Fact Check: Trump makes more than 20 false claims in RNC acceptance speech

I have another question for you I know that you won't answer.
you do know this is a discussion forum don't you?
so why do you keep posting garbage that has nothing to do with the topic of the thread your on and don't discuss anything?
are people talking way over your head?
and you don't understand what they are talking about?
when you post shit like you do it really makes you look like an asshole.
Have a nice day
"Former President Donald Trump accepted the Republican presidential nomination on Thursday with the most dishonest speech in the four-day Republican National Convention, making more than 20 false claims by CNN’s count.

Trump has made many of these false claims before, some of them for years. They spanned topics including the economy, immigration, crime, foreign policy and elections. Some of them were total lies, others smaller exaggerations. Some were in his prepared text (like the claim that he left the Biden administration a world at peace), while he ad-libbed others (such as his lies that Democrats cheated in the 2020 election and that the US is experiencing the worst inflation it has ever had).

Here are some of the claims CNN fact-checked Thursday:
Trump’s misleading claim about North Korean missile launches during his presidency

Trump’s claims of defeating ISIS in a “couple of months”

Trump on the impact of immigration on Medicare and Social Security

Trump’s exaggeration about gas prices

Trump’s claims about military equipment left in Afghanistan

Trump’s false claim that the ‘world was at peace’ during his administration

Read all the fact checks.
and this is surprising why? He routinely lies about most of his record. But he knows the cult will swallow whatever bllshtt he spews......and that is the scary part. They stole the election AMEN Biden is having me prosecuted AMEN the press is the enemy AMEN. I dont even know that woman AMEN. I could shoot someone AMEN. why should I not believe Puten. AMEN
I have another question for you I know that you won't answer.
you do know this is a discussion forum don't you?
so why do you keep posting garbage that has nothing to do with the topic of the thread your on and don't discuss anything?
are people talking way over your head?
and you don't understand what they are talking about?
when you post shit like you do it really makes you look like an asshole.
Have a nice day
you just admitted he says he is going to have them investigated , and if you did some reading into his other posts he says shut down,
MY point to you is he has been openly saying he wants to take other peoples Constitutional rights away, ( first AND second Amendment rights away from left leaning people, heck he even said If he found any fraud in the last election , and I am sure he will try to make some more up, he would terminate the Constitution )
and I have to ask you after he is done stomping on left leaning peoples Constitutional rights what says he doesn't come after Yours?
He has already said he doesn't care about you he ONLY wants your VOTE and we know he wants your money too.
Have a nice day
Your post is an excellent example of why #TRE45ON supporters should listen/read more carefully to what he says. He is literally saying he wants to be a Kim, a Putin, a Hitler, a Pol Pot. I think it's highly unlikely that any of his wished-for acts would have any military or legal support -- but that's not the point. This is what he wants. This is who he is.

Why would any free American citizen even think of voting for this man?
OMG could the ability to deceive yourself be any more apparent? You are one of the most snarkily disrespectful people on this forum.
100% accurate. She's also a person simmering with rage that she tries to hide underneath the fake nicey-nice schoolmarm persona. It doesn't work for me. You? :laugh:
Your post is an excellent example of why #TRE45ON supporters should listen/read more carefully to what he says. He is literally saying he wants to be a Kim, a Putin, a Hitler, a Pol Pot. I think it's highly unlikely that any of his wished-for acts would have any military or legal support -- but that's not the point. This is what he wants. This is who he is.

Why would any free American citizen even think of voting for this man?
I don't think the military as it is NOW would allow it BUT if he can fire enough high ranking officers and replace them with his flunkies and ass kissers he might be able to.
what worries me is he says he wants to take peoples Constitutional rights away from them and people on the right back him.
as I have asked them what happens when he is finished taking away the rights of left leaning people and he starts taking away YOURS , I haven't got a reply to that question yet.
They should remember that he HAS come right out and told them he DOESN'T care ( give a shit ) about them he only wants their vote ( and money ) .
and he DOESN'T.
Trump is ONLY out for Trump
Have a nice day
I don't think the military as it is NOW would allow it BUT if he can fire enough high ranking officers and replace them with his flunkies and ass kissers he might be able to.
what worries me is he says he wants to take peoples Constitutional rights away from them and people on the right back him.
as I have asked them what happens when he is finished taking away the rights of left leaning people and he starts taking away YOURS , I haven't got a reply to that question yet.
They should remember that he HAS come right out and told them he DOESN'T care ( give a shit ) about them he only wants their vote ( and money ) .
and he DOESN'T.
Trump is ONLY out for Trump
Have a nice day
100% true. We appear to be a rather stupid species that doesn't learn from its history, even history as recent as that in some of our lifetimes.
"Former President Donald Trump accepted the Republican presidential nomination on Thursday with the most dishonest speech in the four-day Republican National Convention, making more than 20 false claims by CNN’s count.

Trump has made many of these false claims before, some of them for years. They spanned topics including the economy, immigration, crime, foreign policy and elections. Some of them were total lies, others smaller exaggerations. Some were in his prepared text (like the claim that he left the Biden administration a world at peace), while he ad-libbed others (such as his lies that Democrats cheated in the 2020 election and that the US is experiencing the worst inflation it has ever had).

Here are some of the claims CNN fact-checked Thursday:
Trump’s misleading claim about North Korean missile launches during his presidency

Trump’s claims of defeating ISIS in a “couple of months”

Trump on the impact of immigration on Medicare and Social Security

Trump’s exaggeration about gas prices

Trump’s claims about military equipment left in Afghanistan

Trump’s false claim that the ‘world was at peace’ during his administration

Read all the fact checks.

Inflation “was 9% when I came to office.”

Says he “got arrested” while protesting in favor of desegregation.

On classified documents in his possession, “none of it was high classified.”

"There are a thousand billionaires now and you know what their average tax rate is? 8%."

“Under the Obama-Biden administration, we invested hundreds of millions of dollars in the state of Florida replacing wooden power poles with steel poles and we buried these electric lines."

“Ground zero in New York — I remember standing there the next day.”

“I’ve already” declared a national climate emergency

"We have plans to build a railroad from the Pacific all the way across the Indian Ocean."

The “average tax” for billionaires is “about 3%,” which is “a lower tax than a schoolteacher or a firefighter."

My son was killed in Iraq

Gun manufacturers are “the only industry in the country” that have immunity from lawsuits.

As a youth, “I got arrested” protesting for civil rights.

"The number of small businesses is up 30% compared to before the pandemic."

100s more