Expectations for Super Bowl

I agree...and it's happening way too often...
And across many sports. I am struck that I have almost never heard anyone making a serious stab at trying to figure out what is going on.....all I hear the knee jerk "They dont get paid enough". ....which may or may not be true but it does not explain the propensity of officials to degrade their sports. One guy did say something like "Dont blame the officials, they are trying to do what they have been told by the people who run the league, which is an idiotic idea......NO MERCY!".
And across many sports. I am struck that I have almost never heard anyone making a serious stab at trying to figure out what is going on.....all I hear the knee jerk "They dont get paid enough". ....which may or may not be true but it does not explain the propensity of officials to degrade their sports. One guy did say something like "Dont blame the officials, they are trying to do what they have been told by the people who run the league, which is an idiotic idea......NO MERCY!".
There's NO excuse for poor officiating...ever....
There's NO excuse for poor officiating...ever....

The excuse used in the NFL for the heavy hand of the law is to prevent injuries because there is a push to get rid of football, the reason claimed is injuries. Really I think these are the people who want all of American culture weakened, so that they can replace it.
The excuse used in the NFL for the heavy hand of the law is to prevent injuries because there is a push to get rid of football, the reason claimed is injuries. Really I think these are the people who want all of American culture weakened, so that they can replace it.
i don't mind if they call targeting when it's targeting...there's no excuse for that kind of hit....but stop calling things that don't happen!! It's really just ridiculous...even worse in college ball....
i don't mind if they call targeting when it's targeting...there's no excuse for that kind of hit....but stop calling things that don't happen!! It's really just ridiculous...even worse in college ball....

One of the announcers will almost certainly get a call from the NFL today....He said something like "According to the rules it has to be clear and convincing to overturn the call on the field, but I did not see anything, and look how long it took for them to make the call.....how could it have been clear and convincing?"

Announcers cant talk like that anymore...this guy forgot the new rules.
i don't mind if they call targeting when it's targeting...there's no excuse for that kind of hit....but stop calling things that don't happen!! It's really just ridiculous...even worse in college ball....

How do you feel about the announcers not mentioning till the second half that they were seeing lots of bad tackles all game? Now I know why....they have been told to say as little negative as they can because their job is to run up the reputation of the NFL...but this was rather important for the fans to understand.

Ditto the shit quality field that the NFL caused because they did not know what they were doing with a new strain of grass. THey pretty much waited till they had to say something about it, but they sure were not doing what their jobs used to be re keeping the fans informed.
Humans are a mixture of rational and irrational....as you should know.
Correct, but the mix varies by the individual. Your obsession with “woke” and a game is very irrational as most often displayed through your depression and negativity.
How do you feel about the announcers not mentioning till the second half that they were seeing lots of bad tackles all game? Now I know why....they have been told to say as little negative as they can because their job is to run up the reputation of the NFL...but this was rather important for the fans to understand.

Ditto the shit quality field that the NFL caused because they did not know what they were doing with a new strain of grass. THey pretty much waited till they had to say something about it, but they sure were not doing what their jobs used to be re keeping the fans informed.
The "Sod Father" spoke about how proud he was of the field...but apparently, the turf itselfwas an issue...and not helped any from all the stomping from "rehearsals"....
The best pro sports playoffs start in a few weeks.


Pissed off Bruins goalie :laugh:
As I look around it increasingly looks like this SB is aging poorly, that the NFL screwed the pooch when they desperately needed to have a successful SB.

The bad calls, the bad field, the poor quality of play, the lack of defense...
NFL is rigged like anything else these days. The NFL has had a hard on for Jerry Jones going back 25 years now. Im convinced they will never even sniff another SB in my lifetime. What was done to Zeke Elliot and the Cowboys a few years back is about as sickening a story as you will ever hear.
NFL is rigged like anything else these days. The NFL has had a hard on for Jerry Jones going back 25 years now. Im convinced they will never even sniff another SB in my lifetime. What was done to Zeke Elliot and the Cowboys a few years back is about as sickening a story as you will ever hear.

Roger Goodell-Chris Jones embrace at Super Bowl 2023 baffles Twitter: ‘Weird af’
Elsewhere on Twitter, one NFL fan expressed, “When the script goes as planned,” while another opined of the league, “Rigged confirmed.” One user also said, “This is weird af.”

The very last thing the NFL needs after this botched SB.
That enemy of the Revolution Musk was in the Commishes suite is the prime reason that Goodell is in hot water today, not the poor performance of the NFL....the Revolution is hostile to competence, poor performance will rarely get one in trouble with the WOKE.