Scut Farkus
Verified User
You couldn’t even pronounce some of the classes I took.
try me.
You couldn’t even pronounce some of the classes I took.
That was part of the plan. To be more specific, they thought the House would pick the winner from among the top electoral vote recipients. That was about as close as they wanted the people, since they did directly elect their House members, to get to picking the President. They didn't trust the general population to know enough to be able to make a wise decision.
The founders also didn't foresee the coming of political parties and their impact.
He killed, as you know, a national hero. Certainly Trumpf knows all about terrorism, having learned it from his chum netenyahu. They're not my democrats, matey: I live in relative civilisation even after brexit.. The function of the NRA, as you know, is to make possible perpetual murder. They should concentrate on your Fuhrer, now there's money in it!![]()
You are the perfect Trump apologist...someone totally without regard for truth or common sense.
As for your, " Trump has been perfect as a spokesman for this country"... is Trump being a spokesman for this country...and he doesn't even say a word: think Trump is smart.
Okay. Now I understand why you "love" him.
(Psssst...he is ignorant as a sack of rocks.)
True, and some believed the states would eventually use popular votes to choose electors. That was part of the reason for Franklin's "a republic, if you can keep it" remark. They were afraid the republic would "deteriorate" into a democracy.
3 years and that's your evidence lol.
So a sack of rocks is smarter than you by far. Based on your lack of debate skills you are dumber than most on your side on this board.
A national hero? Trump is a terrorist? The NRA makes murder possible? Trump is hitler?
Listen to yourself. It doesn't seem possible for someone to be this stupid but you are proving it. You subjects have ruined your once great country don't try to fuck ours up. Seems enough of your people have rejected your liberal mindset and put conservatives in charge. They will make your country great again.
Hillary Clintion in a career criminal. Her "rap-sheet" dates back to the Whitewater Scandal in the late 1970s. Then, hot on the heels of this,she tried her hand at bribery in the Cattle Futures market and made herself a cool$100,000 in less than 12 months (which ever trader in the US who worked in that market said at the time was TOTALLY IMPOSSIBLE to do legally. And hey, why did some Russian arsehole decide one day to donate $145,000,000 to "The Clinton Foundation"? He must have just been a really sweet guy, who wanted to help sick children in the 3rd world. Right Adolph? Erm, no, I don't think so. Hillary would have you believe that "The Clinton Foundation" is a Mary Poppins-like charity that knocks itself out doing good deeds around the world; unfortunately the fact is that it was/is nothing more than a devious front for Hillary's international money-laundering operations. Oh yes, and why was it that when Hillary was ordered to hand over evidence as part of a criminal investigation into her misuse of a private email server for classified US government she used a hammer and liquid bleach to destroy that evidence ? Holy smoke that's illegal, but Obama's FBI chief say, "Don't worry about it Hillary, I going to let you of with a little smack on the wrists this time. And hey, why did darling little Hillary pay a low-life British spy who was fired from M-I6 in London a shit-load of money ($12,000,000) to have him dig up bogus dirt on Trump and record it in the so-called "Steele Dossier" which is a worthless document that is almost literally full of shit - that wasn't very nice, was it Adoph? Anyone who voted for Hillary Clinton was either: (1) a po' black or Hispanic or Asian; (2) a young, "Pink Pussy Cap" wearing or "Slut-Walking" type of shit-for -brains female; (3) a postmodern/leftist academic (probably a queer) working in a college non-STEM faculty; (4) a member of the wealthy, liberal-progressive, "Chattering Class" elite in a State like California who can afford to live in a fancy, big house in a walled compound that keeps out the plebs who are shooting -up and crapping (i.e; literally defecating/urinating) all over the side-walks of cities like San Francisco (where "prayerful" Nancy Pelosi, for ex, lives), BTW, the amount of human shit on the sidewalks of many big Californian cities is currently so bad that some teenage kid invented an app last year called "SNAP-CRAP". When you almost tread in a large, juicy poo on the sidewalks of LA or San Francisco, etc; the SNAP-CRAP app lets you alert the local council authorities as to the precise location of the offending poo in question (along with a photo image of the poo !) so they can then dispatch some poor bastard to go out and clean it up; (5) or had an IQ between 70 and 90 ( that is dumb or extremely dumb/borderline retarded).
I think, for me California's poo crisis ( or if you like, "turd tsunami") sums up the Democrats perfectly. California is a "deep-Blue" state that Trump, unfortunately, can not win. But when you have Democrat politicians/law-makers/councils/Mayors in California making it legal (which it is) to just drop your pants and lay a nasty, big turd on the sidewalk whenever you feel the urge, it seems to me that something, somewhere has gone VERY badly wrong with the way the state is being governed. Right, Adolph. I mean, if I decided to drop a shit on the sidewalk of my city centre because I was too lazy to find a toilet, I would be breaking the law and if I were caught by the police doing the "dirty deed", I would be issued a court summons and I really don't think the Magistrate would be very impressed. I would probably cop a huge fine, and if I did it again I would almost certainly end up behind bars serving a 6 month or so custodial sentence.
You hypocrite piece of shit your party kills babies, saves condemned killers, and wants socialism which has led to the death of millions.
Our forefathers predicted you and your kind. The kind that thinks your way is right and all others is evil. The kind that can kill the unborn while calling your political opposite morally bankrupt. The kind to stupid to learn from the past and pushes socialism. They added the second amendment because of folks who think like you.
Sad that because of folks who think like me you get to talk all that shit. Shit that would get you jailed. I'm still wondering if the me not dying peacefully is a threat you hate filled sack of shit.
Kind and charitable lol libtards are among the stingiest with their own money. They help the least amount of those lesser among us. They/ you are selfish garbage. You are the architect of "if it feels good do it" the liberal hippy mindset that killed families across this country. A mindset that is to this day one of the worst evils I have seen.
What balls to live in such a glass house and toss so many stones. Simply amazing post scariest I have seen. Let me scare you now. I CANT WAIT TO VOTE FOR TRUMP IN NOVEMBER. I WILL DONATE MORE MONEY THAN EVER BEFORE TO ANY POLITICAL CANDIDATE. I WILL ACTIVELY VOLUNTEER IN HIS CAMPAIGN. I WILL LOVE EVERY SECOND OF IT.
You aren't smart you are hate filled and evil. You sound like a nazi talking about jews.
That is just an example of how an ignorant, classless boor would make his way forward in a crowd.
Love him, Daddyo.
He does seem like your kind of person.
Should he have bowed to him like obama did? That make him more of a statesman in your eyes? Should he have offered him billions on a pallet or perhaps told him that he would have more flexibility after the election? Make you like him then I bet.
Which of those truisms has your brainwashing caused you to doubt? Didn't they let you see the newsreels of the funeral? Trump just had the official of a foreign power murdered in peacetime - that's what terrorists do, kid. Who else ensures guns for every murderer in America but the bloody NRA? Hitler was at least elected: he had to ban the CP to do it, but you don't have that problem. I'm no believer in the UK, child, I'm no liberal either, and the tories are just pigs without their brains, as you know. Get your puppets amongst humans do, naziboy. That gang of shits are to incompetent even for Trumpf!![]()
Here are some interesting facts that should be considered in any discussion of Trump:
America’s 12 Highest income states: Maryland, New Jersey, Hawaii, Massachusetts, Connecticut, California, New Hampshire, Alaska, Washington, Virginia, Colorado, Utah.
Trump won only 2 of those states.
America’s 12 Lowest income states: West Virginia, Mississippi, Arkansas, New Mexico, Louisiana, Alabama, Kentucky, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, North Carolina, Missouri
Trump won 11 of those states.
America’s 12 most educated states: Massachusetts, Maryland, Vermont, Connecticut, Colorado, Virginia, New Hampshire, Minnesota, Utah, Washington, New Jersey, New York.
Trump won only 1 of those states.
America’s 12 least educated states: Mississippi, West Virginia, Louisiana, Arkansas, Alaska, Kentucky, Nevada, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, New Mexico, Texas.
Trump won 10 of those states.
Some may not see any significance to the distribution. But they are worth considering. So...
...have a go at them.
We can discuss any significance or lack of significance.
Obama labeled the dead scumbag a terrorist. He was actively involved in the death or wounding of thousands of american heroes. He was planning an attack.......WAS..... now he has assumed room temperature. Absolutely justified.
Obama killed Abdulrahman al-Awlaki, a us citizen, via drone strike without a peep from you or the left wing nut jobs on this forum.
The second amendment moron. The 2nd amendment insures that we have access to firearms. The NRA is simply a lobbying group helping to keep that right from being taken away by leftist scumbags and making us into you.....helpless victims unable to respond because you allowed your government to disarm you and make you subjects.
Should he have bowed to him like obama did? That make him more of a statesman in your eyes? Should he have offered him billions on a pallet or perhaps told him that he would have more flexibility after the election? Make you like him then I bet.