Exactly how can you say people are Liberals, just like that?

You haven't got a clue.

Insult fallacy. Buzzword fallacy.

I don't believe you.

No, that's socialism. Capitalism isn't organized. It doesn't have to be.

The NAZI party is socialism in the form of fascism. See the writings of Karl Marx.

Hey...just like YOU! :laugh::laugh::laugh:

Hey...just like YOU! :laugh::laugh::laugh:

I have no master, dude. I am a free man.

Talking through your arse is quite a feat - you should go on the stage. Meanwhile, I am tired of wasting my time on historically illiterate American fascists, so piss off and die.
Talking through your arse is quite a feat - you should go on the stage. Meanwhile, I am tired of wasting my time on historically illiterate American fascists, so piss off and die.



Actually America was founded on "liberal" principles. So, calling today's leftist liberals is really a misnomer. There's nothing liberal about gun control, taking successful folks money to bribe the vote of lesser successful folks with it, banning god from public schools, and preventing christian displays on public property, food police, federal drug wars preventing, and shouting down free speech on college campuses, inciting the leftist base to interfere in the free movements of conservative folk, massive government regulations, belonging to a global warming religious cult and demanding everybody else live by your insane claims and absurdities, convincing blacks they're victims of whitey, keeping blacks in ghetto plantation servitude to the racist Democrat Party encouraging blacks to abort their children and hating on a republican President. Those are the ideology and actions of authoritarians, fascist, socialist and communist.

"Liberals" are Bill Of Rights constitutionalist, "conservatives" are the conservationist of the Bill Of Rights. True liberals and true conservatives are synonymous!!!!! They're one in the same!!!!!

That is the second dumbest post I have ever read.
Liberals don't really wear a calling card, like a MAGA hat for Trump supporters. So go ahead, and just say it. What makes a person a liberal, when you don't know any details? What are your perceptions? Don't say black.

If they reiterate the same liberal lies and deceptions, it's time you realize.

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Liberals don't really wear a calling card, like a MAGA hat for Trump supporters. So go ahead, and just say it. What makes a person a liberal, when you don't know any details? What are your perceptions? Don't say black.

It's like porn. I can't give a legal definition of it, but I know it when I see it.