Hello Frank,

There is no way Trump is the lesser of ANY two evils.

I think Hillary would have done a good job as the first female President. Republicans would have fought tooth and nail to prevent President Hillary Clinton from achieving any successes. Republicans are way too partisan. More dedicated to their party than their nation. It's to the point that they would screw the nation just to make Democrats look bad so they could get power back.
Hello Flash,

If you assume people vote for a party because it benefits them economically is one explanation although outdated.

The facts as you posted them are pretty basic and do not reveal who actually voted for Trump and Clinton within those states. For example, those with the lowest level of education (blacks and Hispanics) are the most likely to vote Democratic and do so whether they live in high income or low income states.

Uneducated poor white voters tended to vote for Trump. And there are more of them than there are blacks or Hispanics... for now.
Hello Nordberg,

Trump started the whole thing back when he ended the nuke agreement. I suppose you could think that was the plan all along. Get out of that. Quit talking to them and then attack. Kill one of their most important people. We all know iran has to respond to save face. (yes nations work on that childish level).Now Trump says if they dare respond, he will bomb 52 places inside Iran. Is there anyone who thinks that is not a clear declaration of war?
From Iran's viewpoint. Their highly esteemed and positioned leader was deliberately killed by Trump who was 3000 miles away. Can they just ignore it? Not and save face. So they have to do something. Trump will hit them inside. He has to because he shot his mouth off. (yes he works on the immature level). So we are going to war and it is Trump's fault.
What peaceful options remain? Trump killed them all.

He is a bully, always has been. If your only weapon is a fist, every issue looks like a face that needs to be punched. He has a lot of bully-type followers who think it's great what he's doing. They see no point in diplomacy, don't care that Trump has decimated the State department. They also think war with Iran would be a push-over, and that we could have won in Vietnam any time we wanted to start using nukes to 'really teach them a lesson.'

If we get thrown out of Iraq, Trump will claim he 'got us out of there.'
If you had more than a quarter brain you would understand that our attack ONLY happens IF they retaliate. They control whether 52 targets get hit moron.

Dummy. They have to respond. They cannot just let Trump assassinate their leaders and let it go. How would they explain it to their people? What would we do? What would any country do? Trump made that 52 site threat just to stop them from getting revenge. But since he did it on twitter, he has to follow up. He is too damn ignorant to keep anything to himself. And you are too Trumpted up to think.
Dummy. They have to respond. They cannot just let Trump assassinate their leaders and let it go. How would they explain it to their people? What would we do? What would any country do? Trump made that 52 site threat just to stop them from getting revenge. But since he did it on twitter, he has to follow up. He is too damn ignorant to keep anything to himself. And you are too Trumpted up to think.

It's still their choice. Theirs to make. This game is tough. They play it knowing there are costs.

Using your logic what did they think? When their guy was killing Americans. Trump had no choice but to retaliate. They knew this going in and still did it. You trump derrangment syndrome guys to sick to think.
You're free to believe that. TDS won't remove him from office however.

He is NOT going to be removed from office...not by "TDS" or by impeachment. I'm hoping the people will remove him from office next election...but even that is not a given. The mechanics of our elections are such that no matter how large the popular vote against him, he can still be re-elected by a majority of the Electoral College.

He is a stain on our nation, Woko. Time for as many people as possible to see, and acknowledge, that. I hope they do before November 3rd.
If you assume people vote for a party because it benefits them economically is one explanation although outdated.

The facts as you posted them are pretty basic and do not reveal who actually voted for Trump and Clinton within those states. For example, those with the lowest level of education (blacks and Hispanics) are the most likely to vote Democratic and do so whether they live in high income or low income states.

Some would interpret your facts as suggesting Trump voters are lower income and education while Clinton voters are higher income and more educated. That is not only factually wrong but a snobbish, elitist view that looks down on others--an attitude which helped elect Donald Trump.

Almost EVERY poll ever taken on the issue shows that the more education an individual has, the less likely that person is to support Trump...and the less education the individual has, the more likely that person is to oppose him. More educated voter = opposition to Trump...less educated voter = support for Trump.

That fact must upset Trump supporters.

It should!
The idiot has got this country popping. If it takes an ignorant disgusting man to run this country in the right direction.....I'm all in.

The last two "clean cut" "geniuses" couldn't run it right.

Best president in my lifetime! By far.

Without a doubt, the most disgusting human being ever to run for office in the United States during my lifetime...and almost 1/3 of all the presidents who have ever run for office in the US have run during my lifetime.

If you think this nation is being "run right" at the moment...there is no hope for you. If a majority of Americans think this nation is being "run right" at the moment...there is no hope for the nation.
Cali has the highest % of residents who have not been educated to 9th grade per the Census bureau.

Maybe they haven't gotten there yet. Fucking stupid claim that Cali is the least educated. If you google the least educated states you won't find Cali in any of the lists. You will find a list of states that all or 90% of voted for Trump.
And theyre mose likely least educated so its even worse

Most likely my ass. The least educated states are not up for discussion, it's known who they are. your "alternative facts" aren't facts at all, they're fucking lies spouted by an ignoramus.
I find it funny that states with the highest income voted for high tax politicians and highly educated states voted for socialists.

There were no socialists running and when you are over 20 trillion in debt it's about time to raise taxes. Yes the highest income states obviously have the smartest persons in them and they did not vote for this jackass.
Wrong, Trump received almost 63 million votes, dipshit. Can you go even one day without lying?

It's simple fact that whatever Trump received, Clinton received more. She won the popular vote and lost the election in the electoral college. Those are facts only dumbshits debate.