicans, correct, and the welfare loot just grows on trees, true?
Only leftist communist authoritarians believe God is an “impotent” being, and your juvenile, childish insult is comical, not cute and just evidence of your lack of civility, maturity and intellect!
God’s creation is not a “specific” faith, Christianity, Islam and many other faiths, including “The BIG Bang” are “specific faiths.” Your argument would have some credibility if “ALL” were banned but we both know one is not, however a government ban on anything short of a criminal act can hardly be passed off as “promoting liberty.”
And every Democrat and other leftist who has supported and voted for it and voted for politicians that voted for it are all “conservatives,” right? The Drug War wouldn’t have ever been instituted except for the “FACT” that sooooo many on the left supported and still support it. And it would have never been instituted had Washington’s swamp rats had obeyed their oath of office and “preserved, protected and defended” the Constitution of these United States. The Drug War is unconstitutional!!!!!
Man made Global Warming Isn’t science.” It’s socialist communist anti-capitalist propaganda preached by a cult of leftist zombis.
LOL! You lack the requisite intelligence to even begin to know what it is. Have your parole officer explain 'communism' to you, child.Do you ever reply to post as an adult? Or are you a juvenile 5th grade trash mouth trapped in an adult body?
When I'm not addressing an adult, but rather a whining, pig-ignorant troll like you? That's an odd thing to complain about.