Fact: It's Not A Vaccine If You Can Still Get Covid After Getting The Shot(s)

The pus between your ears is starting to Fester



This group of Anglo-American financiers and industrialists from ten different countries,
met in April, 1968 at Rockefeller’s private estate in Bellagio, Italy, at the request of
Aurelio Peccei, the Italian industrialist who had close ties to Fiat and the Olivetti Corporation. He claimed to have solutions for world peace and prosperity, which could be
accomplished through world government. The Club of Rome was established with a
membership of 75 prominent scientists, industrialists, and economists from 25 countries,
which along with the Bilderbergers, have become one of the most important foreign policy
arms of the Roundtable group.

Many of the Club of Rome executives were drawn from NATO, and they have been able to
formulate a lot of what NATO claims are its policies. Through Lord Carrington, they were
able to split NATO into two factions, a left-wing political group, and its former
military alliance.


The first Club of Rome conference in the U.S.was in 1969, where the American branch was
organized as the “American Association of the Club of Rome.” Among its members were:
Norman Cousins (honorary Chairman of Planetary Citizens), John Naisbitt (author of
Megatrends), Amory Lovins (a speaker at Windstar, John Denver’s New Age center in
Snowmass, Colorado), Betty Friedan (founding President of NOW, the National Organization of Women), Jean Houston and Hazel Henderson (New Age authors and speakers), Robert O. Anderson and Harlan B. Cleveland (CFR members and part of the Aspen Institute for Humanistic Studies), Sen. Claiborne Pell, and Rep. Frank M. Potter (staff director of the House Subcommittee on Energy).

For the most part, the Club functions as a research institute on economic, political,
and social problems, and claim that “there is no other viable alternative to the future
survival of civilization than a new global community under a common leadership.” On
September 17, 1973, they released a Report called the “Regionalized and Adaptive Model
of the Global World System,” which was prepared by Mihajlo Mesarovic and Eduard Pestel, which revealed the Club’s goal of dividing the world into ten political/economic
regions, called “Kingdoms,” which would unite the entire world under a single form of
government. These regions are: North America, Europe, Japan, South Africa and Australia, Asia, South America, North Africa and the Middle East, Central Africa, India and Indo-China, and China. The term “Kingdoms” was omitted, when the plan was published in a book called Mankind at the Turning Point, which said that the solutions to the problems of the world could only “be developed in a global context.” Howard Odum, a marine biologist at the Universityof Florida, who is a member of the Club of Rome, was quoted in the August, 1980 edition of Fusion magazine, as saying: “It is necessary that the United States cut its population by two-thirds within the next 50 years.” He didn’t say how this would be accomplished. However, one of their reports, “Limits to Growth,” in 1973, dealt with the problem of overpopulation. During the Carter Administration, a task force was appointed to expand upon this report, and on July 24, 1980, a two-volume document called “Global 2000 Report,” which had been written by former Secretary of State Cyrus R. Vance, was presented to President Carter, and then Secretary of State Edward S. Muskie. It attempted to project global economic trends for the next twenty years, and indicated that the resources of the planet were not sufficient enough to support the expected dramatic increase in the world population. The report called for the population of the U.S. to be reduced by 100 million people by the year 2050. About six months later, the Council on Environmental Quality made recommendations based
on the Report, called “Global Future: A Time to Act.” They suggested an aggressive
program of population control which included sterilization, contraception and abortion.
In August, 1982, the Executive Intelligence Review published a report called “Global
2000: Blueprint for Genocide” which said that the two aforementioned Presidential
reports “are correctly understood as political statements of intent – the intent on the
part of such policy centers as the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral
Commission, and the International Monetary Fund, to pursue policies that will result not
only in the death of the 120 million cited in the reports, but in the death of upwards
of two billion people by the year 2000.” Throughout the world, the Club of Rome has
indicated that genocide should be used to eliminate people who they refer to as “useless
eaters.” This would be accomplished by using limited wars in advanced countries, and even a limited nuclear strike at a strategic location; starvation through created famines and diseases in Third World countries. This echoed an earlier plan. In 1961, Robert
McNamara, McGeorge Bundy, and Dean Rusk, all CFR members, were concerned that there were no studies concerning long-term plans for peace, and they wanted to study the direct and indirect ramifications of war. They wanted a study which would explore ways to control the economy during peace-time. A group of fifteen individuals, including a psychiatrist, anthropologist, a specialist on international law, biochemist, physicist, astronomer, mathematician, literary critic, historian, military expert, economist, sociologist, and an industrialist, began meeting in an underground nuclear shelter in Hudson, New York to design a long-range plan to control the population. Since then, some have speculated that the think-tank known as the Hudson Institute, actually conducted the Study. Started by Herman Kahn in 1961 “to help determine the entire future of the U.S.- and time permitting, much of the world beyond,” many of their members and fellows belonged to the CFR. This secret report (which wasn’t released until September, 1966), known as the Report from Iron Mountain on the Possibility and Desirability of Peace, appeared to be a blueprint for the future of this country, and contained recommendations that included plans for governmental control and manipulation, depopulation, gun control and disarmament, an international police force, and concentration camps. The Report stated some of the invisible functions of war: “…provides anti-social elements with an
acceptable role in the social structure…the younger, and more dangerous, of these
hostile social groupings have been kept under control by the Selective Service
System…man destroys surplus members of his own species by organized warfare…enables
the physically deteriorating older generation to maintain control of the younger,
destroying it if necessary.” The Report also made this observation: “War has provided
both ancient and modern society with a debatable system for stabilizing and controlling
national economies. No alternate method of control has yet been tested in a complex
modern economy that has shown it is remotely comparable in scope or effectiveness. War
fills certain functions essential to the stability of our society; until other ways of
filling them are developed, the war system must be maintained, and improved in


In the 1976 novel Ceremony of the Innocent by Taylor Caldwell, she effectively explains
the rationale behind their actions: “…there will be no peace in the tormented world,
only a programmed and systematic series of wars and calamities- until the plotters have
gained their objective: an exhausted world willing to submit to a planned Marxist
economy and total and meek enslavement- in the name of peace.”

Have their plans for genocide already started? AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome) has become a plague in our society, spreading to 91 nations. The U.S. News and World Report stated a few years ago: “If there is not a cure for AIDS within the next thirteen years, tens of millions will die.” Even though there has been a lot of talk about AIDS awareness and prevention, the full danger of it has been covered-up by the Center for Disease Control, and the media, which has increasingly shown its pro-homosexual bias.

In the 1972 Bulletin of the UN’s World Health Organization (WHO), volume 47, page 251,
it says: “An attempt should be made to see if viruses can in fact exert selective
effects on immune function. The possibility should be looked into that the immune
response to the virus itself may be impaired if the inflicting virus damages, more or
less selectively, the cell responding to the virus.” This sounds like the AIDS virus, so
why is it being discussed by a health organization?

Derivatives from sheep and cattle


This group of Anglo-American financiers and industrialists from ten different countries,
met in April, 1968 at Rockefeller’s private estate in Bellagio, Italy, at the request of
Aurelio Peccei, the Italian industrialist who had close ties to Fiat and the Olivetti Corporation. He claimed to have solutions for world peace and prosperity, which could be
accomplished through world government. The Club of Rome was established with a
membership of 75 prominent scientists, industrialists, and economists from 25 countries,
which along with the Bilderbergers, have become one of the most important foreign policy
arms of the Roundtable group.

Many of the Club of Rome executives were drawn from NATO, and they have been able to
formulate a lot of what NATO claims are its policies. Through Lord Carrington, they were
able to split NATO into two factions, a left-wing political group, and its former
military alliance.


The first Club of Rome conference in the U.S.was in 1969, where the American branch was
organized as the “American Association of the Club of Rome.” Among its members were:
Norman Cousins (honorary Chairman of Planetary Citizens), John Naisbitt (author of
Megatrends), Amory Lovins (a speaker at Windstar, John Denver’s New Age center in
Snowmass, Colorado), Betty Friedan (founding President of NOW, the National Organization of Women), Jean Houston and Hazel Henderson (New Age authors and speakers), Robert O. Anderson and Harlan B. Cleveland (CFR members and part of the Aspen Institute for Humanistic Studies), Sen. Claiborne Pell, and Rep. Frank M. Potter (staff director of the House Subcommittee on Energy).

For the most part, the Club functions as a research institute on economic, political,
and social problems, and claim that “there is no other viable alternative to the future
survival of civilization than a new global community under a common leadership.” On
September 17, 1973, they released a Report called the “Regionalized and Adaptive Model
of the Global World System,” which was prepared by Mihajlo Mesarovic and Eduard Pestel, which revealed the Club’s goal of dividing the world into ten political/economic
regions, called “Kingdoms,” which would unite the entire world under a single form of
government. These regions are: North America, Europe, Japan, South Africa and Australia, Asia, South America, North Africa and the Middle East, Central Africa, India and Indo-China, and China. The term “Kingdoms” was omitted, when the plan was published in a book called Mankind at the Turning Point, which said that the solutions to the problems of the world could only “be developed in a global context.” Howard Odum, a marine biologist at the Universityof Florida, who is a member of the Club of Rome, was quoted in the August, 1980 edition of Fusion magazine, as saying: “It is necessary that the United States cut its population by two-thirds within the next 50 years.” He didn’t say how this would be accomplished. However, one of their reports, “Limits to Growth,” in 1973, dealt with the problem of overpopulation. During the Carter Administration, a task force was appointed to expand upon this report, and on July 24, 1980, a two-volume document called “Global 2000 Report,” which had been written by former Secretary of State Cyrus R. Vance, was presented to President Carter, and then Secretary of State Edward S. Muskie. It attempted to project global economic trends for the next twenty years, and indicated that the resources of the planet were not sufficient enough to support the expected dramatic increase in the world population. The report called for the population of the U.S. to be reduced by 100 million people by the year 2050. About six months later, the Council on Environmental Quality made recommendations based
on the Report, called “Global Future: A Time to Act.” They suggested an aggressive
program of population control which included sterilization, contraception and abortion.
In August, 1982, the Executive Intelligence Review published a report called “Global
2000: Blueprint for Genocide” which said that the two aforementioned Presidential
reports “are correctly understood as political statements of intent – the intent on the
part of such policy centers as the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral
Commission, and the International Monetary Fund, to pursue policies that will result not
only in the death of the 120 million cited in the reports, but in the death of upwards
of two billion people by the year 2000.” Throughout the world, the Club of Rome has
indicated that genocide should be used to eliminate people who they refer to as “useless
eaters.” This would be accomplished by using limited wars in advanced countries, and even a limited nuclear strike at a strategic location; starvation through created famines and diseases in Third World countries. This echoed an earlier plan. In 1961, Robert
McNamara, McGeorge Bundy, and Dean Rusk, all CFR members, were concerned that there were no studies concerning long-term plans for peace, and they wanted to study the direct and indirect ramifications of war. They wanted a study which would explore ways to control the economy during peace-time. A group of fifteen individuals, including a psychiatrist, anthropologist, a specialist on international law, biochemist, physicist, astronomer, mathematician, literary critic, historian, military expert, economist, sociologist, and an industrialist, began meeting in an underground nuclear shelter in Hudson, New York to design a long-range plan to control the population. Since then, some have speculated that the think-tank known as the Hudson Institute, actually conducted the Study. Started by Herman Kahn in 1961 “to help determine the entire future of the U.S.- and time permitting, much of the world beyond,” many of their members and fellows belonged to the CFR. This secret report (which wasn’t released until September, 1966), known as the Report from Iron Mountain on the Possibility and Desirability of Peace, appeared to be a blueprint for the future of this country, and contained recommendations that included plans for governmental control and manipulation, depopulation, gun control and disarmament, an international police force, and concentration camps. The Report stated some of the invisible functions of war: “…provides anti-social elements with an
acceptable role in the social structure…the younger, and more dangerous, of these
hostile social groupings have been kept under control by the Selective Service
System…man destroys surplus members of his own species by organized warfare…enables
the physically deteriorating older generation to maintain control of the younger,
destroying it if necessary.” The Report also made this observation: “War has provided
both ancient and modern society with a debatable system for stabilizing and controlling
national economies. No alternate method of control has yet been tested in a complex
modern economy that has shown it is remotely comparable in scope or effectiveness. War
fills certain functions essential to the stability of our society; until other ways of
filling them are developed, the war system must be maintained, and improved in


In the 1976 novel Ceremony of the Innocent by Taylor Caldwell, she effectively explains
the rationale behind their actions: “…there will be no peace in the tormented world,
only a programmed and systematic series of wars and calamities- until the plotters have
gained their objective: an exhausted world willing to submit to a planned Marxist
economy and total and meek enslavement- in the name of peace.”

Have their plans for genocide already started? AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome) has become a plague in our society, spreading to 91 nations. The U.S. News and World Report stated a few years ago: “If there is not a cure for AIDS within the next thirteen years, tens of millions will die.” Even though there has been a lot of talk about AIDS awareness and prevention, the full danger of it has been covered-up by the Center for Disease Control, and the media, which has increasingly shown its pro-homosexual bias.

In the 1972 Bulletin of the UN’s World Health Organization (WHO), volume 47, page 251,
it says: “An attempt should be made to see if viruses can in fact exert selective
effects on immune function. The possibility should be looked into that the immune
response to the virus itself may be impaired if the inflicting virus damages, more or
less selectively, the cell responding to the virus.” This sounds like the AIDS virus, so
why is it being discussed by a health organization?

Derivatives from sheep and cattle

read this y'all.

sickos believe war and death is necessary for control.

hegemonic stability. evil.
Fact: It's Not A Vaccine If You Can Still Get Covid After Getting The Shot(s)

Blood clots, paralysation, getting covid after the shot, dying after getting the shot etc. One has to wonder what is in these so referred to vaccines and who would stoop so low to be behind this phony get the shot bs. Oh right a bunch of gullible idiots and those using gullible idiots to try and dupe people into getting a shot that is proven harmful, devious and appearing completely useless towards preventing covid.

You got the shots, then why are you still wearing a mask dummy, is it because you know that the shots are useless but took the potential bio hazard anyway? After decades of lies etc. being forced through legislation, through media etc. as officials and media cater to globalist rubbish through lobbyist dictatorship while turning their backs on citizens to do it, how could any of you trust these so called officials and media or the rubbish that they spew?! Pretty sad times indeed. Sad to see that so few try and make it look like many are on board with their rubbish via lobbying and threatening anyone with using media to slander them or lose their job etc. for not going along with globalist rubbish.


Primary Factual Fundamentalist
World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
Hamilton Ontario Canada

I just hope the ignorance of non vaccer's, put these poor miserable souls out of their misery soon and thank God Flu season is coming...hopefully by the holidays all non vaccers....GONE GONE GONE
read this y'all.

sickos believe war and death is necessary for control.

hegemonic stability. evil.

So called Georgia guide stones


it's widely believed that the mysterious person who commissioned this project was ted turner, founder of cnn, husband to traitor skank jane fonda.

That skank was trying to cause trouble in Alberta fairly recently if I recall ... yeah it was to try and shame us for extracting oil but was just fine with us importing the shit apparently ...
it's widely believed that the mysterious person who commissioned this project was ted turner, founder of cnn, husband to traitor skank jane fonda.

I'm pretty sure I came across the guy in your profile photo here in Hamilton Ontario btw Hat on the Bruce Trail. It was a couple of years ago and we said hey to one another but that was it. Yeah, Vladimir Putin ;)
People would rather take a pill made for dogs, than a vaccine proven to keep them above ground??? Only in America folks, white trash racist America!!
People would rather take a pill made for dogs, than a vaccine proven to keep them above ground??? Only in America folks, white trash racist America!!

The trash here is obviously you.

Why would I take a shot if it doesn't make me immune to covid? It's obviously not a vaccine. Idiots like you just want me to suffer the side effects and good thing I am not as stupid as you obviously.

Last edited:
Fact: It's Not A Vaccine If You Can Still Get Covid After Getting The Shot(s)

Blood clots, paralysation, getting covid after the shot, dying after getting the shot etc. One has to wonder what is in these so referred to vaccines and who would stoop so low to be behind this phony get the shot bs. Oh right a bunch of gullible idiots and those using gullible idiots to try and dupe people into getting a shot that is proven harmful, devious and appearing completely useless towards preventing covid.

You got the shots, then why are you still wearing a mask dummy, is it because you know that the shots are useless but took the potential bio hazard anyway? After decades of lies etc. being forced through legislation, through media etc. as officials and media cater to globalist rubbish through lobbyist dictatorship while turning their backs on citizens to do it, how could any of you trust these so called officials and media or the rubbish that they spew?! Pretty sad times indeed. Sad to see that so few try and make it look like many are on board with their rubbish via lobbying and threatening anyone with using media to slander them or lose their job etc. for not going along with globalist rubbish.


Primary Factual Fundamentalist
World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
Hamilton Ontario Canada

A vaccine does not necessarily mean you cannot get covid.

Here is the definition of "vaccine" from Merriam Websters:

"Definition of vaccine
1: a preparation that is administered (as by injection) to stimulate the body's immune response against a specific infectious agent or disease: such as
a: an antigenic preparation of a typically inactivated or attenuated (see ATTENUATED sense 2) pathogenic agent (such as a bacterium or virus) or one of its components or products (such as a protein or toxin)
a trivalent influenza vaccine
oral polio vaccine
Many vaccines are made from the virus itself, either weakened or killed, which will induce antibodies to bind and kill a live virus. Measles vaccines are just that, weakened (or attenuated) measles viruses.
— Ann Finkbeiner et al.
… a tetanus toxoid-containing vaccine might be recommended for wound management in a pregnant woman if [greater than or equal to] 5 years have elapsed … .
— Mark Sawyer et al.
In addition the subunit used in a vaccine must be carefully chosen, because not all components of a pathogen represent beneficial immunological targets.
— Thomas J. Matthews and Dani P. Bolognesi"

(the boldface and underlining are my doing)

So you see, a vaccine, by definition, does not always prevent the disease, but it does stimulate the body's defenses against it. That is why 92% or more of the people in the hospital, in ICU, or on a ventilator from covid are unvaccinated. The vaccine made a huge difference in people's ability to defend against covid.
A vaccine does not necessarily mean you cannot get covid.

Here is the definition of "vaccine" from Merriam Websters:

"Definition of vaccine
1: a preparation that is administered (as by injection) to stimulate the body's immune response against a specific infectious agent or disease: such as
a: an antigenic preparation of a typically inactivated or attenuated (see ATTENUATED sense 2) pathogenic agent (such as a bacterium or virus) or one of its components or products (such as a protein or toxin)
a trivalent influenza vaccine
oral polio vaccine
Many vaccines are made from the virus itself, either weakened or killed, which will induce antibodies to bind and kill a live virus. Measles vaccines are just that, weakened (or attenuated) measles viruses.
— Ann Finkbeiner et al.
… a tetanus toxoid-containing vaccine might be recommended for wound management in a pregnant woman if [greater than or equal to] 5 years have elapsed … .
— Mark Sawyer et al.
In addition the subunit used in a vaccine must be carefully chosen, because not all components of a pathogen represent beneficial immunological targets.
— Thomas J. Matthews and Dani P. Bolognesi"

(the boldface and underlining are my doing)

So you see, a vaccine, by definition, does not always prevent the disease, but it does stimulate the body's defenses against it. That is why 92% or more of the people in the hospital, in ICU, or on a ventilator from covid are unvaccinated. The vaccine made a huge difference in people's ability to defend against covid.

Ahh yes, globalists have been replacing genuine definition with rubbish to suit their agenda for years, decades even. If it doesn't make you immune it is not a vaccine and there is no sense in getting it if it does not make you immune especially with risk of serious side effects reported around the world on several occasions. Many people who get the shot get covid soon after (likely from getting a shot from a bunch of untrustworthy compulsive obsessive liars and deceivers) getting the shot (oh really bolsters their immunity when it appears that the shot itself gives covid on many occasion) or / and many other side effects from experimental bs. which severiously (aka severely + seriously) ruin peoples lives.
Ahh yes, globalists have been replacing genuine definition with rubbish to suit their agenda for years, decades even. If it doesn't make you immune it is not a vaccine and there is no sense in getting it if it does not make you immune especially with risk of serious side effects reported around the world on several occasions. Many people who get the shot get covid soon after (likely from getting a shot from a bunch of untrustworthy compulsive obsessive liars and deceivers) getting the shot (oh really bolsters their immunity when it appears that the shot itself gives covid on many occasion) or / and many other side effects from experimental bs. which severiously (aka severely + seriously) ruin peoples lives.

First of all, you are the one attempting to change the definition of "vaccine" to suit your needs.

Second of all, the vaccine does what a vaccine is designed to do. I stimulates the body's immune response. That is why the people in the hospital, and especially in ICU and on ventilators, are almost exclusively unvaccinated.
A vaccine does not necessarily mean you cannot get covid.

Here is the definition of "vaccine" from Merriam Websters:

"Definition of vaccine
1: a preparation that is administered (as by injection) to stimulate the body's immune response against a specific infectious agent or disease: such as
a: an antigenic preparation of a typically inactivated or attenuated (see ATTENUATED sense 2) pathogenic agent (such as a bacterium or virus) or one of its components or products (such as a protein or toxin)
a trivalent influenza vaccine
oral polio vaccine
Many vaccines are made from the virus itself, either weakened or killed, which will induce antibodies to bind and kill a live virus. Measles vaccines are just that, weakened (or attenuated) measles viruses.
— Ann Finkbeiner et al.
… a tetanus toxoid-containing vaccine might be recommended for wound management in a pregnant woman if [greater than or equal to] 5 years have elapsed … .
— Mark Sawyer et al.
In addition the subunit used in a vaccine must be carefully chosen, because not all components of a pathogen represent beneficial immunological targets.
— Thomas J. Matthews and Dani P. Bolognesi"

(the boldface and underlining are my doing)

So you see, a vaccine, by definition, does not always prevent the disease, but it does stimulate the body's defenses against it. That is why 92% or more of the people in the hospital, in ICU, or on a ventilator from covid are unvaccinated. The vaccine made a huge difference in people's ability to defend against covid.

Doesn't work always means doesn't work.