Fact Check: Trump makes more than 20 false claims in RNC acceptance speech

100% true. We appear to be a rather stupid species that doesn't learn from its history, even history as recent as that in some of our lifetimes.
and the right is all for doing away with the dept. of education.
it seems to me they want to keep their MAGA followers as stupid as they can so they can control their little minds and they will believe everything they tell them.
as I have said before the 2025 project and the fact Trump says he wants to do a lot of what is in it scares the hell out of me. I can't understand why people of a nation that has the freedoms we have would want a dictatorship.
Have a nice day
That's nice honey. The problem is, you're posting lies starting from 2-1/2 years ago while I posted lies that took place on one day in one 90-minute speech. Your list isn't apples to apples.

I see you continue to cower from my challenge to support any of the 20 lies Daniel Dale told - your choice.

I understand - your claims are indefensible.
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100% true. We appear to be a rather stupid species that doesn't learn from its history, even history as recent as that in some of our lifetimes.
I blame it on the Republicans chipping away at our education system for the past 30 years by cutting funding and engaging in revisionist history books. It creates a nation of poorly educated voters whose parents couldn't afford to send them to private schools, which is 90% of all American students.

Project 2025 seeks to get rid of the DOE and cut federal funding even further. They don't mention that 92% of all school funding is local but they want to cut that even more.

Federal education policy should be limited and, ultimately, the federal Department of Education should be eliminated...

Public school students make up approximately 90% of US students, while private schools serve about 10%. Public schools are funded by taxes, while private schools rely on tuition and donations.
I see you continue to cower from my challenge to support any of the 20 lies Daniel Dale told - your choice.

I understand - your claims are indefensible.
Your challenge, Sybil? You mean the one where you are hiding behind your anonymous keyboard, son?

What would your mother think about you threatening women on the Internet???
"Former President Donald Trump accepted the Republican presidential nomination on Thursday with the most dishonest speech in the four-day Republican National Convention, making more than 20 false claims by CNN’s count.

Trump has made many of these false claims before, some of them for years. They spanned topics including the economy, immigration, crime, foreign policy and elections. Some of them were total lies, others smaller exaggerations. Some were in his prepared text (like the claim that he left the Biden administration a world at peace), while he ad-libbed others (such as his lies that Democrats cheated in the 2020 election and that the US is experiencing the worst inflation it has ever had).

Here are some of the claims CNN fact-checked Thursday:
Trump’s misleading claim about North Korean missile launches during his presidency

Trump’s claims of defeating ISIS in a “couple of months”

Trump on the impact of immigration on Medicare and Social Security

Trump’s exaggeration about gas prices

Trump’s claims about military equipment left in Afghanistan

Trump’s false claim that the ‘world was at peace’ during his administration

Read all the fact checks.

Give me a list of what you think are false claims and I'll do that.
More proof that you are not the Navy Chief you once were, Terry. The answer is in the OP:

"Former President Donald Trump accepted the Republican presidential nomination on Thursday with the most dishonest speech in the four-day Republican National Convention, making more than 20 false claims by CNN’s count.

Trump has made many of these false claims before, some of them for years. They spanned topics including the economy, immigration, crime, foreign policy and elections. Some of them were total lies, others smaller exaggerations. Some were in his prepared text (like the claim that he left the Biden administration a world at peace), while he ad-libbed others (such as his lies that Democrats cheated in the 2020 election and that the US is experiencing the worst inflation it has ever had).

Here are some of the claims CNN fact-checked Thursday:
Trump’s misleading claim about North Korean missile launches during his presidency

Trump’s claims of defeating ISIS in a “couple of months”

Trump on the impact of immigration on Medicare and Social Security

Trump’s exaggeration about gas prices

Trump’s claims about military equipment left in Afghanistan

Trump’s false claim that the ‘world was at peace’ during his administration

Read all the fact checks.
More proof that you are not the Navy Chief you once were, Terry. The answer is in the OP:
Okay. I'll go through them.

OP List:

1. CNN took Trump's statement out of context. Not a lie, they even admit it in their second sentence on inflation rates.

2. Reductio ad absurdum fallacy on missile launches and N. Korea. They take Trump's statement that is a generalization and find minor exceptions. Again, not a lie on Trump's part.

3. Another Reductio ad absurdum fallacy regarding ISIS. Trump may exaggerate the effectiveness and timeline of his actions against ISIS but, even CNN admits they were eventually defeated. Not a lie.

4. On Trump's classified documents case. CNN admits Trump's statements aren't completely accurate, but obliquely says they aren't lies either.

I could go through the rest, but it's all the same thing. Exaggeration, hyperbole, generalizations, and platitudes, among other typical political rhetoric are all parsed through by CNN with a fine-tooth comb and then characterized as "lies" rather than what they are.

All in all, what CNN does is a form of strawman argument by quoting without context and using a series of reductio ad absurdum fallacies. That is, they parse Trump's speech, find a statement that isn't 100% accurate and then proclaim it is a lie. It's all just a bullshit attempt to attack and smear someone CNN's reporters outright hate. That lack of objectivity and any attempt to fairly report makes their claims worthless.
I blame it on the Republicans chipping away at our education system for the past 30 years by cutting funding and engaging in revisionist history books. It creates a nation of poorly educated voters whose parents couldn't afford to send them to private schools, which is 90% of all American students.

Project 2025 seeks to get rid of the DOE and cut federal funding even further. They don't mention that 92% of all school funding is local but they want to cut that even more.

Federal education policy should be limited and, ultimately, the federal Department of Education should be eliminated...

Public school students make up approximately 90% of US students, while private schools serve about 10%. Public schools are funded by taxes, while private schools rely on tuition and donations.
Ironically, but not by accident, the states who can least afford to lose any funding are already poorly-ranked, and red. It sounds like Project 2025's goal is to keep those red states creating more poorly-educated (R) voters.
Ironically, but not by accident, the states who can least afford to lose any funding are already poorly-ranked, and red. It sounds like Project 2025's goal is to keep those red states creating more poorly-educated (R) voters.
That's a major problem for the good of the nation. How can the US compete in the global marketplace with poorly educated workers?

The Preamble to the Constitution requires all who take the oath to abide by it:
We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

IIRC, about a third of Americans are already unfit to serve in the US military. Increasing the number of semi-literate, poorly educated American voters is only going to make that worse. Additionally, it adversely affects the pool of American workers and US ability to compete against other, better educated, nations.