I have seen (and respect) the Pew studies but it was in the minority. Most found Trump won the white college vote. Apparently, one reason for differences is the difficulty of weighting educational levels.

I based my 49% v. 45% on the NY Times exit polls:

And a few other sources:

"Blame Trump’s Victory on College-Educated Whites, Not the Working Class"

"The voters Clinton really lost—the ones she was targeting and relying on for victory—were college-educated whites. Most polling suggested she would win these voters, but she didn’t, according to exit polls: White men went 63 percent for Trump versus 31 percent for Clinton, and white women went 53-43 percent. Among college-educated whites, only 39 percent of men and 51 percent of women voted for Clinton."


"White and wealthy voters gave victory to Donald Trump, exit polls show"

"What appears to have made the biggest difference on the night was the turnout for Trump of white voters across the board – of both sexes, almost all ages and education levels, and from mid- and higher income levels.

--Among college-educated whites, 45% voted for Clinton – 39% of men and 51% of women (the only white demographic represented in the poll where the former secretary of state came out on top). But 54% of male college graduates voted for Trump, as did 45% of female college graduates."


"Meanwhile, college-educated whites appear to have preferred Trump slightly, according to current exit poll figures (which, once again, could still shift some). That would mean Trump moderately underperformed Romney, who won this group by 14 points, according to the data from Pew.

However, that would still essentially be a win for Trump, considering that at one point, it looked like Trump might be the first Republican in decades to lose white, college-educated Americans."

The moral and philosophical condition of the United States comes immediately to mind.

Seems the immorality is far more rampant among the lefts constituents than the right. From the outside looking in it's the left that include the most immoral groups alive. The places in this country with the worst living conditions and the most immorality almost all (I cant find a republican run shit hole) are run by your guys. Areas like San Fran, Chicago, Detroit, Miami. They are but a test area of what liberal policies will do nationally. So when you say trump has caused immoral conditions in america I laugh. You are a joke. A sad ignorant biased joke.

Trump has been perfect as a spokesman for this country. His past immorality as a private citizen is irrelevant as long as he doesn't continue that behavior while in office. Which he has not.
There were no socialists running and when you are over 20 trillion in debt it's about time to raise taxes. Yes the highest income states obviously have the smartest persons in them and they did not vote for this jackass.

Raising taxes kills the economy. Why not cut spending? Same results in having money to pay down the debt yet allows for a thriving economy.
A lot of people sat the 2016 election OUT.

Low turnout levels.

Disgusting choices cited.

I am predicting a heavier turn out in November.

Trump fans are totally sold on the bully, have grown accustomed to being lied to.

Dump Trump Dems are very highly motivated to unseat him.

Most really do not care who the nominee is. They just can't wait for their chance to vote against Trump.
There were no socialists running and when you are over 20 trillion in debt it's about time to raise taxes. Yes the highest income states obviously have the smartest persons in them and they did not vote for this jackass.

They are all socialist running on your side.
It's simple fact that whatever Trump received, Clinton received more. She won the popular vote and lost the election in the electoral college. Those are facts only dumbshits debate.

And it doesn't mean shit for her except a loss.

My Buccaneers had 500 yards of offense to the 250 of there opponent yet we lost on what counts. In this case the scoreboard.
You are a fucking liar. If 20k votes were cast by one person it would be front page news on every major news channel. Got a link? And make it CBS, NBC or ABC news, they would not miss a story such as that.

Yeah you are right it was only 17,000 votes from a heavy demonrat county

The records showed more than 17,000 vote-by-mail ballots came in on Election Day or after, said Caldwell attorney*George LeMieux.*Of those, 6,873 did not get logged until after 7 p.m., after polls closed.

So 6873 spoiled ballots there and thousands of spoiled ballots over all. The election supervisor refused to report ballot totals as required by law. The recount erased a 10k plus lead by the republican. Florida's supreme court backs the lefts law breaking and allows the late reporting. Late reporting allows for cheating as ballots can be added with no oversight very easily. Cheating pieces of shit.
Entirely possible. No one ever dreamed an incompetent jackass could actually win so they didn't bother with voting. Let's hope they have realized that and show up this time.

So sad that you cant see all the great Trump is doing for this country. The incompetent jackass is out performing your best by far. He has been playing your party like a fiddle and now has them speaking rosy about and defending in some cases a terrorist general responsible for killing and maiming thousands of our troops lol. I love this guy. Best president in US history.
I doubt you have ever read a book and those who believe they are threatened by immigration or minorities are just plain ignorant, like you. Got a title to that book?

Wow you are the dumbest person I've seen in a long time. Millions of workers willing to accept less pay not gonna threaten lifestyles? Wont affect unemployment numbers making it harder to find a job? Wont increase crime rates, Auto accidents, fraud? Dumbx2
I'll raise you two conservative SC justices, a resumption of domestic oil production, a pipeline and Paris Accords and call......

That would be a checkmate but these fools aren't capable lol.

Dont forget NAFTA repair, trade imbalances corrected, manufacturing coming home, tackling tough issues ignored by other potus's like n korea, iran , china, the border etc.
The fat, senile murderer Trump is a War criminal. Anyone who now supports him supports murder. NRA members, I suppose, lynchers and other racists. Difficult, though, to imagine a country full of enough malevolent inadequates to get this unutterable shit elected to power!

Hey baby killer look in the mirror. Trump killed a terrorist general who maimed and killed thousands of our troops. Anyone who supports one of your demonrats is guilty of killing innocent children. Many of those minorities making you a racist baby killer.

Btw the NRA was founded to arm blacks back in the day.

AND...what I said is true:

Almost EVERY poll ever taken on the issue shows that the more education an individual has, the less likely that person is to support Trump...and the less education the individual has, the more likely that person is to oppose him. More educated voter = opposition to Trump...less educated voter = support for Trump.

That fact must upset Trump supporters.

It should!

If it were revealed he has a two-digit IQ...it would not astonish me. It is my opinion that he is a stupid person...and childish, which is probably worse.

I doubt he is ACTING stupid...he is. And he can be very foolish.

He is shrewd...but it is my opinion that he is stupid. They are not mutually exclusive. And, as H. L. Mencken supposedly said, "Nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public."

I never underestimate that piece of garbage...nor over-estimate the intelligence of a typical Trump supporter.

You guys love making yourselves out to be so smart and trump so dumb lol. Make you feel better to hear it? Need to hear it because you have questions perhaps? Trump is smarter than the smartest one of you. By far.
Here is what you better keep in mind...

....If you are voting for Donald Trump, you are an Asshole Mother-Fucking Redneck Son-Of-A-Bitch!

Trump is a shit-stain on our nation...and on humanity in general.

The nation's "prosperity" is being obtained on a credit card...one which he has no intention of ever paying.

If you see what he is doing to our Republic as "great stuff"...you are beyond hope.

Again all bullshit with no answers. Just you flapping your ball washers. I didnt expect answers lol.

But the fact remains that the people who are most highly educated tend to oppose Trump...and those who are least educated tend to support him.

Put as much lipstick on that pig as you must...it will remain a PIG.

A piece of paper called a degree obviously doesn't make them smart! Just look at their choice. It just says that they completed college. Something I didnt want to do but would have been easy enough. So because I chose to enter the work force, learn a business, and ultimately open my own successful business, doesn't mean a dummy voted for trump.

College does not a genius make. It simply tells employers that you are capable of completing a task. My wife outperformed college grads making more than her because of their degree. All of them, dozens, and by far. She got tired of seeing them making more for the piece of paper and got her bachelors then masters. It was hard ONLY because she did it while working full time and raising 2 kids. It doesn't make you smarter than someone without a degree or a better worker.

The people with the most education reject Trump.

The people with the least education worship him.

The people indoctrination by leftist professors support the leftist......shocker

The people taught by life experience support the business man.