Republicans have to have a demon! They have to have something to blame everything on.
It is because Republicans have divided American people into two groups- Republicans- and Everybody else.
Liberals has just become a catch phrase for Republicans meaning- Every one else who does not politically agree with me and Donald Trump, White Nationalists, Putin and the NRA..
One example- Even though millions of minority Americans vote Republican- The Republicans refer to minorities as liberals.
Another example- even though millions of Democrats are also known as Conservative Democrats, they are still referred to as liberals by the Trump mentally and socially ill supporters.
Basically- If you didn't vote for Donald Trump you are referred to by the Donald Trump supporters as a Liberal, commie, Facist, Fake News, minority, crybaby, nutsack, liar, deep state, socialist, evil, low IQ person, snowflake, nigger lover, or any thousand other hateful and regretful things.
It is a sickness that Donald Trump is spreading!
The Republicans have been hi-jacked by Donald Trump, Putin, and the NRA and are now mentally sick and diseased, and the only cure ids to vote them out of office and call them out.