Exactly how can you say people are Liberals, just like that?

Again, this wrong teaching. The founders were conservatives, dude. They were fighting liberals from Britain that were trying to claim the land for King George and tax the colonists into subservience. Liberals are called liberals because they desire to liberally apply laws and policies to achieve their ends.

The concept of a republic (constitutional government) is a conservative idea. That IS limited government. That is NOT liberally applying laws and policies. It is REJECTING that very idea.

This lie was perpetuated by liberals during the days of FDR. It is attempt to whitewash liberals from what they are.

Wow. Literally everything you posted is wrong and unmoored from reality.

You're really quite fucking stupid.

You can take a 3rd grader off of the playground but you can’t take a 3rd grader’s mindset out of a conservative.

I may be a righty, but I will always have an inner lefty. This is because we were ALL born as little lefties who screamed for a bottle or tit for survival. We all remain commies until we are civilized by our parents, church, and teachers. Unfortunately, some folks in society will live their entire lifetime as commies/lefties, depending on what we missed when we were growing up and becoming civilized.

Those of us who have been civilized and tamed are righties, but we retain the memories of what it is like to think like a lefty. Unlike lefties, we have first hand experience thinking both as lefties, AND like righties. This means that commies/lefties can not think like us, and that they have absolutely no idea how righties think, yet we fully understand what lefties are thinking.
They still have discrete meanings that have not changed. However, many in today's politics are left liberal communists or fascists (both are socialists) and most of them are Democrats.

Wrong. Many believe that lefty, liberal, commie, democrat, socialist, communist, and many other political descriptions still have unique meanings, but this is because they cannot differentiate today's political landscape from yesterday's. Closet lefties/commies like to deny that these all mean the same thing, but this is because they are closet commies/Dems.
I'm not going to look through a plethora of past posts to see whether you've admitted it outright or not.

However, you don't have to outright say "I support Fascism" in order to be a supporter of Fascism. Fascism is a particular form of socialism. Fascism involves government control over business owners (ie, telling them what they can make, when they can make it, how they have to make it, how much they can sell it for, who they can sell it to, etc. etc.)...

Well I don't think the government should have that kind of power. I believe there should be some regulation. A restaurant shouldn't be allowed to poison their customers. But I don't think every private company should be run by the government.
I may be a righty, but I will always have an inner lefty. This is because we were ALL born as little lefties who screamed for a bottle or tit for survival. We all remain commies until we are civilized by our parents, church, and teachers. Unfortunately, some folks in society will live their entire lifetime as commies/lefties, depending on what we missed when we were growing up and becoming civilized.

Those of us who have been civilized and tamed are righties, but we retain the memories of what it is like to think like a lefty. Unlike lefties, we have first hand experience thinking both as lefties, AND like righties. This means that commies/lefties can not think like us, and that they have absolutely no idea how righties think, yet we fully understand what lefties are thinking.

That was incredibly funny. Not because it’s so idiotic—the thought you expressed; not you personally. Again, not because its so idiotic but the logic of “we know what you’re thinking” is proven to be false on essentially every thread in politics where a conservative offers an opinion.
That was incredibly funny. Not because it’s so idiotic—the thought you expressed; not you personally. Again, not because its so idiotic but the logic of “we know what you’re thinking” is proven to be false on essentially every thread in politics where a conservative offers an opinion.

When young children tell their parents that there is a monster under the bed, they simply cannot conceive that their parents know otherwise. Lefties simply cannot conceive that righties are thinking thoughts that are unique to righties. Lefties cannot process the implications of what you can only process as "funny."
Well I don't think the government should have that kind of power. I believe there should be some regulation. A restaurant shouldn't be allowed to poison their customers. But I don't think every private company should be run by the government.

Restaurants don't poison their customers (at least intentionally) because they want their customers to keep coming back. Who needs government to interfere with that?
When young children tell their parents that there is a monster under the bed, they simply cannot conceive that their parents know otherwise. Lefties simply cannot conceive that righties are thinking thoughts that are unique to righties. Lefties cannot process the implications of what you can only process as "funny."

Righties believe that they know how liberals feel about issues. Nearly every thread in politics proves different.
Righties believe that they know how liberals feel about issues. Nearly every thread in politics proves different.

Unfortunately, you are only capable of processing my posts with lefty thoughts. Lefties absolutely cannot know what right is think, since they have never been righties. Righties can think like lefties though, since we were once lefties ourselves.

Those of us who have been civilized and tamed are righties, but we retain the memories of what it is like to think like a lefty. Unlike lefties, we have first hand experience thinking both as lefties, AND like righties. This means that commies/lefties can not think like us, and that they have absolutely no idea how righties think, yet we fully understand what lefties are thinking.
Unfortunately, you are only capable of processing my posts with lefty thoughts. Lefties absolutely cannot know what right is think, since they have never been righties. Righties can think like lefties though, since we were once lefties ourselves.

Those of us who have been civilized and tamed are righties, but we retain the memories of what it is like to think like a lefty. Unlike lefties, we have first hand experience thinking both as lefties, AND like righties. This means that commies/lefties can not think like us, and that they have absolutely no idea how righties think, yet we fully understand what lefties are thinking.

Righties believe that they know how liberals feel about issues. Nearly every thread in politics (this one especially) proves differently.
Nope... Socialism is following the teachings of Karl Marx. It is not control by the "vast working majority" (not sure what you mean by that)... It would be controlled by a dictator or an oligarchy (which means big powerful government) and everybody else (who isn't part of "the elite" would be compelled to "fall in line".

Wrong. Those are socialist institutions. Socialism (Karl Marx followers) needs those things for compulsion and control purposes.
Karl Marx didn't go in for 'teachings'. He did, however, predict control by the vast working majority. What Marx have you ever read?
There are no Nazi's today, dude. WW2 is over. Germany lost. Perhaps you haven't heard about it yet.

The NAZI party were socialists. Fascism is socialism. I do not support socialism. It can only exist by stealing wealth.
You are a Nazi today, and so is the colony of 'Israel', as you know.
Ah. So you have clue what 'brainwashing' is.You are just using it as buzzword to insult people.
Brainwashing, child, is so treating the mugs that they can't even consider any ideas but what their masters have kicked into their flabby arses. You are typical of what it means.
There is no such thing as a 'capitalist government'. There ARE forms of government compatible with capitalism, such as republics.

Since you consider the police 'armed thugs', that pretty well shows where you sit. You're nothing more than a useful idiot for the Church of Karl Marx.

All governments are run by capitalists for capitalists. Are you blind and deaf as well as drunk?
Righties believe that they know how liberals feel about issues. Nearly every thread in politics (this one especially) proves differently.

Lefties do not know what righties believe. I fully understand that lefties can believe they know what it is like to be a righty, even though it is like a man believing he knows what it is like to be a woman. I was born as a lefty just like everybody else was, and I remember what it was like to be a lefty. I know from first hand experience what it is like to be a lefty, but lefties do not know from first hand experience what it is like to be a righty. Lefties can only speculate what it must be like to be a righty, and they can only speculate with lefty thoughts.

The logic that I have presented to you never gets dismantled by lefties/commies, it only gets met met with arbitrary and/or belligerent arguments like yours that are not substantiated with logic.