Not upsetting at all. Given the depth of the liberal indoctrination centers known as college it's not unexpected. That's why liberal activist chose the profession. To influence.

Many here on this board are highly educated yet unable to critically think through an issue. Many so smart that they must be right in the face of facts that say otherwise. Some allow hate to override thought processes.

What is higher education? My son is currently in school and it's nothing but writing papers. His major will be nothing that on the job training cant do. Save for the specialties like dr's. Which need the knowledge in advance. The point is college doesn't determine intelligence. It makes you smarter yes but those without it are made smarter as well via actual life experience.

Example teachers. All teachers get pretty much the same training. Yet they are all different with only a handful any good. They should all be great if that higher education was all that.

You go ahead and keep arguing how college grads are dumb and ignorant shitheads such as yourself are brilliant. Your like minded dumbshit trumper friends will probably thank you.
Not upsetting at all. Given the depth of the liberal indoctrination centers known as college it's not unexpected. That's why liberal activist chose the profession. To influence.

Many here on this board are highly educated yet unable to critically think through an issue. Many so smart that they must be right in the face of facts that say otherwise. Some allow hate to override thought processes.

What is higher education? My son is currently in school and it's nothing but writing papers. His major will be nothing that on the job training cant do. Save for the specialties like dr's. Which need the knowledge in advance. The point is college doesn't determine intelligence. It makes you smarter yes but those without it are made smarter as well via actual life experience.

Example teachers. All teachers get pretty much the same training. Yet they are all different with only a handful any good. They should all be great if that higher education was all that.


But the fact remains that the people who are most highly educated tend to oppose Trump...and those who are least educated tend to support him.

Put as much lipstick on that pig as you must...it will remain a PIG.

But the fact remains that the people who are most highly educated tend to oppose Trump...and those who are least educated tend to support him.

Put as much lipstick on that pig as you must...it will remain a PIG.

they've been indoctrinated with globalist propaganda.
Hello Frank,


AND...what I said is true:

Almost EVERY poll ever taken on the issue shows that the more education an individual has, the less likely that person is to support Trump...and the less education the individual has, the more likely that person is to oppose him. More educated voter = opposition to Trump...less educated voter = support for Trump.

That fact must upset Trump supporters.

It should!

If it were revealed he has a two-digit IQ...it would not astonish me. It is my opinion that he is a stupid person...and childish, which is probably worse.

I doubt he is ACTING stupid...he is. And he can be very foolish.

He is shrewd...but it is my opinion that he is stupid. They are not mutually exclusive. And, as H. L. Mencken supposedly said, "Nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public."

I never underestimate that piece of garbage...nor over-estimate the intelligence of a typical Trump supporter.

He is easy to understand. HE is nothing but a sophisticated rich spoiled brat bully.

What's more difficult to understand is the reason for his fanatical following in the party that used to tout moral values.
Hello Frank,

He is easy to understand. HE is nothing but a sophisticated rich spoiled brat bully.

What's more difficult to understand is the reason for his fanatical following in the party that used to tout moral values.

They have been had, Poli. And have no idea of how to get out of it without losing face.

So they are sticking with him.

They are a sad bunch.

They've got a life ahead of them to realize and regret just how short-sighted and unpatriotic they are being right now.
They have been had, Poli. And have no idea of how to get out of it without losing face.

So they are sticking with him.

They are a sad bunch.

They've got a life ahead of them to realize and regret just how short-sighted and unpatriotic they are being right now.

it's easy. dems abandoned working people in favor of globalist zealotry and corruption.
educated people are just good at following. they don't think for themselves.

Nice rationalization.

Try not to get to bothered by the fact that educated people reject Trump. Even intelligent uneducated people reject him. He is a shit-stain on the Republic.
Almost EVERY poll ever taken on the issue shows that the more education an individual has, the less likely that person is to support Trump...and the less education the individual has, the more likely that person is to oppose him. More educated voter = opposition to Trump...less educated voter = support for Trump.

That fact must upset Trump supporters.

It should!

I don't think it upsets a lot of Trump supporters since many of the working class think the college educated have no common sense resent them for looking down on the working class. They would prefer to be making $80,000 at a plant than $50,000 as a teacher. They don't identify with the educated class. They are as snobbish against college educated as the college educated are snobbish against them.

I think you are incorrect in your description of Trump voters. The polls showed Trump got a large share of his votes from whites without a college degree--not "uneducated" unless you consider 2/3 of American as uneducated because they lack a degree.

If you simply divide the population into college degree and non-college degree, Clinton won the votes. However, if you break it down into more levels of education, it varies.

Those with the least education (less than 6 years, some secondary school)--Clinton wins those voters. Those with the lowest educational levels (blacks and Hispanics) vote the most heavily Democratic.

High school graduates and some college--Trump wins those voters

College graduates--Clinton wins those voters 49%-45%.
White college graduates--Trump wins those voters 49%-45%

Post-graduate--Clinton wins

I remember when Democrats championed representing the working class. Today, they brag about being more educated than they are. That may explain why Democrats have lost the white working class vote.