Exactly how can you say people are Liberals, just like that?

Liberals don't really wear a calling card, like a MAGA hat for Trump supporters. So go ahead, and just say it. What makes a person a liberal, when you don't know any details? What are your perceptions? Don't say black.

Easy. Anyone following Marxist ideology. Any member of the Church of Karl Marx.
Actually America was founded on "liberal" principles.
No. The colonists were rejecting the liberal policies of England and the king.
So, calling today's leftist liberals is really a misnomer.
No, it isn't.
There's nothing liberal about gun control, taking successful folks money to bribe the vote of lesser successful folks with it, banning god from public schools, and preventing christian displays on public property, food police, federal drug wars preventing, and shouting down free speech on college campuses, inciting the leftist base to interfere in the free movements of conservative folk, massive government regulations, belonging to a global warming religious cult and demanding everybody else live by your insane claims and absurdities, convincing blacks they're victims of whitey, keeping blacks in ghetto plantation servitude to the racist Democrat Party encouraging blacks to abort their children and hating on a republican President. Those are the ideology and actions of authoritarians, fascist, socialist and communist.
Actually, there is. It is the liberal application of laws and policies to accomplish all of these. That's what 'liberal' means.
"Liberals" are Bill Of Rights constitutionalist, "conservatives" are the conservationist of the Bill Of Rights. True liberals and true conservatives are synonymous!!!!! They're one in the same!!!!!
I realize this is taught in many places, but it is actually wrong. The colonists were conservatives, plain a simple. They were not Bill of Rights constitutionalists because: there was no Bill of Rights or constitution in place; and the Bill of Rights is not a constitution.

A conservative wishes to conserve minimal law, and rule by law (a constitutional form of government). Each colony first formed their own constitutions, then got together to form the first inter-colony constitution, the Articles of Confederation. This was insufficient, however, so the colonies organized a federal government by putting in place the Constitution of the United States. This was the first time colonies were referred to as 'States', each with their own constitutional government.

'Liberal' has always meant 'liberal application of the laws and policies'. It's what England did at the time. Not the colonists. The colonists wanted minimal government. There were conservatives.

Liberals have never wanted a constitutional government. It gets in their way. They want an oligarchy or dictatorship as the form of government. They consider themselves 'the Elite'. It was true for England then just as it is true for liberals today.
Lefty, liberal, commie, democrat, socialist, communist, and many other political descriptions all mean the same thing in today's political landscape. Those terms once had unique meanings, but now they all describe the same shit bags who hate America. I can often spot lefties without hearing them talk, but all it takes is hearing a few sentenses to identify them.

It's just a feeling, right?
Liberalism is the normal ideology of capitalism,
WRONG. They are opposites of each other!
except when it's in crisis, in which case it calls in fascists.
WRONG. Fascism IS liberalism.
I suppose, therefore, that anyone not consciously a socialist is a liberal
Fascism IS socialism. It is the liberal mindset.
unless you have clear symptoms of fascism,
Fascism isn't symptoms. It is a form of economic control by government.
as you do with the racist trumpers.
Bigotry. Fallacy fallacy. Trump isn't racist. Neither are most of his followers (although some are).
Calling everybody else a "racist" is leftism. Leftism is socialism. Socialism is the ideological stupidity of leftist morons!!!!!

It's also bigotry. It's a compositional error involving people as the class. That's the very definition of bigotry.
I call anyone a racist who believes, incorrectly, that humanity is divided up into 'races' and supports his/her own imagined team as long as it is power. That's just fact, and has nothing to do with politics, except that the bosses always gain by such total bilge.
Since you have done so, I will call you a racist as well. A compositional error is a fallacy. If the error involves people as the class, that is bigotry. If the element used is a physical trait, that is racism. You have done both. You are racist.
Lefty, liberal, commie, democrat, socialist, communist, and many other political descriptions all mean the same thing in today's political landscape. Those terms once had unique meanings, but now they all describe the same shit bags who hate America. I can often spot lefties without hearing them talk, but all it takes is hearing a few sentenses to identify them.

There are subtle differences. There always has been, and they still are. They haven't changed.

A 'lefty' is one the sides with the Democrats, who traditionally sit on the left side of the House.
A 'liberal' is one that believes in a liberal application of the law and policies to achieve their ends.
A 'commie' is simply short for 'communist'.
A Democrat is a member of the Democratic party, which follows a liberal ideology.
A 'socialist' is one that condones the teachings of Karl Marx. It ranges over all phases of implementing socialism, including communism.
A 'communist' is one that condones communism, but does not necessarily condone the steps leading to communism (such as fascism).

All of these seek to destroy constitutional government. All of them seek to implement an oligarchy or dictatorship form of government.

I agree with your method of judgment. Many liberals are easily identified by the way they dress and even walk. As soon as they open their mouths, it doesn't take long to confirm your suspicions.
It's just a feeling, right?

Don't bother with Evmetro, he's just the one that trolls like a dingus with this stuff. I haven't decided if he's just a blockhead, trying to goad people, or if he's a roll troll, like TDAK. I draw towards the latter because his trolling is in poor fashion, and is a knock to the team he's up to bat for. It's unreal how stupid he sounds, scoffing liberal towards people chewing gum. He has bragged about roll playing before, being a lefty on some sites, and a rightist on others. So I'd give it 70% chance, he's a role playing troll.
Don't bother with Evmetro, he's just the one that trolls like a dingus with this stuff. I haven't decided if he's just a blockhead, trying to goad people, or if he's a roll troll, like TDAK. I draw towards the latter because his trolling is in poor fashion, and is a knock to the team he's up to bat for. It's unreal how stupid he sounds, scoffing liberal towards people chewing gum. He has bragged about roll playing before, being a lefty on some sites, and a rightist on others. So I'd give it 70% chance, he's a role playing troll.

Yeah, that's why I didn't bother giving him a serious answer. I've seen enough of him to know he's just a troll.
A racist is a person that believes races of folks other than the one he/she belongs to are inferior. No true American liberal/conservative believes that only leftist and rightist believe that kind of stuff, because both are mental authoritarians, fascist, socialist & BIG government collectivist.

A reasonable view, but there is actually a more precise definition.

In formal logic, there is such a thing as a compositional error. This is a fallacy (an error in logic). It is improperly extending the elements of a class across the entire class.
An example is a bag of marbles. You pull two marbles out of the bag and they are both white. From this you assume the bag contains only white marbles. Obviously, this is wrong. It is extending a property (color) of an element (a marble) across the class (the bag of marbles) improperly (by assumption).

When the class is people, this fallacy is called 'bigotry'. It is extending some property, such as a religious view, across an entire class of people (that may have many religious views). Religious bigots such as anti-Semites, people that argue all Christians are fundamentalists, are one example.
When the property extended is a physical inheritable trait, such as skin color, eye color, nose shape, hair color, etc. the fallacy is called 'racism'. Racists are also bigots since one is an extension of the other.

This fallacy is a particularly ugly one. It is often used by liberals and socialists to divide before conquering. It also has been used to justify not only simply mistreatment of people, but to justify genocide.

Socialism can only exist by stealing wealth. Those condoning it must declare themselves The Elite in order to specify how your wealth should be redistributed to others. This is the mental authoritarian aspect that you see in them.
Since there are no such things as 'races' I can't really enter into your racist games, I'm afraid.
You already have, dude.
Capitalist governments are always big, by the way, because of the vast amount of thieving they have to support.
Capitalism requires NO government at all. Pioneers out in the wilderness had no government. Capitalism created civilization out of the wilderness. It is the only economic system that creates wealth.
Socialism can only exist by stealing wealth. You keep conflating socialism and capitalism as if they were the same thing.
What. apart from having been heavily brainwashed, is your problem?
You don't know what brainwashing is. Buzzword fallacy. Insult fallacy.
I imagine that, like all the the other right-American weirdoes,
you use 'socialism' to mean 'the capitalist government' as compared with the individual thieves who control it.
Redefinition fallacy (socialism <-> capitalism). Redefinition fallacy (void -> capitalist government). There is no such thing as a 'capitalist government'. Bigotry. Not all leaders in government are thieves.
Aren't you silly!

He actually has a point. Conservatives tend to value their cars (they worked for it after all, and paid for it with their own money, not the banks). They tend to not want to deface them with bumper stickers.
Liberals expect everything to be given to them. They treat their cars like shit. They are social justice warriors. They will happily bumper sticker their car to 'make a point'.
Yup, pretty much... I'd definitely be a supporter of classic liberalism (true liberalism). They supported liberty... Today's "liberals" (Marxist leftists) are anything BUT liberty supporters... They want Big Brother government to control everything and want AI devices like Alexa to do their thinking (and spying) for them...

A liberal (classic or contemporary) has never supported liberty. That's not what 'liberal' has ever meant. Liberals are called that because they support liberal application of law and policies to achieve their ends.