Expectations for Super Bowl

I know that the NFL look full control of the halftime show, after a history of trying to let the artists decide, but then there was all of that low quality.

Are halftime acts finally getting paid?
The way it used to work the NFL would set up guidelines, then picked the artist, then the artist and the NFL agreed on who should be in charge of the show. After the show was designed the NFL signed off and/or demanded changes.

Now the NFL is doing it in collaboration with the artist.

According to my understanding.
Naaa, it will probably suck like many before. I think the last good one was when U2 played. I'm looking forward to the Budweiser commercial with the baby Clydesdale.

Remember Janet Jackson and JT's "wardrobe malfunction"? Totally planned.
Also, I think Hawk's intimidated by some black guys' physical superiority. I think that motivates a lot of racism - envy.

Yep, one of those "ME TARZAN- YOU CHEATAH" kind of mentalities!

With this year being the first time ever for two Black QB's facing off, the racists are loosing their bowels over it!
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Now this is what a quality show looks like:

Lets see if the NFL can get in the right ballpark for a change.

I dont think this can be explained by the teams that made it, this looks like a supply and demand problem caused by the American people increasingly tuning out the WOKE NFL.

I predict that TV ratings will be down substantially.
They're predicting big numbers!! Over 100 million!!There's a new twist this year...Lots of references to Faith and Football....we've seen more of this since the Damar Hamlin accident.... Both quarterbacks really embrace their faith...$20 million worth of new ads..."He gets Us"...
I never gave it a thought that both QB's were black until the post above. I just looked at them as QB.

The Bowl? I'm going with the Eagles.

Michael Irvin does not deserve this.


The bitch wanted money. It's gonna cost her employer lots of money.
They aren't both black...they are both Christians...;) First I'm hearing of the Michael Irvin incident...He'll get some $$ and free hotels for life...:)
They aren't both black...they are both Christians...;) First I'm hearing of the Michael Irvin incident...He'll get some $$ and free hotels for life...:)

He'll own that hotel and a few more, as he should for that manager telling the NFL, knowing it was bullshit. That morning show won't be the same without him, he made that show.
I am going to root for the Chiefs on two grounds, they are the underdogs and they have resisted changing their names to suit the WOKE.