you could only hope to be half as smart as he is...........
Is this an admission on your part that you function down to his level??????????????????
you could only hope to be half as smart as he is...........
Is this an admission on your part that you function down to his level??????????????????
Stupidity and a lack of understanding how vaccines work.Fact: It's Not A Vaccine If You Can Still Get Covid After Getting The Shot(s)
Blood clots, paralysation, getting covid after the shot, dying after getting the shot etc. One has to wonder what is in these so referred to vaccines and who would stoop so low to be behind this phony get the shot bs. Oh right a bunch of gullible idiots and those using gullible idiots to try and dupe people into getting a shot that is proven harmful, devious and appearing completely useless towards preventing covid.
You got the shots, then why are you still wearing a mask dummy, is it because you know that the shots are useless but took the potential bio hazard anyway? After decades of lies etc. being forced through legislation, through media etc. as officials and media cater to globalist rubbish through lobbyist dictatorship while turning their backs on citizens to do it, how could any of you trust these so called officials and media or the rubbish that they spew?! Pretty sad times indeed. Sad to see that so few try and make it look like many are on board with their rubbish via lobbying and threatening anyone with using media to slander them or lose their job etc. for not going along with globalist rubbish.
Primary Factual Fundamentalist
World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
Hamilton Ontario Canada
Stupidity and a lack of understanding how vaccines work.
AssHatZombie is the JPP psycho.
yet you idiots are still out here pushing them as effective...............go figure
You know they're effective too if it wasn't for your opioid inflicted delusion
almost everyone here is below my level....................
That's what all psycho say.
can vaccinated people still get covid? can they still spread it to other vaccinated people?
how is that effective?
You're being a moron again
"billed as". do you believe everything eugenicist depopulaters tell you?
So you believe Qanon and Infowarsnd tell me I should not trust the medical profession. That is not a winning argument.
listen to environmentalists. they believe in genocide. ask them.
No, they do not. As bad as your "argument " was, you managed to make it worse.
listen to environmentalists. they believe in genocide. ask them.
yes they do. "humanity is a virus" they say.
Who is "they" You have to learn a bit of precison.You talk in generalities and make specific claims which do not follow or make no sense.
They do not. Can you say something true if you try? I have not seen it.
ignoring reality makes you the moron...........